Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events – Week of February 24th

Upcoming Community Events – Week of February 24th


Kindergarten Registration Time!
The James A. Garfield School District is now taking reservations for Kindergarten registration for children that will turn age 5 before August 1, 2017. Registration will take place on, Monday, March 27nd , Tuesday, March 28th and Friday March 31st, 2017. Please call the Elementary School office at 330-527-2184 to schedule an appointment.

Preschool Screenings for Fall 2017
Preschool screenings will take place at James A. Garfield Elementary on Friday, April 21 for children age 3 through 5 years of age that will not attend Kindergarten. The appointment will take approximately 60 minutes. Please call 330-527-5524 to schedule an appointment.

Newton Fall Kindergarten Registration
Registration for children entering the Newton Falls Exempted Village School District for the 2017-2018 school year will be held: Feb 15, 3:00 – 8:30 p.m. and March 13 through March 17, 9:00-11:00 a.m. & 12:30-2:30 p.m. daily. You do NOT need an appointment, but please only come during these times. It is not necessary to bring your child at this time. To be eligible for kindergarten, your child must be 5 years of age by August 1, 2017. Upon registering, you will be given an appointment to bring your child to the school in the spring for screening. Bring the following items with you when registering: Your child’s legal birth certificate;Immunization records; Proof of residency; Child’s Social Security Card and custody papers (if applicable)

Families Anonymous Meeting
Families Anonymous meetings for families dealing with drug addicted members meet every Monday from 7-8 pm at Coleman Behavioral Services Sue Hetrick Building, 3922 Lovers Lane/Loomis Parkway in Ravenna. For more info call Heather 330-569-4367 or Peggy 330-760-7670.

Men on Mondays
beginning March 6
“Men on Mondays” a Men’s Bible Study will be starting on Monday, March 6th. and continuing every Monday thereafter at the “Cellar Door Coffee Shop in Garrettsville. We will meet at 6:45pm and end at 8:00 pm. Coffee and pastry will be provided at no charge.

Every Tuesday
ST AMBROSE CHURCH 10692 Freedom St. Garrettsville– “Early bird” at 6:45p and first game at 7pm. Also featuring instant tickets, coverall jackpots, and other fun games. Doors open 5:45p. Great refreshments!

TOPS Meetings
TOPS OH#1941, Ravenna meets Thursday mornings in the fellowship hall of the Maplewood Christian Church, 7300 State Route 88, Ravenna with weigh-in from 9-9:45 a.m. and a meeting/program following at 10:00 a.m. TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is an affordable, nonprofit, weight-loss support and wellness education organization.

BINGO At St Michael’s
Every Thursday
St. Michael’s Church Weekly Bingo at 7pm every Thursday at 9736 East Center Street Windham, OH 44288.

2nd Thursday Storytime
through May 11
2nd Thursday Storytime at Maplewood Christian Church. Come for stories, crafts, music and movement for children ages 2 – 5 (adults stay for fun, siblings welcome). This event will be held the 2nd Thursday of each month from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. at 7300 State Route 88 in Ravenna. We will not meet if Ravenna Schools are closed.

American Legion Fish Fry
Fish fry dinners will be held at the American Legion Post 674, 9960 East Center St., Windham from 4-7:30 pm. Cost $8. Choice of fish, chicken, shrimp or a combo dinner. Open to public. Carryout available.

American Legion Fish Fry
Through April 14
The Lake Milton American Legion Fish Fry is back! Serving every Friday beginning Feb 3 through April 14 from 3-7 pm at the 737 Legion Post, Milton Avenue
Haddock Fish Dinner or enjoy Chicken or Shrimp, french fries, cole slaw & roll $10. Perogies – $4

God Provides A Free Meal
Feb 24
God provides a free meal at Nelson United Methodist Church, 9367 SR. 305 on Feb. 24 from 4 to 6. Chicken & noodles – veg. – roll – dessert.

Garfield HotStove Baseball Sign-ups
Feb 25
Garfield HotStove Baseball signups will be held on Saturday 2/25 at the village hall from 9 to noon. Please contact Phil Britton 330-233-0419 (Pres) or Colleen Khairallah 330-524-2807 (Sec) with any questions.

Spaghetti Dinner Benefit for Chuck & Wilma Holka
Feb. 25
Friends of Chuck and Wilma Holka will host a benefit at Freedom Town Hall, 8966 S.R. 700 to help pay for the couple’s medical expenses. The event includes a spaghetti and meatball dinner with sides, desserts, and a drink, a Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle, and live music. Tickets are $10 or $8 for ages 55 and older. Children under 5 eat free. Call 330-326-6073.

Eagles Steak Fry
Feb 25
The Garrettsville Eagles will be holding their monthly steak fry and grilled chicken dinner on Saturday Feb. 25th. from 4 to 7;30 pm. Meals include choice of baked potato or French fries, green beans, salad and roll and butter. Steak dinners are $13 and chicken dinners are $9. Carryout available by calling 330-527-2330. Open to the public.

New Ladies Group – All Welcome!!
Feb 25
Do you want to become part of something bigger than yourself? Do you want to be inspired? If this sounds like you then come and bring a friend! There is a new group starting at the Cellar Door Coffee shop in Garrettsville called “Revival in the Country”. Ladies from all walks of life are welcome. We will be meeting the 4th Saturday of the month from 9 am to noon. The meeting is free. The first meeting is on Feb. 25. There will be music and sharing and of course some coffee!! The speaker’s theme is “Forgiveness- your roadmap to freedom” We will meet on the lower level.
NGCC Anniversary Open House
Feb 25
Anniversary Open House. Please join us as we celebrate Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard’s 5-year anniversary at our open house on Feb 25 from 10:00am-2:00pm. Come see how it all started and how far we have come in our mission to “Shut The Door On Hunger” in our community. Bring a non-perishable food donation! NGCC, 10661 Highland Avenue (additional parking available at St. Ambrose Church).

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner
Feb 25
On Feb 25 there will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville United Methodist Church off of SR 82 in the center of Braceville.The dinner begins at 4 and we serve until 6:30 or when the food runs out. The dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cole slaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. The cost is $10.00 for adults and $4.00 for children. Takeouts are available.

4th Annual Nicholas Stock Scholarship Scotch Doubles
Feb 25
The 4th annual Nicholas Stock Scholarship Fund Scotch Doubles will be held on Feb 25 at SkyLanes. Cost is $40 couple. Includes 3 games of bowling, beer, pop, pizza & entertainment by Arrowhead Unplugged. Reserve your space – (330) 527-9999 or (216) 389-0920.

Summer Steak Fry In February
Feb 25
The best way to chase away the Winter blues is with a Summer cookout, right? So come to the St. Ambrose K of C “Summer Steak Fry in February” on Saturday, Feb. 25 from 4:00 pm – (approx.) 7:30 pm. Cost is $15/person or $25/couple ($50/family max.) – cash, check or MC/Visa. Please call 527-4105 to reserve your dinner. One of the Knights will be taking names after all Masses (so we can purchase the correct # of steaks).

Spaghetti Dinner
Feb 26
Spaghetti & Meatball dinner, hosted by Windham American Legion Women’s Auxiliary #674. Feb 26, 2 pm-5 pm
9960 E. Center Street, Windham. Children under 5 free, 6-12 $5.00. Dinnner includes spaghetti & meatballs, salad bread, dessert & coffee or tea. Price $8.00. Call 330-326-3188.

Jesus Pancake Supper
Feb 28
Join the fun at the Brighter Day Church’s 11th Annual Eating of the Pancakes on Feb 28 from 5:30 until 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall of Hilltop Christian Church at 4572 W. Prospect St., Mantua. In addition to FREE pancakes, sausage, juice, milk and coffee, there will also be prizes, crafts and plenty of fellowship to go around.

Geauga West Library Spring Book Sale
March 1 – 5
Join us for the Geauga West Friends of the Library Spring book sale. There are thousands of new and gently used adult and children’s books, puzzles and games, and Audio/Video items. The sale begins March 1 with the Members’ Preview (memberships are available at the door) from 4 to 6 P.M., followed by the Open Public Sale from 6 to 8:30P.M. March 2, 9 A.M. – 8:30 P.M., March 3, 9 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. and March 5 is $3.00 Bag Day from 9 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. The Geauga West Library is located at 13455 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland next to West Geauga High School. The phone number is 440-729-4250.

Spaghetti Dinner
March 2
The Italian-American Society will hold a spaghetti dinner from 4 to 7p.m. March 2, at the club 644 S. Chestnut St., Ravenna. The meal is open to the public for $9 per person.
Dinner includes spaghetti, homemade sauce and meatballs,salad,bread, dessert and coffee. Carry-out orders can be placed by calling 330-296-3581. Also, sauce and meatballs can be purchased by the quart to take home.

A Matter Of Balance
begins March 3
Are you concerned about falling? Interested in improving balance, flexibility, and strength? Falls are preventable, and this class can make a difference! Matter of Balance Classes will be held on Fridays, March 3 until April 28, 9:30a.m. to 11:30a.m. at the Burton Health Care Center, 14095 E. Center St, Burton, Ohio 44021. To register please call Dawn Damante 440-214-3180 This class is free for registered seniors! Space is limited

Lenten Fish Fry
Fridays – March 3 -April 14
Lent Fish Fry will be held at Newton Falls VFW, 433 Arlington Blvd. every Friday during Lent – March 3 – April 14 from 4-8 pm. Dinners include fried or baked fish, bread, & 3 sides of your choice. $10 each; 10 and under $5. Proceeds benefit Newton Falls Athletic Booster Club.

Spring Fundraising Craft Show
March 4
Shop over 30 craft vendors, 50/50 raffle & refreshments on March 4 from 9-3 at the NF VFW Hall, 433 Arlington Blvd. Doors open again at 5 pm for the Chinese auction. Proceeds benefit the NFHS Boys soccer team.

“Paint Party” Program at the Garrettsville Library
March 4
Join us at the Garrettsville Library for the next Crafting with Marian program on Saturday, March 4 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm. It’ll be a fun “Paint Party”, as participants will use brushes, canvas and paint to create a beautiful piece of art- a lovely picture of spring lavender. Program will challenge your creative skills, so bring your patience and love of art too. This adult program is free and open to the public. There’s a $5 registration fee which will be refunded the day of the program. Available spaces are limited, so call 330-527-4378 today for registration.

Road Apple Roubaix
March 4
The Road Apple Roubaix is coming back to Garrettsville on March 4 starting at 10am. This is the opportunity to tour some of the quiet, less-travelled back roads out in Amish country, some gravel roads and the gravel Headwaters Trail…JUST BEWARE OF THE ROAD APPLES on those back country roads! There will be three routes which include a beginner-friendly 14.5 mile trip (mainly on the Headwater’s Trail), and a 25 and 40 mile option which both include “Heckle-Hill” and plenty of gravel segments. All participants will be provided with a free t-shirt, free pint glass, a free drink for that glass, a bowl of chili and a free raffle ticket to our large raffle. For more information and to sign-up, check out- https://roadappleroubaix.wordpress.com.

Freedom Community & Park Booster Meeting
March 6
The Freedom Community & Park Boosters will be having their monthly meeting on Monday, March 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at the Freedom Town Hall. Please contact Tom Mesaros at 330-245-6061 for more information. Hope to see everyone there.

Book Review Group
March 6
The Monthly Book Review and Discussion group meets at the YMCA the 1st Monday each month at 10:30am at the Garrettsville Family Y. A book is not required — it will be presented by Dr J Patella. THE AFTERLIFE OF BILLY FINGERS. One of the most detailed after-death communications ever recorded takes you on an unprecedented journey into the mysteries of life beyond death.

Mobile Dentists to Visit James A. Garfield Elementary
March 8 & 9
On March 8 & 9, the Mobile Dentists will come to the JAG Elementary with all the necessities to do x-rays, exams and routine cleaning. Parents, take advantage of this awesome program. There will be no need for you to take off work or take your child out of school for their dental appointment. You will also receive a written report on the health of your child’s teeth from the dentist. Permission forms have been sent home with the students, please send back the form if you want your child to participate in this wonderful program. If you need a form, they are available in the office. Children can use their insurance, Medicaid, or apply with grant forms for dental care at NO COST. Please call the elementary @ 330-527-2184 if you have any questions.

IDEA Funds Meeting
March 9
JA Garfield School District will be holding a public meeting on March 9, 2017. This will provide the opportunity for questions/comments regarding the spending of IDEA funds for our district before the monthly board meeting. Please join us at the Elementary PD Center on Thursday at 6:45 pm.

Indoor Flea Market
March 10-12
Ravenna Moose Lodge 1234
5727 State Route 14, Ravenna is hosting an indoor flea market on March 10, Noon – 5; March 11, 9 am – 5 pm and March 12, 11 am – 5 pm. Open to the Public! Any Vendors are Welcome! You can sell whatever you want! New or Used! There will be a Bake Sale! Questions or to reserve a table – contact Tomi.moorhouse@gmail.com
Cost is $20.00 per table – for all 3 days.

2017 Pond Clinic
March 16
Join the Geauga and Portage Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) for an informative and free Pond Program on March 16th from 6 – 8 pm at Centerville Mills Park Dining Hall, 8558 Crackel Road, Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023. Learn more about managing your pond with featured speaker Eugene Braig, Aquatic Ecosystems Specialist with Ohio State University Extension and School of Environment and Natural Resources. Registration is required due to limited seating. Please contact Portage SWCD at 330-297-7633 ext. 3 or email mwillett@portageswcd.org to register by March 13th. Hope to see you there!

Chili Cookoff & Chinese Auction
March 18
Huntsburg Grange #2541 is holding their 17th annual chili cook off and Chinese auction on Saturday, March 18 from 11:30 – 2:30 in the Huntsburg Gym, corner Rt. 322 and Rt. 528. Enter your chili for cash prize to first and second place. Live entertainment, cake walk, raffle, games, vendors. Contact Colleen at 440-636-3052.


Anton Albert Photography