Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events | March 5, 2021

Upcoming Community Events | March 5, 2021


JAG Kindergarten Registration
Pre-register Today!
James A. Garfield Kindergarten Class of 2034
It’s time to pre-register for Kindergarten if your child will be 5 years of age by August 1, 2021. You must pre-register by going to our website, www.jagschools.org. Click on Menu, scroll down to the Final Forms link to pre –register and to fill out the forms. Other documents will be collected at a scheduled appointment on Thursday, March 18, Friday, March 19 or Monday, March 22, 2021. Please call to schedule an appointment or if you have any questions please call the Elementary office 330-527-2184.

Maplewood 2021-22 Preschool Registration
Call Today
Maplewood Preschool is now registering for the the 2021-2022 school year. Please call 330-296-2892, extension 551515 to get more information or to request a registration packet.

Apple Tree Preschool Registration
Call Today!
Apple Tree Preschool open registration begins March 1st for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year. We are a part-time non-profit preschool located in the United Methodist Church of Garrettsville. If you have a 3-4 year old who would like to come play and learn with us a few hours a week, please email us directly at gumcappletree@gmail.com or call the church office (330) 527-2055 for more information.

Groceries for Those In Need
Call Today!
The Renaissance Family Center of Windham is in partnership with LoveLight, Inc. to provide free groceries to families with children ages one to eighteen. The only requirement is to call RFC at 330-326-3003, give us your name, the number of children in your household and their ages, and a contact phone number. We provide food for seven meals and seven snacks for each child with a suggested menu for the week. You must call the center no later than Thursday at noon each week to register. We will have your groceries ready for you to pick up between 5:30 and 6:30 each Thursday.

Soccer – Co-Ed Ages 3 – 12
Register Today!
Registration is now open for youth soccer (ages 3-12) at the YMCA. Season runs from the end of March – May 22 (weather depending) One weekday and one Saturday per week (day of week determined by volunteer coach). Games and Practices at Brosius Road (Hardesty Park) All registrations are online. Stop in the branch if you need assistance registering your child. Questions: Call Garrettsville YMCA 330.469.2044 or email jcrawford@clevelandymca.org

Farmington Senior Center Breakfasts
Senior Center will be open for Breakfast Monday mornings 7am to Noon. We will Be COVID compliant so PLEASE call 330-889-2733, as reservations are highly recommended. Temperatures will be taken at the door and anyone reading a temp of 100 deg will be turned away. Call with questions/concerned 330-889-2733.

Eagles Fish Fry
Fridays Through Lent
The Garrettsville Eagles will be hosting Friday fish fry starting Feb 12 through Lent. 4-7:30pm Dinner includes choice of fish, chicken or shrimp, choice of potatoes, vegetable, roll & butter. Pollack, chicken and shrimp options are $10; All you can eat $12; Haddock $12. Due to covid 19 carryout is preferred. Call 330-527-2330 to order.

Lenten Fish Fry
Fridays Through April 9
The VFW Auxiliary Post 1055
located at 6000 New Milford Road, Ravenna will host a Lenten Fish Fry on Fridays, Feb 12th through April 9th. Meals served from 5:00 – 7:00 PM. Menu: Fish, Shrimp, Chicken Fingers, French Fries & Coleslaw. Price: $10.00 All you can eat (fish only) for dine in customers. Call (330) 296-9546 to order.

American Legion Fish Fry
Fridays through April
American Legion Post 674 in Windham will have a fish fry every Friday through April. $10 per dinner. Fish, chicken or shrimp. 330-326-3188. Dine in or carry out available.

Eagles Swiss Steak Dinnner
March 6
The Garrettsville Eagles Club will be hosting a Swiss steak dinner on March 6. Dinner includes Swiss steak, mashed potatoes, corn, roll with butter and dessert. $12. Carry-out available – call 330-527-2330. Open to the public.

Chardon Polka Band Free Benefit Concert
March 6
Join the Chardon Polka Band in a free concert streamed live on their Facebook page on March 6, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. to benefit SubZero Mission. The band will perform a variety of gospel music.

Parkman Chamber Pancake Breakfast
March 7,14,21 & 28
Parkman Chamber of Commerce is hosting their annual Pancake Breakfast at the Parkman Community House (16295 Main Market / Rt. 422) Drive-thru / Carry-out only 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sundays – March 7, 14, 21, and 28. $8.00 each. Enjoy our special recipe sausage and local pure maple syrup on our tasty pancakes

Ravenna VFW Spring Shoot
March 14-28; April 11-25
VFW Auxiliary Post 1055 located at 6000 New Milford Road, Ravenna, OH 44266 will hold a Spring Shoot weekly March 14th through March 28th then three weeks after Easter, April 11th through April 25th. First shot is at 9AM, start selling at 8:45 AM. $2.00 per round with every 5th round is a money round $5.00. Regular round prize is a meat package, money round is a $50 prize. Call (330) 296-9546 for more info.

St Patty’s Day at the Eagles
March 17
Celebrate St. Patty’s Day at the Garrettsville Eagles Club! Open at 11 am — Come enjoy corned beef dinners – $12, sandwiches – $8 and Ruebens – $10. Drink specials. Open to the public – social distancing practices observed. Call ahead for carry-out 330-527-2330.

Berkshire Tunebackers Spring Fundraiser
March 20
Please join us for the Berkshire Tunebackers 10th Annual Spring Fundraising Chinese Auction on Saturday, March 20th, from 12-6 pm, at the Claridon Headwaters Park Boathouse Pavillion, 13365 Old State Road (Rt. 608), Huntsburg. This is a “stop in and bid” event due to covid gathering restrictions. After the event closes winners will be drawn and contacted. Prizes must be picked up on Sunday, 3/21, between 12-4 pm at the boathouse. Contact Debra Vaught for questions at (440) 321-2035. Lots of great prizes and proceeds benefit the Berkshire School Music Program!

Lunch & Learn
March 23
The Portage County Senior Center will resume offering small scale Lunch & Learn events beginning on Tuesday, March 23rd. Greg Iocafano from Inn at the Pines will educate us on “Elder Abuse” and will also provide lunch prepared by their own chefs for everyone who signs up. The presentation will start promptly at 12:00 and the meal will be provided in safe, individual servings. Seating is extremely limited and sign-up is mandatory. Please call the senior center at 330-297-3456 for further info. The Portage County Senior Center is located at 705 Oakwood St. (Floor G) in Ravenna and is open to those 60 and up.

Geauga SWCD Tree Sale
Order by April 1
The 2021 Spring Tree Sale is here! From Blueberry to Black Walnut and Red Maple to White Pine, this year’s tree sale selection is colorful, affordable, and suitable to a wide variety of landscaping needs. Rain barrels, compost tumblers, and gift certificates are also available for year round backyard benefits! Tree Sale Pickup: April 23 – 24 Please visit the district website at geaugaswcd.com or call 440-834-1122 to obtain an order form and instructions.
Order Deadline: April 1st

SWCD’s Spring Fish Sale
Order by April 9
The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District is currently taking orders for fingerling-size largemouth bass, channel catfish, bluegill/sunfish mix, minnows, redear “shellcracker” sunfish, white amurs, and yellow perch. Pond safety kits are also available. The Fish Sale will be held on April 15, from 1:30 – 3:30 pm on the midway of the Geauga County Fairgrounds. Order deadline is April 9th. Please visit the district website at geaugaswcd.com or call 440-834-1122 to obtain an order form and instructions regarding fish pickup.

6th Annual Safety Forces Craft/Vendor Show
April 10
The 6th Annual Safety Forces Fundraiser will be held on April 10, from 11 am to 4 pm. at the GFN Fire Department located on Elm Street. This is a fundraiser for the Associations of both the Garrettsville-Freedom-Nelson Fire Department and Community EMS. We will have over 40 different and unique vendors and crafters. If you have any questions please DO NOT CALL the emergency numbers. Please contact Pamela Collins at 330.221.2254.

Co-Ed T-Ball Registration
Register by April 26
Registration is now open for T-ball for youth ages 4&5 at the YMCA. Deadline to register is April 26th. Season runs May 3rd- June 25th. One weekday and one Saturday per week (day of week determined by volunteer coach). Games and Practices at Freedom Fields (by Church and Community Center) Rain days: In the YMCA Gymnasium. All registrations are online. Stop in the branch if you need assistance registering your child. Questions: Call Garrettsville YMCA 330.469.2044 or email jcrawford@clevelandymca.org


Anton Albert Photography