Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events (Week of July 15)

Upcoming Community Events (Week of July 15)


GCRTA Annual August Picnic
The Geauga County Retired Teachers Association is announcing that their annual picnic will be held on Tuesday August 2nd at Munson Township Park, 12641 Bass Lake Road just north of Mayfield Road. (Check map at www.gerta.net for directions).
Guests should gather at 11:00am, a business meeting will follow at 11:30am, and the potluck lunch will begin at noon. Each attendee is asked to bring an eight serving dish to share (with a serving utensil), and their own table service. Tasty pulled pork sandwiches will be provided by Nancy Speck. Iced tea and bottled water will be available, or guests may bring their own beverages. It is suggested that guests may want to bring their own lawn chairs.
Although there will be several activities involved in our afternoon program, we consider the announcement of our Grant-In-Aid recipients to be an important part of the gathering. The GCRTA is proud to present an award to these deserving college seniors as they embark on a career in teaching. We thank Ruth Holm for overseeing this Grant-In-Aid selection and presentation.
Other activities that will be held during the picnic are as follow:
The First Ever Dessert Contest. Bring your favorite dessert, and enter it in a contest which will be judged by your colleagues. A prize of $25 will be given.
Danny And Frank from the Usual Suspect Band will provide entertainment.
New GCRTA members will be introduced.
50/50 Raffle! Free Lunch Raffle!
There is no cost to attend the picnic, but registration is required. Please contact treasurer Judy Miller by Thursday, July28, 2016 if you plan to attend. Use e-mail, phone, or US Mail service: Judy Miller, 17130 Kinsman Rd., Middlefield, OH 44062 Phone 440-487-4324 or E-mail: harpergma6@gmail.com
Please consider bringing a newly retired school employee. If you need transportation, contact Geauga Transit at 440-285-2222 or 440-564-7131, Ex.5160 to make a reservation. (A one week time allowance required).
Suggested donations for the Geauga Task Force: paper products, canned goods. Geauga Job and Family Services is requesting our support collecting school supplies for local students. Please give generously

Second Annual Next Step Reverse Raffle
Middlefield – The Kiwanis Clubs of Geauga would like to announce the return of the Next Step Reverse Raffle. The reverse raffle is an annual event organized in support of Next Step, which is a program that offers housing and guidance to at risk youth from age 18 to 24.
The Second Annual Next Step Reverse Raffle will be held on July 30 at the Sales Barn Auctions, 15848 Nauvoo Road, Middlefield, Ohio 44062. Starting at 7 PM there will be a full cash bar, food, and game boards. The night will culminate with a reverse raffle and a grand prize of $3,000. There are only 200 tickets being sold.
“Come and join us for a fun night and a chance to win amazing prizes,” said Jim Rayl, Chardon Kiwanis project coordinator. “The Kiwanis Clubs of Geauga County are happy to be working together to host an event that will be helping such a wonderful program as Next Step.”
If you would like to know more about the reverse raffle or the Kiwanis, please visit our webpage at www.kiwanisclubofchardon.org. To purchase one of the 200 tickets being sold for this event call Jim Rayl at 440-537-4718.

Hiram School Reunion Reminder
For anyone who attended Hiram School, the 23rd Annual Hiram School Reunion will be held Sunday, July 17th, 2016, from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Troy Community Center, 13950 Main Market (St. Rt. 422), Welshfield, (Troy Twp.) Ohio, 44021.
Beverages, meat and table service will be provided. Those with last names A through Q please bring salad, fruit or vegetable, those with last names R through Z please bring a dessert.
Classes celebrating milestones: 1941 – 75th, 1946 – 70th, 1951 – 65th, 1956 – 60th, 1961 – 55th, 1966 – 50th. Hope to see you all there.
Ralph Green from the class of 1962 has compiled binders of the milestone classes. Plan to come and visit with your classmates.
If questions, contact: Maryan – 330-569-7057, Barbara – 330-296-3732, Gary – 330-527-4457.

Child Advocates Needed To Make A Difference
CASA for KIDS of Geauga County (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is recruiting volunteers to advocate for the “best Interest” of abused and neglected children involved in the juvenile court. No particular background is required; you must be at least 24 years of age. Diversity of age, gender, ethnicity etc. is welcomed. 37 hours of pre-service training provided. Professional staff provides guidance, support and continuing education after appointment by the Juvenile Court to serve as the Guardian ad Litem. More volunteers are needed to ensure every child has a voice in court. The next training sessions will begin September, 2016. If you are interested, call Julie Weese, 440-279-1697 to get more information and begin the application process.
An application and interview must be completed PRIOR to training
To learn more about CASA for KIDS, visit our website at www.geaugacasa.org

Get Your Adverbs Here At Schoolhouse Rock, Live!
Kent State University at Trumbull Summer Stock is pleased to announce production of “Schoolhouse Rock, Live!” as its summer musical. Young people get ready for learning in a fun-filled atmosphere, and older folks get ready for a trip down memory lane.
Directed by Eric S. Kildow, Assistant Professor & Theatre Director, Kent State University at Trumbull, with Music Direction by Matt White, the pop culture phenomenon comes to the musical stage in “Schoolhouse Rock Live!” The Emmy Award-winning 1970’s Saturday morning cartoon series that taught history, grammar, math, and more through clever, tuneful songs is not only making a small-screen comeback, it’s lighting up stages everywhere — from school multi-purpose rooms to university and regional theatres all around the country.
“Schoolhouse Rock Live!” follows Tom, a nerve-wracked school teacher who is nervous about his first day of teaching. He tries to relax by watching TV when various characters representing facets of his personality emerge from the set and show him how to win his students over with imagination and music, through such songs as “Just A Bill,” “Lolly, Lolly, Lolly,” and “Conjunction Junction.”
Show dates are July 15-16, 22-23, 29-30 at 8 p.m., July 17, 24 & 31st at 3:00 p.m. To purchase tickets, call the box office at 330-675-8887 or email trumbullboxoffice@kent.edu. Tickets are $15 for Adults, $12 for Students and Seniors, $10 for Children under 12, and FREE for KSU Students enrolled in summer semester.

11th Annual J.A. Garfield Reunion
Reserve Your Spot!
The 11th annual James A. Garfield Alumni Reunion will be held at the James A. Garfield Elementary School on September 17, 2016. A buffet dinner will be provided by Guido’s Catering of Ravenna. Following dinner, alumni representing the classes of 1946, 1956, 1966, 1976, 1986, 1996 and 2006 will be recognized. Anyone who attended Freedom, Garrettsville, Nelson and James A. Garfield schools is welcome to attend. Your reservation can be mailed to: James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet, P. O. Box 93, Garrettsville, OH 44231. The cost is $18 per person. PLEASE INCLUDE THE NAME AND YEAR OF THE ALUMNI ATTENDING AND NAME(S) OF ANY GUESTS. You may contact Helen Louise Bouts at 330-309-2734 for further information.

Register Today!
Parade applications are available for the Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Grand Parade. Entries should focus on this year’s theme “Soaring to New Heights” Parade line up begins at 7:00 am and the parade step off at 9:00 AM Saturday, September 17, in beautiful downtown Ravenna. All units must have a 2016 parade application on file. The All American Judges will be judging the parade. Parade entries are encouraged to stay for the opening ceremony when the parade winners will be announced. For more information and deadline, call the BAF Hotline (330) 296-FAIR. We sure to visit BAF website at ravennaballoonafair.com.

Monday Breakfasts
Through Summer
American Legion Post 674 in Windham will have breakfast from 8 to 11. Breakfasts will continue on Mondays through the summer. Many things are changing, come take a look.

Community Center Open!
Whether or not you are a resident of Mantua Township, you are invited to attend the Community Center which meets every Tuesday in the historic Mantua Center School, just north of SR 82 on Mantua Center Road. It’s free, and the cafeteria wing, where we meet is fully accessible. Free coffee and tea are ready soon after nine and renewed as needed. Painting group gathers at 9:30. A jigsaw puzzle is always available, as are sewing projects and folks willing to chat. If you are part of a group looking for meeting space, check us out. We’d love to have a group of card players, board game enthusiasts, or a civic or charitable group expanding our attendance. Or now that school’s out, how about some parentally supervised kids making use of space indoors or out? Potluck lunch is at noon; bring a dish for the buffet. (Tableware provided.) We usually close about two, but could stay open later if there were demand.

Free Water Well Monitoring
4th Monday of Month
Free well water monitoring will be conducted on the 4th Monday of the month at the Hiram Christian Church at the corner of SR 82 & 700 in Hiram.

St. Michael’s Church at 9736 East Center Street in Windham, OH holds bingo every Thursday in the church hall. We have a Large Running Progressive! Ticket sales begin at 6:00 pm. Games start at 7:00 pm. Please come and support St. Michael’s Church!

Observatory Night
July 16
Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will be open for public observing July 16, from 9:30 to 11:00 PM.
Beautiful ringed Saturn, Earth’s amazing Moon, and hopefully the M4 star cluster in Scorpius will be the featured objects.No reservations are required and there is no admission fee for observatory public nights. Cloudy skies at the starting time cancel the event and, in that case, the observatory will not open. The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram.

Ice Cream Social
July 16
Lordstown Lutheran Church, 5615 Palmyra Rd., Lordstown will hold an Ice Cream Social from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 16. There will be turkey sandwiches, sloppy joes, hot dogs, bake beans, macaroni salad, homemade pies & ice cream. A bake sale will also be held.
Flea Market
July 16 & 17
Come to the second annual Mantua Center Flea Market and sale July 16 and 17 at the Mantua Center School building. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine, indoors and outdoors. Food, refreshments, hot and cold drinks. Shop for treasures or sell your own. Call 330-281-9331 to rent a space.

Red Devils Soccer Camp
July 16 – 17
The coaches and players of Crestwood High School are hosting a Red Devils Academy Summer Camp at the Bowen Road Soccer Complex. A Little Devils Camp (beginner) for boys entering K – 3rd grade will be at 9:30 – 11:30 with a cost of $50. Select Camp (advanced) for boys entering 2nd through 8th grades this fall will be from 9 – 12 with a cost of $75. Each player will receive a free shirt, with daily awards and competitive games. For more info, please contact Coach Sam Roubic at sroubic@crestwoodschools.org.

JAG Safety Village
Register by July 18
Registration for 2016 Safety Village is open until July 18, 2016 for upcoming kindergartners. Please call 3309777326 with any questions.

Free Meal
July 18
Christ Lutheran Church, North Main Street, Mantua, will be hosting their monthly free meal on Monday, July 18 from 5 to 6:30 pm. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal. The opportunity to visit with friends and neighbors is always enjoyable. See you there.

Film Discussion Group
July 18
Monday, July 18th at 10:30am Garrettsville YMCA invites you to join us at 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH for a FILM Review and Discussion Group
presented by Dr J Patella: The video, The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared
A 2010 comedy about the escapades of Allan Karlsson in a nursing home and about to celebrate his hundredth birthday. Alert despite his age, Allen is not interested in attending the party. Instead he climbs out the window and disappears … A huge success the film was screened in over 40 countries and grossed more than 50 million US dollars worldwide. If you are interested in the film, the group meets the 3rd Monday of every month at 10:30am and is a free program.
VBS At Burton Congregational Church
July 18 – 21
This year, Vacation Bible School at the Burton Congregational Church is designed to help us “Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love!” All children, preschool through Grade 6, are invited to the Surf Shack for stories, songs, games, crafts,snacks, and lots of fun. Monday through Thursday, July 18-21 from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. You may register at the first session or pre-register by calling the Church at 440-834-4495.

Deep Sea Discovery VBS
July 18-22
Standard Publishing’s DEEP SEA DISCOVERY VBS will be held at the Wayland Community Church, 6355 Wayland Road, July 18 – 22. The fun begins each evening at 6:00 p.m. sharp and lasts until 8:30 p.m. A closing program will be presented at the Sunday morning worship service on July 24 at 10:30 a.m. All children age 3 through those who have finished grade 6 are welcome. There is no charge to attend. For more information call Anna at 330-938-2335 or Debbie at 330-358-2638.

PCGC Flower Show
July 19
The Portage County Gardeners flower and photography show at 5154 S/ Prospect St. Ravenna, Ohio is on July 19. 2016. The public and members are invited at 1:30p.m.-3:00p.m. Light refreshments will be served. Judges for the show are Rick Strebler, Bonnie Zuchniak , and Betsy Neylon. Awards and prizes will be given at 2:45p.m. Members should present their entries from 10:00 a.m- noon. Judging will be from Noon- 1:30 p.m.

Copperweld Retirees Meeting
July 21
The retirees of local 2243 USWA Copperweld Co. SOAR Chapter 1-28-10 will have their last regular meeting on July 21 at 1 pm at the Windsor House, 235 Champion Ave. East. Our speaker will be Chris Becker, Assistant County Prosecutor. Refreshments will be served. Call and tell your friends to come. This will be the last meeting – we are closing down for good. Our last family picnic will be on August 18. Watch for details.

RNC Convention Watch Party
July 21
The Portage County Republican Party will be hosting a Convention Watch Party Thursday July 21st at the Ravenna Elk’s Club situated at 776 N. Freedom Street Ravenna. Doors open at 5:00pm. Tickets are $10.00 each including big screen feed of the final event, appetizers, deserts, and a cash bar. A BBQ dinner is available for $10 and must be reserved by July 17. To make reservations contact Portage GOP Headquarters at 330-297-0020 PortageGOP@gmail.com or Elayne Cross at 330-221-0051 CrossPortage@yahoo.com

Rummage Sale
July 22 & 23
Christ Lutheran Women’s Guild will be hosting their annual Rummage Sale on Friday and Saturday, July 22 and 23 from 9am to 1pm. Please come and see the large selection of items for sale.
Call the Church for info at 330-274-2849 or Diane at 330-274-2868.

Free To All!
July 23
Free clothing give away on July 23 from 9 am – noon at Mantua Center School, on Mantua Center Rd. We have lots of summer and fall (school) clothing to choose from. All sizes, both genders. Linens, bags, shoes and boots are also available. No cost to anyone! No questions asked.

Picnic and Car Show
July 23
Everyone’s invited to celebrate Cliff and Pat Goff’s 50th Anniversary at Freedom Town Hall on Saturday July 23, 2016
2pm to 6pm. Please come and enjoy friends, family, food, and cars. We will be serving refreshments. Please rsvp by July 15th, so we have an idea of the number of people and cars. Please contact Roxanne Maur at 330-238-0268 or Jessica Maur at 330-235-3776. Hope to see you there!
Garfield High School Football Skills Camp
July 25 & 26
Garfield High School will be hosting a Football Skills Camp
July 25 and 26 from 6pm-8pm
for Grades K-8. Cost is $30 (checks made payable to JAG All Sports Boosters)

Pricetown VBS
July 25 – 29
Pricetown United Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls will be holding its annual Vacation Bible School from July 25th thru July 29th from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. Please come join us for a week of fun and fellowship. This years’ theme is: “SURF SHACK” – Catch the wave of God’s Amazing Love.
Youngsters (age 4 thru 12th Grade) are invited to meet Jesus. Please join us for a fantastic week!!

Free Community Dinner
July 26
Free community dinner, July 26 from 5-6 pm or while supplies last. Windham American Legion, 9960 Center St. Everyone welcome.

Kinsman to Host Circus
July 26
Harry Lees American Legion Post 506 and Auxiliary is bringing in the Kelly Miller Circus with an all new show on July 26. The public is invited to watch the animals being unloaded and fed. Witness the raising of the giant big top at approximately 9:00am. Performances will be at 4:30 and 7:30 at the old Badger High School grounds 8300 Main St. Kinsman, OH. Advance sales tickets are available at area businesses and online at www.KellyMillerCircus.com. For more information Facebook event; Kinsman Circus. Proceeds will go to several veteran benefits.

Moth Night Nature Program at Hiram College
July 27
Join us at 9:00 PM on Wednesday, July 27th at the James H. Barrow Field Station (11305 Wheeler Road, Observation Building) to explore the nighttime world of moths. This family-friendly event is free. No registration required. We suggest bringing a flashlight and camera. Rain date: Thursday, July 28th. Contact Jenn Clark with questions: clarkjm@hiram.edu (330)569-5315.

Ladies Night at RFC
July 28
July 28th, 5-6:30 pm, is a great night for the ladies to relax and dine at the Renaissance Family Center in Windham. The Garrettsville Baptist Church has plans to make it a special “Ladies Night”. Come and see all we have to offer.

All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner
July 30
An all-you-can-eat spaghetti and meatball dinner will beheld on July 30 from 4-7 pm at the Western Reserve Masonic Lodge 507, 216 E. Main St., West Farmington. Dinner donation $7 Adults; $4.50 Kids 5-12; under 5 free. Carryout available. Shotgun raffle will be held at 6 pm. Tickets are $5 each or 5/$20.

Lions Health Fair Cancelled
July 30
The Crestwood Lions 3rd Annual Health Fair & Community picnic, scheduled for July 30th at Buchert Park in Mantua has been cancelled. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Farm to Table Food & Wine Tasting
July 30
Please join us for our Farm to Table Food & Wine Tasting to benefit the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard being held on Saturday July 30th from 5:00-9:00pm at Candlelight Winery. Enjoy a menu designed to showcase locally sourced foods along with craft beers and wine. The evening will also include musical entertainment and a basket auction. Pre-sale tickets $25 per person, $45 per couple. At the door $30 per person, $55 per couple. Includes appetizers, desserts, 4 wine/beer tasting tickets & souvenir wineglass. Visit www.NGCCPortage.org for more information or call 330-931-1289.

Club Hosts Youth Shoots
July 30 & 31
The Streetsboro Sportsman Association is hosting youth shoots for ages 10-18 on July 30 and 31 at 10:00 AM. July 30 will be for first time participants and July 31 for previous participants or experienced youth. Space is limited. For more information or to reserve your place contact Russ Vandercook @ (330)274-3566 or email at rvclays@aol.com. The club is located at 11280 Bloom Road, Nelson Township 44231.

Catch The Wave VBS
Aug 1 – 4
Catch The Wave of God’s Amazing Love at Garrettsville United Methodist Church-Park Ave. VBS August 1 – 4 from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Open to Pre-k to 6th grade.Discover how to surf through life with God and others! Games, music, stories, crafts and science! Register at www.garrettsvilleohumc.com or call the church at 330-527-2055 or call Laura at 330-569-4730.

Pig Roast / Picnic
Aug 6
The Portage County Republican Women’s Club Pig Roast/Picnic will be held on Aug 6. Please come to the Plum Creek Shelter #1 at Plum Creek Park, 650 Plum Street,
Kent, Ohio 44240 from 3pm-7pm. Cost – $20.00 Adult, $5.00 Children, $50.00 Family (6).Tickets are required. This is an opportunity to meet other Republicans, candidates and officials to find out what is happening in the Republican Party. Invite a friend and just have fun getting together. For
more information, call Jeneen at 330-687-4067

Free School Supply Giveaway
Aug 7
Newton Falls American Legion, 2025 East River Road, will be having a free school supply give away on Aug 7 from 3-4 pm – while supplies last. Children must be present.

VA Aid & Attendance/Elder Law Seminar
Aug 9
Independence Village of Aurora invites you to join us for a free seminar on VA Aid and Attendance Benefits. Complimentary presentation by Greg Gogul & Associates. Topics will include VA Aid and Attendance, irrevocable trusts, DPOA’s, guardianship,and qualifying for these benefits. Seminar will be August 9th, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Please RSVP by August 4 to (330) 552-4121

Trunk Sale
Aug 6
Annual Trunk Sale wil be held Saturday, August 6th from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. It’s a 1 day garage sale from the trunk of your car! in the Giant Eagle Parking lot in Middlefield, 15400 West High Street, Middlefield 44062. Sponsored by the Middlefield Chamber of Commerce. Rain or Shine. $20 a space / 2 spaces for $35. Checks may be written to “The Middlefield Chamber of Commerce” and mailed to P.O. Box 801, Middlefield, Ohio 44062, Contact the Chamber at 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com for Vendor Agreement with details.

Golf Outing
Aug 26
Middlefield Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Outing will be held on Aug 26 at Rolling Green Golf Club 15900 Mayfield Road, Huntsburg. $75 a player to golf, register yourself or team now. Skins Games, Proximity Games, Long Drive Contests, Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Registration is at 7:30 am to 9:00 am, Tee Off at 9:00 am. 4 person scramble, lunch at the turn, dinner following golf. Door Prizes for every player. All must be registered by August 12th. Need: Event Sponsor, Hole Sponsor, Dinner Sponsor, Beer Cart Sponsor. To register or with any questions, contact: 440-632-5705 or mccinfo@middlefieldcc.com


Anton Albert Photography