Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull

Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull


Volunteers Wanted

Coleman Adult Day Services looking for volunteers to work with seniors that attend in Ravenna. Socialization, play games and help with activities, share your time. Please contact Madeline Activity Director (330) 296-3214

American Legion Breakfast


Breakfast every Monday at the American Legion Post #674.  Time: 7:30 to 11:00 a.m. NOTE: There will be no Monday Breakfast Dec.22. we will be back Dec. 29.  Place 9130 Center Street in Windham.  Carry out available.  Call 326-3188.

Community Center Closed For Winter

There will be no more Community Center days at the old Mantua Center School until March.  The committee thanks all those who have come this past year,  adnd wishes you a safe and healthy winter.  Watch for publicity about reopening in early March.

Winter Clothing Drive


Coats, hats, gloves, boots, etc. will be gladly accepted at Life Church Assembly of God, 10280 St. Rt. 88, Garrettsville, across from JAG Schools. All donations will be delivered to The Salvation Army, located at Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr., Windham. All gently-used, clean winter clothes will be accepted. Donations will be distributed through RFC to families in need. 

Fish Fry in Windham 

Friday Nights

Fish Fry every Friday at Windham American Legion from 4:30-8pm. Cost is $9.00 per dinner.

Movie with Santa

Dec 12

Portage Faith United Methodist Church is hosting their 2nd Annual “Movie with Santa” Dec 12th at 6:30pm.  Bring the children to this free event, to see the Dr. Seuss’ “The Grinch Who Stole Christmas”, with refreshments and games provided.  There will be a special visit by Santa, with opportunities to sit on Santa’s lap and to get pictures taken with Santa and the Grinch. Parents are asked to stay with their children through the event. Portage Faith is located at 9922 SR. 44 (south of the closed bridge) Mantua, Ohio. For any questions call 330-274-8987

Youth Boys Basketball Sign-Ups

Dec 12

Ravenna Parks and Recreation is offering youth boys basketball. Teams will be formed by the following grades: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6.  Practices and games are held at various schools in Ravenna.  Practices begin in January and games are held February through beginning of April.  Ravenna city taxpayer fee is $40; non-city taxpayer fee is $48.   Registration deadline is Dec 12th in office and Dec 14th for Internet   Pre-Registration is a must at the Ravenna Parks and Recreation Office at 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna, from 8:00a.m thru 12noon or from 1:00p.m. thru 4:15p.m. or visit us at www.ci.ravenna.oh.us.  For further information please contact us at: 330-296-2864.

Junior Ravens Basketball Sign-Ups

Dec 12

Ravenna Parks and Recreation is offering youth basketball for both girls and boys. Participants will learn the fundamentals and skills of the sport of basketball in a fun, age appropriate atmosphere using situations under the direction on Sonny Tilden, Ravenna High School Girls’ Varsity Basketball Coach.  Practices begin in January 4 through February 8 on Sundays from 3:45pm to 5pm.Ravenna city taxpayer fee is $20; non-city taxpayer fee is $25. Registration deadline is Dec 12th in office and Dec 14th for Internet. Pre-registration is a must at the Ravenna Parks and Recreation Office at 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna, from 8:00a.m thru 12noon or from 1:00p.m. thru 4:15p.m. or visit us at www.ci.ravenna.oh.us.  For further information please contact us at: 330-296-2864.

RFC Craft Show

Dec 12 & 13

The 5th Annual Renaissance Family Center Craft Show will be Dec 12th from 12-5 and Dec 13th from 10-5. Many crafters, vendors, etc. There are some spots open for crafters & vendors call 330-527-5787.

Pork Dinner

Dec 13

Portage County 4-H & Mantua Masonic Lodge are hosting a Pork  dinner Saturday December 13th, 2014, from 5-7PM.  Dinner includes Pork, mashed potatoes, green beans or corn, applesauce, bread, dessert, and your choice of coffee or punch. Located at the Masonic Hall at 10801 John Edward Dr. Mantua, OH 44255. We do offer carry-out as well. Prices are: Adults $8.00, Children (4 thru 11) $7.00, Children 3 and under are free.

Winter Bird Hike

Dec 13

Join the preserve manager  on Dec 13, 8:00 am- 10:00 am as we observe some of our resident birds that overwinter in Ohio. Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve 11027 Hopkins Rd. Garrettsville, OH 44231 No registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118

Breakfast with Santa

Dec 13

The Palmyra Fire Department and the Palmyra Fireflies will be hosting the 8th Annual “Breakfast with Santa.” The breakfast will be held at the Palmyra fire station on Dec 13th from 8-11am. Santa will be arriving at 8:30 am on a fire truck!  Breakfast will include pancakes, sausage and a beverage. Cost is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for ages 4 – 10 and 3 and under are FREE.  Along with Breakfast with Santa each family will receive one 4×6 picture with Santa. Additional pictures will be available for $2.00 each. Santa will have a small surprise for each child as well.  Non-perishable items are also being collected to help an adopted family this year during the holiday season. We encourage all to come and join the fun with Santa and the Palmyra Fire Department.

Angel Shoppe Craft Show

Dec 13

The Angel Shoppe Craft Show with Secret Santa Shopping and Lunch available is Dec 13th from 9:30am to 2:30pm at Huntsburg. Congregational Church, 12435 Madison Road, Huntsburg, Ohio 44046. The church on SR528 just south of US322. If you need any more information, or would like to have a table space, $15 a table, please call the church at 440-632-5504, leave a message and someone will call you back.

Craft Show

Dec 13

Blackhorse Baptist Church, 6360 Bridge St., Ravenna is having a craft show Dec 13th from 10-3 in the fellowship hall. Proceeds to benefit the food pantry at the church. Open to public. 

Come to a Free Lunch

Dec. 13

A free lunch will be served from 12:00-1:00pm., at the Brick Chapel, 9003 N. Main Street in Windham. Homemade soups and breads, salad and desserts will be provided by the Congregational United Church of Christ. Free lunches will be served the second Saturday of each month, instead of the meals on Thursday nights. Please come and eat lunch with us! All are welcome!

Benefit Chinese Auction

Dec 14

Benefit Chinese auction for Ashley Brosious will be Dec 14th at Nelson Community Center from 12-2, drawing at 2:15. Winner need not be present. For more info contact Diana 330-235-4265. 

Community Christmas

Dec 14

Celebrate this Christmas Season at the Windham Township Hall Dec 14th at 5pm. Christmas music by a Hiram College student singing group. Santa will be visiting – cookies, hot chocolate, and hotdogs. Come join us at this annual event! See you there!

Chancel Choir

Dec 14

The public is cordially invited to a program of Lessons and Carols, presented by the Chancel Choir of the Garrettsville United Methodist Church at 7:00 on Sunday, December 14 in the church, located at 8223 Park Ave. in Garrettsville.  Musical selections will range from tunes found in settings of the colonial period, to visions from the Russian Orthodox tradition.  Readings will be by the Rev. L. Chris Martin.  The congregation will be asked to join in singing traditional carols.  “Noel” and “Alleluia” will be heard : Food for the spirit, food for thought. “Music expresses that which cannot be said and which cannot remain silent.” (Victor Hugo)  

Free Gospel Concert

Dec 14

You are invited to attend a free gospel music concert at Faith Evangelical Church in Garrettsville, featuring Russ & Geri Nottingham on Dec 14th at 11 am. For more information please call the church; 330-527-4068

Christmas Party

Dec 14

The combined American Legion/Auxiliary Christmas party will be Dec 14th at 5pm at the Mantua Village Park Lodge. Members and guests are asked to bring a dish to pass, table service, and a donation of food or paper product for the 4C’s

Community Dinner

Dec 18

You are invited to the Community Dinner at the Renaissance Family Center 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham Dec. 18th 5-6:30. We have FOOD, pretty Christmas trees, FOOD, a Christmas boutique, FOOD and did I mention FOOD.  Where else can you eat and do Christmas shopping all in the same building.

Free Christmas Meal

Dec 19

God Provides a free Christmas meal, Dec 19th from 4-6 at Nelson Methodist Church. Dinner will include ham, parsley potatoes, corn, salad, roll and dessert.

The Legend of the Candy Cane & Candlelight Service

Dec 21

An interpretation artistically based on the book by Lori Walburg. Come see how a little child discovers the true meaning of Christmas as a young Candy Maker works to bring the town together during a snow storm. This production uses costuming, set design and special lighting to bring the early 1900’s to life. This event is FREE and Pastor and Lynne Crouch invite you to come and participate in carol singing during parts of the show and be part of the Christmas Candle Lighting at the close of the evening, Garrettsville Church of God (Soon to be THE FOUNTAIN),  12888 State Route 88, Garrettsville, OH  44231.  330-527-2942

Winter Solstice Hike 

Dec 21

Join us  on December 21st, 2:00pm – 4:00pm as we walk the trails on the shortest day of the year and explore the preserve. No registration is required. Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve 11027 Hopkins Rd. Garrettsville, OH 44231 For more information call (330)-527-5118

Santa on a Fire Truck

Dec 21

Hiram Fire Associations Christmas Santa Toy delivery for Hiram Village and Hiram Township residents will be Dec 21st at 5pm. Wrapped gifts must be turned in to the Hiram Fire Department by Dec 19th with name, complete address and phone number on each gift. For any questions contact Capt. Gary Bott 330-646-1951 or Hiram Fire Dept 330-569-9826.

Library’s Holiday Hours

Dec 24, 25, 31, Jan 1

Happy Holidays! The Portage County District Library announces its holiday hours. All branches and offices of the Portage County District Library will be closed on the following dates, in observance of the holiday season: Dec 24, Dec 25, Dec 31, and Jan 1. For information about library programs and services, visit Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org. Find us on Facebook. Follow us on Pinterest. 

Indoor Baseball Camp

Jan 4

Youngstown State University and Sluggers Indoor Baseball are hosting six week baseball camps starting Jan  4 at  Youngstown State  and March 8 at the Sluggers Indoor Baseball facility. Youngstown State coach, Craig Antush, and Director of Operations at the U.S. Baseball Academy, Joe Marker, will direct their respective sites in conjunction with U.S. Baseball Academy.  Classes are available for players in grades 1-12 and are limited to six players per coach. Sessions are offered in advanced hitting, pitching, catching, fielding and base running. Space is limited. Registration is now under way. For more information, visit www.USBaseballAcademy.com, or call toll-free 866-622-4487.

Full Moon Hike

Jan 5

Join us January 5th, 2015 8:30pm- 10:00pm as we walk the preserve at night hopefully with the light of a full moon! Event is contingent upon sky conditions. This is a free event but registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118  Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve 11027 Hopkins Rd. Garrettsville, OH 44231  Special note: Please dress according to the weather as the temperatures will be rather cold.  

Stargazing Night

Jan 24

Join us on  January 24th, 2014 7:00 pm- 9:00pm as we look upward towards the heavens. A telescope will be available for viewing. You are encouraged to bring your own viewing devices as well. Event is contingent upon sky conditions. This is a free event but registration is required. For more information call (330)-527-5118 Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve 11027 Hopkins Rd. Garrettsville, OH 44231   Special note: Please dress according to the weather as the temperatures will be rather cold. Please be mindful in the use of any flashlights as not to impair other visitors’ night vision.  It is recommended that flashlights be equipped with a red filter lens or bulb. 


Anton Albert Photography