Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events (Week of July 28th)

Upcoming Community Events (Week of July 28th)


Crestwood Welcomes New Students!!!

Crestwood Primary School
11256 Bowen Road, Mantua, OH
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from
8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
Tuesday and Thursday 2:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
If necessary, all other times will be considered by appointment. To schedule an appointment, please contact Mrs. Sue Johnson at (330) 357-8206 ext. 5009.
To register your child, please bring your child(ren)’s:
Birth Certificate(s) or other appropriate documentary evidence of birth date; Social Security Card(s), Immunization Records, Custody Papers (if applicable) and proof of residency (acceptable proofs are: deed, lease, or rental agreement; official voter registration card from Board of Elections; tax statement; or Form 5111 F2a – Residency Affidavit which is available on our website: www.crestwoodschools.org).
You will also find a Student Registration Form and a Release of Records Form that can be found on our website and be printed, completed, and brought with you.

11th Annual J.A. Garfield Reunion
Reserve Your Spot!
The 11th annual James A. Garfield Alumni Reunion will be held at the James A. Garfield Elementary School on September 17, 2016. A buffet dinner will be provided by Guido’s Catering of Ravenna. Following dinner, alumni representing the classes of 1946, 1956, 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006 will be recognized. Anyone who attended Freedom, Garrettsville, Nelson and James A. Garfield schools is welcome to attend. Your reservation can be mailed to: James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet, P. O. Box 93, Garrettsville, OH 44231. The cost is $18 per person. PLEASE INCLUDE THE NAME AND YEAR OF THE ALUMNI ATTENDING AND NAME(S) OF ANY GUESTS. You may contact Helen Louise Bouts at 330-309-2734 for further information.

Register Today!
Parade applications are available for the Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Grand Parade. Entries should focus on this year’s theme “Soaring to New Heights” Parade line up begins at 7:00 am and the parade step off at 9:00 AM Saturday, September 17, in beautiful downtown Ravenna. All units must have a 2016 parade application on file. The All American Judges will be judging the parade. Parade entries are encouraged to stay for the opening ceremony when the parade winners will be announced. For more information and deadline, call the BAF Hotline (330) 296-FAIR. We sure to visit BAF website at ravennaballoonafair.com.

Monday Breakfasts
Through Summer
American Legion Post 674 in Windham will have breakfast from 8 to 11. Breakfasts will continue on Mondays through the summer. Many things are changing, come take a look.

Families Anonymous Meeting
Families Anonymous meetings for families dealing with drug addicted members meet every Monday from 7-8 pm at Coleman Behavioral Services Sue Hetrick Building, 3922 Lovers Lane/Loomis Parkway in Ravenna. For more information call Heather 330-569-4367 or Peggy 330-760-7670.

Community Center Open!
Whether or not you are a resident of Mantua Township, you are invited to attend the Community Center which meets every Tuesday in the historic Mantua Center School, just north of SR 82 on Mantua Center Road. It’s free, and the cafeteria wing, where we meet is fully accessible. Free coffee and tea are ready soon after nine and renewed as needed. Painting group gathers at 9:30. A jigsaw puzzle is always available, as are sewing projects and folks willing to chat. If you are part of a group looking for meeting space, check us out. We’d love to have a group of card players, board game enthusiasts, or a civic or charitable group expanding our attendance. Or now that school’s out, how about some parentally supervised kids making use of space indoors or out? Potluck lunch is at noon; bring a dish for the buffet. (Tableware provided.) We usually close about two, but could stay open later if there were demand.

Free Water Well Monitoring
4th Monday of Month
Free well water monitoring will be conducted on the 4th Monday of the month at the Hiram Christian Church at the corner of SR 82 & 700 in Hiram.

St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church hall. We have a Large Running Progressive! Ticket sales begin at 6:00 pm. Games start at 7:00 pm. Please come and support St. Michael’s Church!

Mantua County Baptist Church Yard Sale
July 29
Mantua Country Baptist Church is holding a yard sale at 12385 Chamberlain Road, Aurora on Friday, July 29th and Saturday, July 30th. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. In addition there will be a bake sale, hot dogs, chips, desserts, pop. Hand-crafted items will be on sale as well. Rent a table for $10 for both days and sell your treasurers. Reserve a table by July 24th. Call Pat at 216-832-1342

God Provides A Meal
July 29
God provides a free meal at Nelson United Methodist church 9367 st. Rt. 305 July 29 4 to 6:00. Macaroni & meat – salad – roll – dessert.

All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner
July 30
An all-you-can-eat spaghetti and meatball dinner will beheld on July 30 from 4-7 pm at the Western Reserve Masonic Lodge 507, 216 E. Main St., West Farmington. Dinner donation $7 Adults; $4.50 Kids 5-12; under 5 free. Carryout available. Shotgun raffle will be held at 6 pm. Tickets are $5 each or 5/$20.

Fun Festival
July 30
Pricetown Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls, is sponsoring a “FUN FESTIVAL” Saturday, July 30, 2016 on the church grounds from 3pm to 7pm. There will be a dunk tank, bounce-around, games and food. For a good time, games, food and fun, please plan to attend.

Meet Hero’s Rock Founders
July 30
Meet Scott and Trish Snyder founders of Hero’s Rock at J Leonard Gallery and Vintage Emporium Sat. July 30th, 11am to 5 pm. They will be promoting their Thank You Tour of Painted Ponies being donated to the Fisher Houses across the U.S.
Hero’s Rock was founded to donate hand made rockers to children of fallen heroes. Come and help decorate some of the rockers with your hand prints. The gallery is located at 12157 Rt. 88 Garrettsville

Eagles Steak Fry
July 30
The Garrettsville Eagles will be hosting their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday July 30th from 4 – 7:30 pm. Meals include choice of baked potato or french fries, green beans, salad and roll with butter. Steak dinners are $13 and chicken dinners are $9. Carryout available by calling 330-527-2330. Open to the public.

Lions Health Fair Cancelled
July 30
The Crestwood Lions 3rd Annual Health Fair & Community picnic, scheduled for July 30th at Buchert Park in Mantua has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Farm to Table Food & Wine Tasting
July 30
Please join us for our Farm to Table Food & Wine Tasting to benefit the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard being held on Saturday July 30th from 5:00-9:00pm at Candlelight Winery. Enjoy a menu designed to showcase locally sourced foods along with craft beers and wine. The evening will also include musical entertainment and a basket auction. Pre-sale tickets $25 per person, $45 per couple. At the door $30 per person, $55 per couple. Includes appetizers, desserts, 4 wine/beer tasting tickets & souvenir wineglass. Visit www.NGCCPortage.org for more information or call 330-931-1289.

Club Hosts Youth Shoots
July 30 & 31
The Streetsboro Sportsman Association is hosting youth shoots for ages 10-18 on July 30 and 31 at 10:00 AM. July 30 will be for first time participants and July 31 for previous participants or experienced youth. Space is limited. For more information or to reserve your place contact Russ Vandercook @ (330)274-3566 or email at rvclays@aol.com. The club is located at 11280 Bloom Road, Nelson Township 44231.

Mantua Soccer Sign-ups
July 31, Aug7 & 14
Mantua Soccer Fall 2016 Registration is open. The MSA Recreational Soccer League is for children 4 – 12 years in age. In person signups will be held:
1) Sunday July 31st, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm at St. Joseph’s Church Pavilion – 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. 2) Sunday August 7th, from 1:00pm – 3:00pm at St. Joseph’s Church Pavilion – 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. 3) Sunday August 14th, from 5:00pm – 7:00pm at Crestwood Community Days – Crestwood High School Stadium – 10919 Main Street. For more information, visit our web site: www.mantuasoccerohio.com

Jungle Terry & VBS
July 31, Aug 2-4
Lake Milton Presbyterian Church will be hosting Jungle Terry and some wild animals Sunday July 31 at 6 P.M. Vacation Bible School will be August 2nd, 3rd and 4th from 6-8:30 P.M. The theme of this year’s Bible school will be animals of the Bible. Free for children kindergarten though sixth grade. A snack will be provided. Please call (330) 654-3921 and leave a message to register.

Book Review and Discussion Group
Aug 1
A continuation of the July review of “WHAT GOD SAID” will take place on Aug 1 at 10:30 am. Presented by Dr J Patella, he introduces a book to you, attempts to achieve its purpose for you, and allows you to express your own reactions. If you are interested in a stimulating exchange of impressions and opinions the group meets the 1st Monday of every month at 10:30am. at the Garrettsville YMCA 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville

Freedom Park Advisory Committee Meeting
Aug 1
The Freedom Park Advisory Committee will be meeting on Monday, August 1st at 7:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall.
We are looking for interested community members to help make our parks great. If you have any questions please contact Jeff Derthick, Trustee, by email jmderthick72@hotmail.com. We look forward to seeing you there.

Catch The Wave VBS
Aug 1 – 4
Catch The Wave of God’s Amazing Love at Garrettsville United Methodist Church-Park Ave. VBS August 1 – 4 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Open to Pre-k to 6th grade.Discover how to surf through life with God and others! Games, music, stories, crafts and science! Register at www.garrettsvilleohumc.com or call the church at 330-527-2055 or call Laura at 330-569-4730.

Renegade Soccer Sign-ups
Aug 2 & 4
Renegade Soccer Club (RSC) will be holding signups for the fall session on Aug. 2 and 4th at the Friendship Alliance Church from 6:30 to 8:00 PM, which is located on the Portage and Geagua County line on SR44. RSC was formed to provide youth players an option to play beyond the recreation level, opening up to all communities and providing a high level of training while keeping the costs very reasonable. We will have boys and girls U10 and U12 and co-ed U14 teams. Travel is required. Practices will start the week of August 8, 2016 at Friendship Alliance Church on SR 44, between SR422 and SR82 at 6PM. The fee for the fall session is $65 for existing club players and $95 for new players. Please contact Dave Larch at larchy15@gmail.com or Bob Finney at matrixprints@yahoo.com for more information and reserve your spot on the team. We will have additional training opportunities throughout the year so feel free to contact us at any time.

Chicken Dinner
Aug 3
Southington UMC, St Rt 305 & 534, Southington, OH will be holding a Chicken Dinner, on Wednesday, August 3rd, 3:30 to 6:00. The menu includes: one fourth of a chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, cole slaw, homemade desserts, beverage. Price Adults $9.00, Children/Chicken Tenders dinner Children ages 4-10 $4.50, Children 3 and under free. Carry Outs available. Call 330-898-2156.

North Jackson Community Wide Sales
Aug 5 & 6
North Jackson Citizens Association is holding Community Wide Yard Sales Days, Fri. Aug.5th and Sat. Aug.6th at 9 AM The entire township has over 175+ sales. There is a field of sales at 10748 Mahoning Ave. in addition to all the homes and businesses listed on the map. They will be available the morning of the sales at businesses and at the field. This event grows every year and it is sure to have just the thing one might be looking for. Come out and visit North Jackson on Sales Days.

Pig Roast / Picnic
Aug 6
The Portage County Republican Women’s Club Pig Roast/Picnic will be held on Aug 6. Please come to the Plum Creek Shelter #1 at Plum Creek Park, 650 Plum Street,
Kent, Ohio 44240 from 3pm-7pm. Cost – $20.00 Adult, $5.00 Children, $50.00 Family (6).Tickets are required. This is an opportunity to meet other Republicans, candidates and officials to find out what is happening in the Republican Party. Invite a friend and just have fun getting together. For
more information, call Jeneen at 330-687-4067

Chicken BBQ Dinner
Aug 6
Lake Milton Presbyterian Church will be having its annual Chicken BBQ Dinner Saturday August 6, 2016 from 12 – 5 PM. Dinner includes half a chicken, 2 sides, roll, dessert and drink. Adult dinners will be $9.00 and child dinners will be $6.00.

Trunk Sale
Aug 6
Annual Trunk Sale wil be held Saturday, August 6th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. It’s a 1 day garage sale from the trunk of your car! in the Giant Eagle Parking lot in Middlefield, 15400 West High Street, Middlefield 44062. Sponsored by the Middlefield Chamber of Commerce. Rain or Shine. $20 a space / 2 spaces for $35. Checks may be written to “The Middlefield Chamber of Commerce” and mailed to P.O. Box 801, Middlefield, Ohio 44062, Contact the Chamber at 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com for Vendor Agreement with details.

Church Picnic
Aug 6
Faith Evangelical Free Church, 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd., Garrettsville, OH will be hosting a Church Picnic, which will include a Pig Roast and a fun time of “Dunking The Pastors” on Saturday, August 6, 2016 @ 2 p.m. There will be games, music and fellowship. There is no charge and the public is welcome!

Kent Lions Sweet Corn Festival
Aug 6 & 7
Kent Lions Club hosts the 9th Annual Sweet Corn Festival at Beckwith Orchard at 1617 Lake Rockwell Road. Saturday & Sunday, August 6TH & 7TH from 12 – 5:00 pm. EAR-resistible fun for the whole family! Enjoy Carnival Games for children, Pony Rides, Face Painting, Trolley Rides. Vendors. Live musical entertainment. Lions will be serving boiled local sweet corn, hot dogs,and sausage sandwiches, and Beckwith’s peaches & peach pie available for purchase. Proceeds from the event will fund Lions sight preservation projects. Vendor spaces available Contact Fran: 330-678-4012 or fhardest@kent.edu.

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic
Aug 6
Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic for former employees and retirees will be held from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Grove Street Park, Grove Road Pavilion, in Middlefield on Saturday, August 6th. Please bring a dish to pass, own table service, beverage and lawn chairs. We will provide water and hot dogs. We plan on eating at 2:00 p.m. For additional information call Maryan at 330-569-7057 or Melburn at 440-632-0947. Hope to see you all there.

4C’s Food Collection At Mantua Kiddie Carnival
Aug 6
The 4C’s is collecting food donations at the first annual Mantua Kiddie Carnival hosted at New Adventures Early Learning Center at 11767 Timber Point Trail. The carnival will be held on August 6th, 11am3pm.,with a weather conflicting date of August 7th, at 11am3pm. Admission is a canned good or $1 per person with all proceeds benefitting 4C’s. The day will include a scavenger hunt, games, a bounce house, food, and plenty of other fun carnival
activities. Come by and enjoy!

Kids Fishing Derby
Aug 6 & 7
The Pymatuning Lake Association announces the 2016 Kids Free Fishing Derby on Saturday August 6th and Sunday the 7th. The event is held at the Espyville Boat Launch on the southeast side of the causeway. Fish can be caught anywhere on the lake.
There are three age brackets from ages 2 to 15. Registration is from 8am to 4pm Saturday and 8am to 11am Sunday. Check in times are 10am to 4pm on Saturday and 8am to 1pm Sunday. Prizes will be awarded at 2pm Sunday. Fishing poles are not provided.
For more information or to register online go to PymatuningLake.com or call 724-927-2578

Free School Supply Giveaway
Aug 7
Newton Falls American Legion, 2025 East River Road, will be having a free school supply give away on Aug 7 from 3-4 pm – while supplies last. Children must be present.

Dedication Service
Aug 7
The Way Chapel has moved to 8924 E. Center St Windham (behind Circle K). We are having a special dedication service on Sunday August 7, 2016 at 10:00AM. Please join us for special worship, message by Evangelist Bruce Miller and fellowship.

VA Aid & Attendance/Elder Law Seminar
Aug 9
Independence Village of Aurora invites you to join us for a free seminar on VA Aid and Attendance Benefits. Complimentary presentation by Greg Gogul & Associates. Topics will include VA Aid and Attendance, irrevocable trusts, DPOA’s, guardianship,and qualifying for these benefits. Seminar will be August 9th, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP by August 4 to (330) 552-4121

Freedom Township Room Mothers Meeting
Aug 9
31st annual luncheon for the Freedom Township School Room Mothers is August 9, 12:00 noon at the Township Hall. Bring a dish to share with serving utensil and your place setting. Speaker: Patricia Brett, James A. Garfield School Board member.

First Christian Church Yard Sale
Aug 11 -13
First Christian Church, 17 North Center St, Newton Falls is hosting a yard sale on August 11-12, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lunch available. August 13 9 a.m. to noon. Bag day

Annual Trash & Treasure Sale
Aug 12 & 13
Parkman Congregational Church located at 18265 Madison Road (528 just north of 422) Parkman, OH is hosting their Annual Trash & Treasure Sale on Friday August 12th 9-4
and Saturday August 13th 9-12 (half off day) Doors reopen at 12:30 whatever is left is free
Refreshments available

CHS Alumni Soccer Game
Aug 13
The Crestwood Boy’s High School Soccer team will be hosting their annual Alumni Soccer game on Saturday, August 13th at 5:00 p.m. at the Bowen Rd. practice field (11256 Bowen Rd.). All Crestwood boy’s soccer alumni are invited to play. The cost is $10.00 and includes a t-shirt and picnic following the game hosted by the current boy’s team and families. For additional information, please contact Brian Zilla at 330-949-8184.

Rockin’ on the Ridge Fundraiser
Aug 13
This year’s Rockin’ on The Ridge at Ridge Ranch Campgrounds 5219 State Route 303 Newton Falls, Ohio 44444 will be held on August 13, 2016. All proceeds will go to One Life which helps various organizations with volunteer time and items they are in need of. Please join us for a fun filled day and camping. If you wish to camp, please call the office to book your site. 330-898-8080. If you wish to spend the day, bring your coolers. Admittance is $3.00 for the day. We will have food vendors. 50/50, T-shirts, and more! Please invite your friends!!!

Church Yard Sale
Aug 13
Faith Evanglical Free Church, 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd., Garrettsville is having a yard sale on Aug. 13 from 9 am – 5 pm to benefit the church youth group. We would appreciate donations for sale to enable the youth group to go to Kentucky to see the recently constructed Noah’s Ark and the Creation Museum.

School Supply Give-Away
Aug 13
Life Church Assembly of God in Garrettsville is doing their second annual school supply Give-a-Way on Saturday Aug. 13 from 10-12 and there is no income requirement. We just ask that the student attends with the parent. Our purpose is to share Christs love in a tangible way while providing basic needs for the children in our community.

Summer Fest Features Local Foods
Aug 14
The North Bloomfield Historical Society is hosting Red, White and Blueberry on Sunday, August 14, 2016 from noon to 2pm. Besides blueberry treats, there will be sweet corn, BBQ beef sandwiches, hot dogs and lemonade. A large collection of model World War II airplanes will be on display. The Ground Pounders Unlimited, a garden tractor pulling club, will be having an event in the park across from the town hall beginning at 1pm. The historic town hall is at 8830 Park Drive on the east side of the town square.

National Thrift Store Day
Aug 16
August 16th is National Thrift Store Day. The Second Blessing Thrift Store in the Renaissance Family Center,
9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham, will celebrate this national holiday by opening hidden treasures for you to explore.
The day will be filled with prizes and food for your shopping
pleasure. Make it a GIRLS DAY OUT. Open at 10:00 am

Golf Outing
Aug 26
Middlefield Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Outing will be held on Aug 26 at Rolling Green Golf Club 15900 Mayfield Road, Huntsburg. $75 a player to golf, register yourself or team now. Skins Games, Proximity Games, Long Drive Contests, Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Registration is at 7:30 am to 9:00 am, Tee Off at 9:00 am. 4 person scramble, lunch at the turn, dinner following golf. Door Prizes for every player. All must be registered by August 12th. Need: Event Sponsor, Hole Sponsor, Dinner Sponsor, Beer Cart Sponsor. To register or with any questions, contact: 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com


Anton Albert Photography