Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of October 6

Upcoming Community Events – Week of October 6


Historical Society Looking For Military Items
The James A Garfield Historical Society is in search of military uniforms for the Vietnam, Revolutionary and Afghanistan Wars. We are also looking for pictures of veterans in uniform for our new Military Room. Anyone who has served in the military any time throughout history, and has lived in the James A Garfield School District area, who would like to donate a picture or uniform, please contact Debbie Smith @ 330-389-1859 or Kit Semplak @ 330-842-2822 to make arrangements.

Crafters Needed
Crafters needed for 8th Annual Craft Show Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr., Windham which will be held on Oct. 28th from 9-4. Call 330-326-3003, ask for Tyra or leave a message.

In Search Of..
One of our future programs will discuss Freedom’s 8 one-room schools that served the township until the building of the Freedom School shortly before the US entered World War I. I would appreciate talking with anyone who has memories, pictures, or other memorabilia pertaining to any of these schools. I’d love to make copies of your pictures and information. Please call Judy at 330-527-7669 or talk to me at the Freedom Community Picnic. Thank you.

Community Garden Produce Stand
Community Garden In The Woods will offer locally grown produce in Garrettsville, located at Sky Lanes Bowling Alley parking lot and also Windham in the Plaza near Dee’s Diner. Open Saturday and Sunday in both locations. Garrettsville open 10am to dark and stand in Windham will be open from 11 – 6pm. Stands will continue through Halloween or as weather permits. For info call Diane Irwin 330-524-0592

Monday Breakfast at American Legion
Open to public $7.00 breakfast from 8-11:00am at the American Legion Post #674 in Windham. Menu: eggs ‘any style’, pancakes, sausage gravy and biscuits, hash browns, bacon, sausage (patties and links) and white, wheat or rye toast and coffee, tea and juice. Call 330/326-3188 for info.

Men on Mondays
Men on Mondays a men’s Bible study is held every Monday from 6:45 – 8 pm at the Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. Coffee and pastry will be provided at no charge.

Families Anonymous Meeting
Do you have a family member addicted to drugs or alcohol? Families Anonymous may help restore your serenity. We meet 7pm every Monday at Coleman Behavioral Services, Sue Hetrick Building, 3922 Lovers Lane/Loomis Parkway in Ravenna. For information call Peggy 330-760-7670.

Every Tuesday
St. Ambrose Church 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– Early bird at 6:45pm and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45pm. Great refreshments!

BINGO At St Michael’s
Every Thursday
St. Michael’s Church Weekly Bingo at 7pm every Thursday at 9736 East Center Street Windham, OH 44288.

TOPS Meetings
TOPS OH#1941, Ravenna meets Thursday mornings in the fellowship hall of the Maplewood Christian Church, 7300 State Route 88, Ravenna with weigh-in from 9-9:45 a.m. and a meeting/program following at 10:00 a.m. TOPS Club, Inc. is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization.

Sewing For Support
Deadline Oct 31
14 year old Bethany Mason, is working on a project called “Sewing For Support.” She is appealing to quilters, quilt guilds and quilt shops for any size quilt donation. These quilts will be given to breast cancer patients undergoing chemo at the Cleveland Clinic. The deadline for collecting the quilts will be Oct 31st. This project also counts toward Bethany’s gold award for Girl Scouts! For anyone wishing to donate a quilt, you can contact Marian Stryczny at 330-979-8517.

Windham Lions Club
Oct 6
The Windham Lions Club will be holding their sausage trailer on Friday, October 6 from 10am – 7pm and Saturday, October 7 from 10am to 2pm at Dee’s parking lot.

3rd Annual Harvest Festival
Oct 7
Join us for the 3rd Annual Harvest Festival at the Historic John Johnson Home. Saturday, October 7th, 2017 from 10 am – 2 pm. 6203 Pioneer Trail, Hiram, OH. FREE, fun activities for the whole family – Hay rack rides, lots of games, you can feed baby animals and have free tours of the Historic Johnson Home, constructed in 1829.

Therapy Dog Reading Program
Oct 7
Practice your reading skills this fall as we welcome Paws for Reading into our library for some therapy-dog reading fun. Saturday, October 7 at 11 a.m. Registration required. Grades K-5. Burton Public Library, 440.834.4466.

Turkey Dinner In Huntsburg
Oct 7
Annual turkey dinner with all the fixings at Huntsburg Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road on Sat. Oct 7 from 4 to 6:30 p.m. Adults $11, Seniors $9, Children 5-10 $6, preschool free. Carry out available. Chinese auction tickets $1 each or 6 for $5. Come to the Pumpkin Festival and stay for dinner. Phone 440-636-5504.

Crafters & Vendor Show
Oct 7
2nd Annual Crafters & Vendor Show to Benefit APL & Food Cupboards on Oct 7 – 9 am til 3 pm at Lake Hodgson Lodge, 5089 Lakewood Road, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. Chinese Auction – proceeds will go to the APL & Food Cupboards. Also, asking for donations of pet supplies or non-perishable foods or monetary donations to help the charities. We will have a variety of hand-made items and also Perfectly Posh, Scentsy & 31 Gifts.Check us out for early Christmas shopping and fun items.

Swiss Steak Dinner
Oct 7
A Swiss Steak Dinner will be held on Oct.7, from 4-7 pm.,at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main St.,Windham. Funds will go to the Saturday Free Lunch Program. Menu includes Swiss Steak, real mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, Harvard beets, roll, dessert & beverage. $10/adult, $6:00/child age 6-12, 5 and under will be free. Sponsored by the Congregational United Church of Christ. Call 330-326-3926 for carryouts.

Vendors Wanted For Craft Show
Register by Oct 9
Parents of Troop #124 will be holding their 5 th annual Craft/Vendor show on Saturday, Nov. 18, 2017 from 10 am – 3 pm at the United Methodist Church, 326 Ridge Rd., Newton Falls, OH. Set-up will begin at 8 am.
Cost is $25.00 per 8 ft. table with 2 chairs. Each crafter will be required to donate one item for a raffle. If interested please contact Louanne @ 330-872-1353 before Oct. 9.

Library Closed Columbus Day
Oct 9
All Portage County District Library branch libraries and offices will be closed on Monday, October 9, in observance of Columbus Day. Service hours will resume on Tuesday, October 10. Although branch libraries will be closed for the holiday, the Digital Library is always open. Using your Portage County District Library card, visit www.portagelibrary.org for a great selection of digital content including movies, TV shows, music, eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines- all at your fingertips and all for free.

Mantua Legion Auxiliary Meeting
Oct 9
The Legion Auxiliary will meet Monday, October 9 at 1:00pm at the home of its President, Dorothy Brady on Ambler Lane.

Freedom Twp. Historical Society Meeting
Oct 10
Barbara Strawman Grafton will share her family’s stories about life in Freedom Township in bygone years at the next meeting of the Freedom Township Historical Society. That meeting will be Tuesday, Oct 10 at 1 PM at the Freedom Community Center, 8940 St Rt 700. PLEASE NOTE THE AFTERNOON TIME at 1 PM. Our fall/winter meetings start at 1 PM; the spring/summer meetings begin at 7 PM. A short business meeting will precede Mrs. Grafton’s presentation; light refreshments will be served. Everyone interested in Freedom’s rich history is invited to attend and share your memories and pictures. For more information or if you need a ride, please call Judy at 330-527-7669.

JAG Volley For The Cure
Oct 11
The JAG HS VB team will be hosting a Volley for the Cure event at their home match on Wednesday, October 11th vs. LaBrae. JV match kicks off at 5:30, followed by the Varsity match at 6:30. Admission is 1/2 price for anyone wearing pink. If you purchase a $10 Volley for a Cure tee (now available for sale at the HS), you will get in for free! Concessions, bake sale, give-a-ways, 50/50 and some exciting volleyball…all proceeds will be donated to local cancer awareness/research organizations.

Mantua Legion Meeting
Oct 12
The Legion will meet Thursday October 12 at 7pm at the Post Home on East Main Street. Looking for a scenic Drive? The Legion suggests visiting the Western Reserve Cemetery on Rowaga Road in Rittman.

Vintage Book and Various Sundry Items Sale
Oct 14
The Mantua Historical Society’s “Vintage Book & Various Sundry Items Sale” will be Saturday, Oct 14 9:00 am-4:00 pm in the Mantua Township Hall, 4196 St Rt 82, Mantua 44255. Books of all subject matter & atlases from the 1800’s-1900’s, Baccarat paper weights, milk bottles, vintage china & glassware, “Speedometer” yearbooks. The museum will also be open.

Fall Bazaar
Oct 14
The Burton Congregational Church will hold its Fall Bazaar on Saturday, October 14 from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m. Delicious, affordable lunch will be served all day. Craft items, baked goods, and candy will be on sale along with a Rummage Sale. Attention Craft Vendors: Call Kathy to reserve table space – $20 per table. 440-834-1172.

Swiss Steak Dinner
Oct 14
The Nelson United Methodist Church will be hosting their Swiss Steak Dinner at the Nelson Community House on Nelson Circle in Garrettsville, Ohio 44231 on October 14th, 2017. Dinner is served from 4:00- 6:00 PM. The price is $10.00 for Adults and $6.00 for Children age 6-12, Children 5 and under Free. The dinner consists of: Swiss Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy , Green Beans, Corn Casserole, Drinks, and Dessert. Carry-Out is also available at the same location.” While Supplies Last”.

Fall Festival
Oct 14
Fun for the whole family. Join us for a hay ride, pumpkin decorating, food, s’mores and more Saturday, October 14th from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. at Maplewood Christian Church at 7300 S.R. 88 in Ravenna. For more information call 330-297-6424.

Sauerkraut & Pork Dinner
Oct 14
Sauerkraut and Pork Dinner on
Oct. 14th from 4 to 6:30 pm at Messiah Lutheran Church, 4920 Fairport Rd., Newton Falls. (Corner of St. Rt. 534 and Fairport Rd.) CARRY OUT AVAILABLE. Adults $9.00– Children 6 to 12 $6.00 – Children under 6 Free.

Benefit Dinner
Oct 14
Benefit Dinner given for Lina Coury to support her in an extended Mission trip to Peru to work with orphaned children. Oct 14th, 4 to 7 p m at Christ Covenant Church Fellowship Hall, 16406 Route 87, Middlefield, Oh 44062. Adult $12, Youth 5-10 $5, Kids under 5 free.

Trunk Or Treat
Oct 14
Pricetown Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd., Newton Falls, presents TRUNK OR TREAT on Oct 14 in the church parking lot from 4pm to 6pm.
Honey Extraction Workshop
Oct 15
Sunday, October 15, at noon
The Portage County Beekeepers Club will be holding a honey extraction workshop. See how honey is extracted from hive frames. We will also be having a picnic and ask that you bring a side dish to share. Free and open to the public! This meeting will be at the Portage Soil and Water Office, 6970 State Route 88, Ravenna, Ohio 44266. For more information, contact Mary Lovin, 330-325-3028.

Spaghetti Dinner & Chinese Auction
Oct 15
The Crestwood High School Boys and Girls Soccer Teams are holding their annual spaghetti dinner/Chinese Auction fundraiser on Sunday, October 15 from 12 – 5 p.m. at St. Joseph Church Hall, 11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua. Meal consists of spaghetti, meatballs, salad, roll, dessert and beverage. Tickets for the dinner are $7.00 presale, $8 at the door; Senior citizens and children ages 6-11 are $5.00. Tickets for the auction are $1 each or 6 for $5. If interested in tickets, please contact a soccer player, or Laurel at 216-406-1637.

Renewal Evening Services
Oct 16 – 18
Everyone is invited for a time of spiritual renewing of our hearts, mind and soul. The speakers will be area Pastors. Covenant Bible Fellowship, 8146 High Street, Garrettsvile, will be hosting the services which will be held on October 16th through the 18th at 6:30 p.m.If you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at 330.527.4205.
Home Cooked Supper
Oct 18
The next home cooked supper at Pricetown Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls, will feature MEATLOAF, MASHED POTATOES, VEGETABLE, SALAD, ROLL, DESSERT AND BEVERAGE.
The supper will be held from 5pm to 6:30pm, OCTOBER 18, 2017. The cost is $8 for adults, $5 for children 10 and under.
Carry-out will be available.

Pumpkin Painting
Oct 18
All ages welcome with caregiver. Wednesday, October 18 at 6 p.m. Registration required. Burton Public Library, 440.834.4466 We’ll supply the pumpkins and paint, you supply the creativity!

All You Can Eat Spaghetti Dinner
Oct 20
Western Reserve Kiwanis & Crestwood’s Kids Weekend Meals will be serving up our All-U-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner on Friday, Oct. 20th 4:30-7:00pm at the Hiram Christian Church. Dinner includes spaghetti, choice of meat or marinara sauce, salad, garlic bread, beverage, and dessert. Gluten free available. Carry-out available. Adults $ 7.00, kids 8 & under FREE!

Rummage Sale
Oct 20 & 21
The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church , located at 10692 Freedom St. in Garrettsville, is hosting their annual Fall Rummage Sale and Bake Sale on Friday, October 20 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday October 21 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday is bag day. The Rummage Sale will take place in the church hall..

Rivers Casino Bus Trip
Oct 21
Rivers Casino Bus Trip, $40 per person due by Oct. 14th. Contact Paul or Bob Todor at 330-326-3188 for more info or at the American Legion Post 674, 9960 E. Center St., Windham.

Welton Cemetery: History Written in Stone
Oct 21
Saturday, October 21 from 1 ? 2:30 p.m. Burton Public Library,
Explore the Welton Cemetery and discover more than cold stones and the dearly departed. This is an outdoor program, so dress appropriately and wear sturdy boots. Presented in conjunction with the Geauga Park District.

Origami Extravaganza
Oct 26
Grades 2 – 5 – Burton Public Library, Thursday, October 26 at 3:30 p.m. Registration required 440.834.4466. Come see what we can make with paper! A few folds and ta-dah!

Microsoft Word for Beginners
Oct 26
Burton Public Library, Thursday, October 26 at 6:30 p.m. Adults – Learn how to create a simple document, change fonts, add images and save. Bring your own laptop or use one of ours. Basic keyboard and mouse skills are required.

Auditions For The Beverly Hillbillies
Oct 26 & 30
The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will hold auditions for The Beverly Hillbillies on October 26 and Oct 30 at 7 pm in the James A Garfield High School. Please have a monologue memorized for this audition. This is not a musical.
We are looking for males and females for this production. There are many adult rolls. We can use children in the cast, but only over the age of 9, please. They will have to audition.For more information contact the Director at rinearson05@frontier.com

Trunk or Treat
Oct 28
Trunk or Treat Festival on October 28th from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Windham Bible Church, 9550 Windham Parkman Rd. The festival is full of family fun. There will be several attractions, games, and delicious food. Your family will enjoy a great Trunk or Treat experience with the peace of a safe neighborhood. Admission is Free! All are welcome! For more information, please call 330326.3550.

Party~Arty Paint Nite with “Mocktails”
Nov 2
Burton Public Library, Thursday, November 2 from 6?8 p.m.
Adults – get together with friends for a night of painting on canvas! Suggested donation of $20 per person. Registration begins October 2.
Turkey Dinner & Basket Auction
Nov 4
The Pricetown Church will hold their annual All-You-Can- Eat Turkey Dinner and Baske Auciton on Saturday, November 4 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Newton Falls High School, 907 Milton Blvd., Newton Falls. The cost is $10 for Adults, 5$ for children. Children 4 and under free. Carry-outs available.

Cooking Class for Kids
Nov 8
Burton Public Library, 440.834.4466. Ages 5+. Wednesday, November 8 at 3:30 p.m. Registration required. We’ll prepare simple recipes that are hands-on and incorporate fresh and healthy ingredients.

Christmas Boutique
Nov 12
St. Joseph’s Garden Club will hold it’s 33rd Annual Christmas Boutique on Sunday, November 12, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. in Hughes Hall. Tables are still available for crafters – $30 for an 8 ft. table (2nd table is $25). To reserve a table and/or for more info., Please contact Marlene at 330-274-8145. https://stjosephmantua.com/christmas-boutique


Anton Albert Photography