Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events- Week of November 4

Upcoming Community Events- Week of November 4


The Real You
Join Today
New sessions are beginning for The Real You program with Coach Lillian. Classes will be held on Monday & Wednesday at 7 pm at the Garrettsville YMCA. With The Real You, you get 8 weeks of nutritional coaching, weekly weigh-ins, group support and individual, personal attention. Call today for more information – 330.469-2044.

Vendors Needed
Call Today
Parents of Troop #124 will be sponsoring their 4th annual Craft/Vendor Show on Nov. 19, 2016 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. The show will be held at the Newton Falls United Methodist Church, 326 Ridge Rd., Newton Falls, OH. Cost is $25 and includes an 8 ft. table and 2 chairs. Limited electric available. Each crafter will be asked to donate one item for a raffle. Those wishing to set-up should contact Louanne 330-872-1353 or Teresa 330-503-9388.

Families Anonymous Meeting
Families Anonymous meetings for families dealing with drug addicted members meet every Monday from 7-8 pm at Coleman Behavioral Services Sue Hetrick Building, 3922 Lovers Lane/Loomis Parkway in Ravenna. For more information call Heather 330-569-4367 or Peggy 330-760-7670.

Community Center Open!
You are invited to attend the Community Center which meets every Tuesday in the historic Mantua Center School, just north of SR 82 on Mantua Center Road. It’s free, and the cafeteria wing, where we meet, is fully accessible. Free coffee and tea are ready soon after 9. Painting group gathers at 9:30. Potluck lunch is at noon; bring a dish for the buffet. (Tableware provided.) We usually close about two, but could stay open later if there were demand.

Every Tuesday
ST AMBROSE CHURCH 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– “Early bird” at 6:45p and first game at 7p. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45p. Great refreshments!

Friday Fish Dinner
American Legion Post 674, 9960 E. Center Street in Windham will be hosting Friday Fish Dinners from 4-7 pm. Cost is $8. Carryouts available.
JAG HS Conferences
Schedule Today!
James A. Garfield H.S. Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 10th and 15th. Appointments can be scheduled through Mrs. Fisher at 330-527-4341 or ufisher@jagschools.org. We look forward to seeing you!

Chevy Equinox Raffle
Through Dec 3
Thanks to Chevy All Stars and Cole Valley Chevrolet, Newton Falls, for donating a 2017 Chevy Equinox to Newton Falls Exempted Village Schools. We will be raffling off the Equinox on Dec 3, at the high school. Tickets are $10.00 each and first draw is the Equinox; second draw is $1,000.00 in cash, and third draw will be a new iPad. Tickets are available at all Newton Falls Schools’ respective offices, including the Board of Education’s office. Get your tickets now before they are gone!

2nd Thursday Storytime
through May 11
2nd Thursday Storytime at Maplewood Christian Church. Come for stories, crafts, music and movement for children ages 2 – 5 (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome). This event will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. We will not meet if Ravenna Schools are closed.

Vendors Needed for JAG PTO Craft Show
Call Today!
The JAG Elementary School PTO is sponsoring a craft show on Nov 12 from 10 am – 3 pm. The show is open to JAG families and public vendors. Contact Diane Irwin at 330-524-0592 if you are interested in being a vendor. Tables are reserved on a first come basis. We are accepting hand craft vendors and company vendors. Premium tables are $25, Hallway tables are $20.

JAG Elementary PTO Turkey Sale!
The JAG Elementary PTO is teaming up with Eagle Creek Growers and selling farm-raised turkeys. 13lb.-17lb. turkeys $45; 18lb.-21lb. turkeys $55. Pick up will be Nov. 19 from 9a.m.-12p.m. at the Elementary School. Turkeys can be purchased by individuals or business owners who are looking to purchase turkeys as a gift to their employees for the holidays! Please contact Holly Gedeon, 330-842-0622, to order.

Fall Rummage Sale
Nov 3 – 5
Fall Rummage Sale to benefit
Charity Children’s Ministry will be held at Christ Covenant Church, 16406 Kinsman Rd. (Route 87) in Middlefield.
Lots of great items to benefit all ages. Bake Sale. Chance to win Thanksgiving Gift Basket and Turkey. Nov 3 & 4 from 9 till 3. Nov 5 from 9 til Noon. Donations welcome, call 440-858-7481

Village Piecemakers Quilt Raffle
On Sale Now
Tickets will be sold at the “Night Before Christmas” home on the Garrettsville Christmas Walk for the 2016 raffle quilt, “Our Town”. The Christmas Walk will be held November 4,5,6, and November 11,12, and 13, Fridays and Saturdays 10-5, Sundays 12:30- 5. Tickets are also available by contacting Linnette, 330-671-3720.

Holiday Boutique
Nov 4 & 5
The Bainbridge Women’s Clubs’ 39th Annual Holiday Boutique will be held on Nov 4 from 4-8 pm and Nov 5 from 9 – 3. Free admission. Bainbridge Town Hall, 17826 Chillicothe Rd. (RT 306) Crafts, baked goods, light lunch and raffle.

Rummage Sale
Nov 4 & 5
St. Joseph’s Appalachian Experience group is hosting a Huge Rummage Sale at St. Joseph’s Pavilion (11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua) on Nov 4, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., and Nov 5, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Donations of clean, usable items are appreciated and may be dropped off at the Pavilion on Nov 2, 10 a.m.-7 p.m., and Nov. 3, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., or by appointment (no TV’s). Saturday is fill-a-bag day for $3 and fill-a-trunk for $10 (starting at Noon). For further information or to volunteer, please contact Dan & Sean Fejes (330-274-2481 or sfejes24@gmail.com), Margery Cleary (330-274-7274), or the Parish Office (330-274-2253). Funds raised will go towards next summer’s trip to participate in the Housing Repair Program at Binns-Counts Community Center in McClure, VA.

Agape Autumn Auction
Nov 5
Choose from hundreds of items in the Live, Silent and Chinese Auctions to be held on Nov at the Mespo Expo Center. Doors open at 4:00; pasta dinner served at 5:30.Tickets are $12.50 which includes dinner and entrance for all three auctions. Proceeds benefit Agape Christian Academy in Burton. For tickets email: agapeacademy@sbcglobal.net or call 440.834.8022.

Feather & Oink Bingo
Nov 5
Community EMS Association is holding a Feather & Oink Bingo Fundraiser on Saturday Nov 5, at the Community EMS District Station located at 10804 Forest Street, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. There will be both traditional sit-down and instant Bingo games with chance to win turkeys, hams and other great prizes. Doors open at 5:00 pm with the traditional Bingo starting at 6:00 pm. Food and beverages will be available.

Indoor Flea Market
Nov 5
November 5 th, 9-3 at American Legion, 9960 E. Center ST. Windham. Indoor Flea Market and Bake Sale. Come see what we have. Reasonable pricing. All proceeds for children’s Christmas Party.

St. Lucy Craft Show
Nov 5
Christmas Extravaganza, November 5th. St Lucy, 16280 E. High St., Middlefield, Ohio. Unique Vendors and Crafters. Bake Sale, Chinese Auction, Free Photos with Santa, Bring your camera. All Proceeds from this event support the Women’s Renewal of 2017. Sponsored by SS Edward & Lucy Parish. Any questions call; Marge 1-440-279-7574.

Team Rae Craft Show
Nov 5
The 5th Annual Team Rae Craft Show will have a new location and purpose this year. This year we will be at the Opera House, 152 Park Ave. Cortland, OH 44410, on Nov. 5, 2015 from 11-4. The past 3 years we have donated our proceeds to The Sarcoma Foundation of America in memory of Rachael Wiltrout-Felton. This year we have decided to donate to a local family. So while we remember Rachael, we will be helping Miss Hannah Tringhese, a 6 year old from Struthers Elementary with an inoperable brain tumor. Her kind spirit shines through her encouraging smile; her love for Jesus is inspiring! Please join us!!

Portage Faith Church Holds Annual Bazaar
Nov 5
The ladies at Portage Faith United Methodist Church at 9922 SR 44, Mantua, invite you to their Annual Bazaar and Country Store on Nov 5 from 9 am to 2 pm. In addition to our frozen vegetable beef soup, we will have a wide selection of other fresh homemade soups for only $5 per quart. Please come check out our crafts, jewelery, wood products, baked and canned goods, and so much more. Admission is free. Continental breakfast and light lunch available.

Turkey Dinner
Nov 5
Pricetown United Methodist Church will be holding their annual turkey dinner and basket auction on Nov 5 from 4-7 pm at Newton Falls High School, 907 Milton Blvd S.
Adults – $10; Children (5-10) $5; 4 & Under – FREE

Labrae Craft Show
Nov 5
On Nov 5th, the Twenty Third Annual Labrae Craft show will be held at the Labrae High School Complex. The location address is 1001 North Leavitt Road, Leavittsburg, Ohio 44430. The show begins at 10 a.m.and ends at 4 p.m. The admission and parking are free. There will be over 120 vendors and homemade food served all day. Food will be served and sold by Boy Scout Troop 4008. For additional information please contact labraecraftshow@gmail.com.

Benefit For Kelli Stefansic
Nov 5
Benefit for Kelli Stefansic at
Ravenna Moose Lodge #1234 (formerly Holiday Sands) 5727 St. Rt. 14, Ravenna, Nov. 5 from 3pm to 7pm. Spaghetti Dinner – $10.00/person. Chinese Auction / 50/50 Raffle / Cash Bar / Face Painting $5.00 Come join us to help Kelli!

Eagles Chicken Dinner
Nov 5
Worn out from the Christmas Walk? We are open to the public for our annual Chicken Dinner on Nov 5 from 4-7:30 pm. Garrettsville Eagles, 8149 Water St, Garrettsville.Adults $9.00; Children 12 & under $6.00; chicken with gravy, mashed potatoes, cole slaw, green beans or corn, homemade bread and desert
There is a “Wine and Roses” basket that is being raffled and a 50/50.

Chinese Auction
Nov 6
Windham Athletic Boosters annual Chinese Auction will be held on Sunday, Nov 6, in Windham High School gymnasium, doors open at 12 auction begins at 2pm.

Quail Hollow Herb Society Meeting
Nov 6
On November 6 at 2pm Lynn Vogel, Portage Soil and Water Conservation District Storm Water Educator, will talk about the importance of soil health. Refreshments served. Free and open to the public. Quail Hollow State Park Manor House, 13480 Congress Lake Road, Hartville, OH For more information, please contact Mary Lovin 330-325-3028.

Annual Turkey Dinner
Nov 8
On Tuesday, November 8th, get out and vote and then head to Parkman Congregational Church (18265 Madison Road -1/4 mile north of St. Rt. 422 in Parkman) for a delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings from 4:30 until 7:00 p.m. We will be serving turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, squash, green beans, slaw, cranberry sauce, rolls, beverages and pie for dessert. Adult dinners are $12.00; children (ages 5-11) are $6.00; pre-schoolers are free. Take-outs are available (adult-size only). Prepared and served by the Women’s Fellowship of Parkman Congregational Church. We look forward to seeing you on Election Day!

Election Day Soup and Bread Meal
Nov 8
Hiram Christian Church will host a soup, bread and dessert meal on Nov. 8. The meal will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. It is free, with donations accepted. All members of the community are welcome. Please join us for a delicious meal, along with a chance to visit with your friends and neighbors.

Mantua American Legion Meeting
Nov 10
Legion Post 193 will hold its monthly meeting at the post home on Nov. 10 at 7 pm.

Library Closed Veterans Day
Nov 11
All offices and branches of the Portage County District Library will be closed on Friday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day. Branch service hours will resume on Saturday, November 12 (except for Windham, which will resume service hours on Monday, November 14).

GMS To Host Veterans Day Ceremony
Nov 11
The James A. Garfield Middle School would like to invite our local veterans to a ceremony to honor their service to our country on Friday, November 11th at 1:45 in the Iva Walker Auditorium. Please call the middle school office to RSVP 330-527-2151
Holiday Craft Show
Nov 11 & 12
Portage County Gardeners and the Portage County Herb Society are sponsoring a Holiday Craft Show on Nov. 11, 4-8 p.m and Nov. 12, 10-3 p.m. We need crafters! Please call Helena Parry at 330-673-0577 if you would like an 8’ table for a onetime fee of $35. We have enough jewelry, knit and crocheted scarves and hats, floral wreaths, and homemade candy. Other type hand-crafted items are welcome.

Thanksgiving Dinner
Nov 12
Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at Mayfield United Methodist Church,
7747 Mayfield Rd, Chesterland, OH 44026 on Nov.12 from 4:30 – 6:30 pm. Cost: $10 for ages 11 through Adult; $5 for ages 5 through 10; Tickets available at the door. Takeout Order are Welcome.

Spaghetti Dinner
Nov 12
Veterans get $1 off your meal with ID at the all-you-can eat spaghetti and meatball dinner on Nov 12 from 4-6 pm at the Western Reserve Masonic Lodge 507, 216 E. Main St., West Farmington. Dinner includes spaghetti & meatballs, salad, bread, pie, coffee and lemonade. Donation $7 Adults; $4.50 kids 5-12; Under 5 are free.

Texas Hold’em Tournament in Kent
Nov 12
6th annual Texas Hold’em tournament will be held on Nov 12 from 3 pm – ?? at the Kent Elks Lodge, 2265 E. Erie St., Ravenna. Food and beverage provided. Seating limited to the first 150 registered players. Contact Jennifer 330-360-3869; Alan 330-360-2242; Joe 330-442-3155. Proceeds benefit JDRF.

Mantua Texas Hold’em Tournament
Nov 12
The Mantua Council Knights of Columbus will host their 1st annual Texas Holdem Tournament, Nov 12. Seating is limited and early registration is encouraged with bonus available to those who register before Nov. 5. Location is the Sentinel (K of C) Party Center at 11845 St. Rt. 44, Mantua, OH 44255. Contact Dan Baumbick for details and registration at (330) 274-2589. Proceeds will benefit local charities.

JAG PTO Craft Show
Nov 12
The JAG Elementary School PTO is sponsoring a craft show on Nov 12 from 10 am – 3 pm. The show is open to JAG families and public vendors.

Nelson Literary Music Craft Show
Nov 12 & 13
Nelson Literary Music Club announces its 7th Annual Christmas Craft Show November 12th and 13th from 10:00 am, to 5:00pm both days. The show will be at the Nelson Community House, 11642 Parkman Road Garrettsville,Ohio 44231 Food,handmade items, a few vendors and baked items. Come join us.

St. Joseph Garden Club Craft Show
Nov 13
Mark your calendars for the 32nd Annual Garden Club Christmas Boutique to be held on Sunday, November 13, 2016. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. held in Hughes Hall at the parish (11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua), the Christmas Boutique offers hand-crafted items, baked goods, raffles, door prizes, and breakfast and lunch items. Be sure to stop by the Boy Scouts’ table for their wreaths & bakery and the Appalachian Experience group’s bake sale table.

Crescent Chapter Meeting
Nov 14
Garrettsville Crescent Chapter No 7 OES will meet at the Masonic Temple on Nov 14 with a potluck dinner at 6:30 pm followed by the regular meeting at 7 pm

Winter Event
Nov 17
FREE “Winter Event” at the Renaissance Family Center.
Local crafters are invited to place a table in our facility
from 2:00 pm till 7:00 pm. on Nov.17 during our Community Dinner at no charge, first come first served. Call the Center for details, 330-326-3003. Due to Thanksgiving, our monthly dinner will be held Nov. 17th from 5-6:30 All welcome to shop and eat

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
Nov 18-20
Crestwood High Drama Club presents “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde” at Crestwood High School. Tickets are $6 presale; $8 at door. The play will be Nov 18 & 19 at 7 pm; Nov 20 at 2 pm.

Making A Pine Cone Wreath
Nov 19
Make a holiday decoration that will turn heads. Your pine cone wreath will look as if it came from a designer shop. You’ll fill a frame with a few basic pine cones before adding your choice of unusual cones, interesting seed pods and patches of unique mosses. Also consider raffia, ribbons, feathers, berries, bark or driftwood. For fragrance add cinnamon or bayberry. All of these wonderful materials will be provided for your creative use. Prepayment required, $35 Class is Saturday, November 19, 9:00 am – Noon at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (on the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road. Call Call 440-834-4656 to register.

Suicide Survivors Event
Nov 19
The Suicide Prevention Coalition of Portage County is holding an event for survivors of suicide loss on Saturday, Nov.19 from 1-3pm. The event will include a screening of the new documentary, “Life Journeys: Reclaiming Life after Loss.” The film traces the grief and healing journey that follows a suicide loss over time. The Survivor Day event will be held at the Coleman Professional Services Sue Hetrick Building located at 3922 Lovers Lane in Ravenna. Walk-ins are welcome, but pre-registration is preferred. Contact Laura at 330.673.1756 x201 or laurab@mental-health-recovery.org for more information or to pre-register.

Manuta Village Food Drive
Nov 19
Please help others to be thankful this holiday season!!
Village of Mantua’s 1st Annual
National Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week Food & Toiletry Donation Drive will take place on Saturday Nov. 19 from
10AM-3PM at 4808 E. High St., Buchert Park Lodge. All food donations will be given to the Mantua 4 C’s food cupboard which will benefit the entire Crestwood School District!! Donations will also be accepted at the Mantua Village Hall Mon thru Fri 8AM-4PM

Off To Never, Never Land
Nov 30
Historical actor Damaris Peters-Pike will present “Off to Never Never Land with Mary Martin” Sunday, November 30, at 7:00 PM in the Recital Hall of Frohring Music Building (the address is on the poster). Since 1988 Peters-Pike has brought to life women of achievement in music through her Women of Note presentations in 14 states and France. The program is open to the public free of charge and is sponsored by the Hiram Community Trust and the Hiram College Music Department. Retired as Professor of Music at Hiram College, Peters-Pike continues to teach two courses each year and direct the Hiram Community Chorus.

Live Nativity in Mantua
Dec 16 – 18
The Women’s Auxiliary of the Mantua Knights of Columbus #3766 is presenting a drive-through Live Nativity on St. Joseph Church grounds, 11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua. Come join us in caroling. For a monetary donation of $5.00 per carload, you can celebrate the true meaning of Christmas and have a cup of hot chocolate to keep warm. Non-perishable food items are also appreciated. This event will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday, December 16, 17 and 18th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Proceeds from this event will help with church repairs.

New Year’s Eve Reverse Raffle Party
Dec 31
Looking for a New Year’s Eve party! The Women’s Auxiliary of the Mantua Knights of Columbus Council #3766 is planning to have a New Year’s Eve/ Reverse Raffle party on Saturday, December 31, 2016. If you’re looking for a fun time, at a good price, come and join us at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Sentinel Party Center, 11845 St. Rt. 44, Mantua, OH 44255. Doors open at 6:00 p.m. Tickets, available through Jay D’Aurelio (330-569-8156), cost $65/couple, $50/single, and include appetizers, raffle, dinner, open bar, DJ, dancing and a midnight champagne toast. All proceeds go towards a new roof for St. Joseph Church.

Young of Heart Trip
Register Now
St.. Anselm Young of Heart in Chesterland have a fantastic trip planned for March 8-18, 2017. They will be going on a Panama Canal Cruise on the Coral Princess after a flight to Ft. Lauderdale. Stops will be made in Aruba; Cartagena, Colombia; Panama (Gatun Lake) and Colon in Panama; Limon, Costa Rica; and Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Fares start at $2,500 (depending on cabin choice) and include roundtrip airfare from Cleveland, cruise, transfers to/from ship, taxes, port charges, and government fees. An initial deposit of $520 plus trip insurance is required to secure reservations and assign cabins with final payment due by November 18. For further information call Nancy at 440-729-9684.


Anton Albert Photography