Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties

Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties


American Legion Breakfast


Breakfast every Monday at the American Legion Post #674.  Time: 7:30 to 11:00 a.m. Place 9130 Center Street in Windham.  Carry out available.  Call 326-3188.

Community Center in Mantua Open


The Community Center at Mantua Center meets Tuesdays in the cafeteria wing of the old Mantua Center School, on Center Road just north of SR 82.  Doors open at 9:oo, with coffee ready by 9:30, when the watercolor painters gather.  When everyone but those in charge has left, we lock up until 5:00pm, when we reopen for the “Don’t Eat Alone Supper,” served at 5:30, food provided by staff.  If you eat alone way too often, come join us.  Remember, we are closed on Nov 4, as the room is used for the election.

Donations Needed

Donations of fabric, yarn, old sheets, curtains, etc. are needed to help make turkey/pilgrim/ Native American costumes by art students for our annual Turkey Trot at GHS.  The Turkey Trot is our kick-off pep rally for our big holiday food drive and students are designing costumes for a Turkey Fashion Show this year.  Any materials you may and would like to donate may be brought to the high school during school hours.  Call 527-4341 with questions.

JAG Band Fruit Sale

Now-Nov 30

The holidays are approaching…there is no better time for healthy, sweet, Florida fresh citrus! James A Garfield Band is selling grove-fresh Florida navel oranges and Indian River red grapefruit now through Nov 30th. Many options to order: contact any band member, call the school 330-527-4341, or go online to www.FloridaIndianRiverGroves.com, click on the “Order Now!” button and enter our ID #539037. You can have fruit delivered to the school or your home. THANK YOU! WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT!!

Soup & Sandwich Sale

Nov 7

The Newton Falls United Methodist Church will be holding their Soup and Sandwich sale at 336 Ridge Road Newton Falls, OH, Nov 7th from 11:30 to 1:30.  Soups stuffed pepper, Potato, Veg. beef.  Sandwich Chicken Salad, Sloppy Joe, and Sausage.

Pigskin Preview

Nov 7

Football season will be over, but the James A Garfield Bands will still be going strong! Support the band on Nov. 1st at your local merchants by donating money to the many band members who will be around town. Also you can hear the JAG Marching Pride one last time as they perform halftime favorites at the free “Pigskin Review” on Nov. 7th at 7:00 in the Iva L. Walker Auditorium at Garfield High School.

Looking for Swim Lessons for Your Children?

Nov 7

Well, look no further than Hiram College.  This will be our last session of Water Dog Swim Lessons for the semester.  Take advantage of this amazing opportunity to have your child learn a valuable life lesson.  Get instruction from the college’s finest once a week for a four week period.  Each lesson lasts forty-five minutes with an additional fifteen minutes for your child to gain more confidence in the water.    Ages four and up welcomed.  Sign up November 7 from 2:30-4:30 at the swim pool or online at www.hiramterriers.com/sports/swimdive/swimlessons.  Lesson times are from 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, and 5-6pm Sunday afternoons on November 16, 30, December 7 and 14.  Cost is forty dollars.  For more information, please contact Brian O’Neill at 330.569.5343.

Crestwood Jr Sr Seminar Spaghetti Dinner

Nov 7

Crestwood High School’s Junior-Senior Seminar helps students to raise awareness of their roles in society and develop into community leaders. Our group has chosen to raise money for the GarrettsvilleStrong fund. A spaghetti dinner will be held at Crestwood High School on Nov 7th from 4:30-6:30 in the cafeteria.

Pre-sale tickets for the spaghetti dinner are  $7per person. If anyone would like to purchase them they can contact Adriana French, at arfrench101@yahoo.com

Auction  and Spaghetti Dinner

Nov 8

Everyone is invited.  First Church of God in Newton Falls is sponsoring an auction and spaghetti dinner on  Nov 8th.  Numerous items are available for auction.  All items are new or lightly used.  This promises to be a fun filled evening for the entire family.  Spaghetti dinner will be held at 5:00 p.m., Auction will begin at 6:00 p.m.  Spaghetti dinner – 12 years and above -$8.00, 4-11 years $4.00, 3 and under free.  First Church of God, 426 W. Broad St., Newton Falls.

4C’s Craft Show

Nov 8

The Crestwood 4 C ‘ s annual craft show will be held on Saturday, Nov 8 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Shalersville Town Hall.  The show features local artisans and crafters, door prizes and a $100 Grand Prize gift card.   One ticket, good for door prizes and the Grand Prize, will be given for each non-perishable food item donated the day of the show.  Tickets for prizes can also be purchased $.50 or 3/$1.00.

Chinese Auction

Nov 8

Chinese Auction Nov 8, The K. I. D. Cancer Foundation will host our 5th annual Chinese Auction at the Parkman Community House located on State Route 422 in Parkman, Ohio. Hundreds of items up for bid. $1,000 Deal-or-No Deal Game. 50/50 Raffle, Door prize, Food & Soft drinks. Free reserved seating if you choose. Credit cards accepted. Doors open at 3:00pm. Drawings start at 6:pm. If you have any questions please call: (330) 889-9600.

USO/1940’s Era Dance

Nov 8

VFW Post 1055 Ladies Auxiliary, 6000 New Milford Rd., Ravenna, is gearing up for a USO/1940’s era dance and 50/50 raffle to be held Nov  8th  from 4-8pm at the Post home. Cost per ticket is $5.00 which includes ballroom dancing and swing dancing demonstrations, vocalist, and DJ Chuck Casalicchio.  All the entertainment is being provided free.   1940’s era refreshments are provide free of charge. The event is open to the public and tickets may be purchased at the door.  For more information contact Judy at 330-9313-8910.

Community Dinner

Nov 8

A Free Community Dinner will be served on Nov 8th at the Brick Chapel from 5-6pm. The Chapel is located at 9003 N. Main St., Windham. It is sponsored by the Congregational UCC. Our Free Dinners are now bring served on The second Saturday of each month, weekly instead of Thursdays.

Amish Craft Show

Nov 8

Amish Craft Show Over 40 vendors, Nov 8th from 9-3:30 at Joe’s Window Shop, corner of 168 & Shedd Rd. For info call Judy 216-410-3265 or Joe 44-834-0326.

Scotch Doubles

Nov 8

8th Count Dance Studio Scotch Doubles fundraiser will be Nov 8th. This will begin at 9: 00 pm at Sky Lanes Bowling Alley; doors will open at 8:30 pm. The price is 40.00 per couple or 20.00 for individual. We will also be having a Chinese Auction, 50/50 and Door Prizes. To purchase tickets, contact Nicole Thompson at 330-687-8288 at any time.

Smoked Sausage Dinner

Nov 8

Smoked sausage, potato and green bean dinner will be Nov 8th at the First Christian Church, North Center Street, Newton Falls from 4:00-7:00 pm. Cornbread, applesauce, drinks and dessert are included with the dinner. Proceeds for the wrought iron fence project of the Newton Township Cemetery Association.  Advance tickets may be purchased from any member of the association or call Louanne at 330.872.1353. Tickets prices are: Adults-$9, Children 3 to 11-$6, Ages 2 and under-Free.

St. Anselm Christmas Boutique 

Nov 8

St. Anselm Women’s Guild Annual Christmas Boutique will be held on November 8 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at St. Anselm Church, 13013 Chillicothe Rd., Chesterland. There will be over 80 vendors, a bake sale, a snack bar, and a Chinese Raffle with many great prizes. Your $1.00 admission includes one Chinese Raffle ticket. Join the Boutique Bounce by also stopping at Old South Church, 9802 Chillicothe Rd. in Kirtland and St. Mark Lutheran Church at 11900 Chillicothe Rd. in Chesterland on the same day. (St. Mark’s is also on Friday evening.) Pick up a card at your first stop and have it stamped at each show for a chance to win one of three gift baskets.

Pancake Breakfast

Nov 8

BSA Troop 4262 is having a Pancake Breakfast. The featured pancake this year will be Pumpkin. Come and join us before you head out to the Village Christmas Walk. There will be pumpkin and old fashioned buttermilk pancakes, sausage, warm syrup, cinnamon butter and assorted beverages. Nov 8th from 8:00a.m.-12:00p.m. The breakfast will be held at the Garrettsville United Methodist Church, 8223 Park Avenue, Garrettsville. A suggested donation of 5.00 for adults, 3.00 kids 12-4 and children 3 and under free.

Arts & Crafts Show

Nov 8-9, 15-16

The Bell Family and Friends will be holding an Original Art and Crafts show on November 8 &9 and 15 & 16  from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location is 8228 Maple Avenue in Garrettsville, OH  There will be original drawings and paintings for sale as well as handcrafted items and quilted items.  Visitors can also purchase Village Piecemakers raffle tickets.

St. Joseph Garden Club’s Annual Christmas Boutique

Nov 9

Don’t miss one of the area’s nicest craft shows, sponsored by the St. Joseph Garden Club. Held in St. Joseph Church’s Hughes Hall in Mantua on Nov 9th from 9:30 am – 3:30 pm, the Christmas Boutique offers hand-crafted items, baked goods, raffles, door prizes, and breakfast and lunch items.  Members of St. Joseph’s PSR program will run the kitchen offering snack, lunch and dessert items at one of the areas nicest craft shows. St. Joseph’s is located at 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. off Pioneer Trail in Mantua.

Pancakes at the Grange

Nov 9 

Hambden Grange #2482 is serving an AYCE Pancake Breakfast with maple syrup, corn fritters, fruit, sausage, juice, cocoa and coffee, Sunday, November 9th,  from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm.  The Grange is located at 9778 Old State Road, Chardon.  The cost is $7 for Adults and $3 for Children 10 and under.

Spaghetti Dinner

Nov 9

Knights of Columbus Council #3350 is having an All-You-Can-Eat spaghetti dinner Nov 9th at Saint Mary’s social hall,120 Maple Dr. Newton Falls from 12-3. Dinner includes: Spaghetti, with or without meatballs, Italian bread, salad, coffee or punch, and dessert. Adults: $8.00, Children: $3.00 (6-11), Children: Free (5 & under). Carryouts available. For any additional information please contact: Tom Fetock (330)-872- 5886 or Matt Stimac (330)-872-7865

Happy Hour Painting for Veterans

Nov 10

TAG is offering a free Happy Hour Painting class for veterans only, as a thank you for their service.  The class will be held November 10th from 6-8 at Trumbull Art Gallery, 158 N. Park Avenue, Warren, Ohio.  All materials are provided, and each participant will leave with a completed painting.  Veterans wishing to attend should call 330 395-4876 to reserve a spot.  Class size is limited to 30, so call early.

Youth Boys Basketball Registration

Nov 10

Ravenna Parks and Recreation is offering youth boys basketball, and registration begins November 10, 2014.  Teams will be formed by the following grades: 1-2, 3-4, 5-6.  Practices and games are held at various schools in Ravenna.  Practices begin in January and games are held February through beginning of April.  Ravenna city taxpayer fee is $40; non-city taxpayer fee is $48. Registration deadline is December 12, 2014 in office and December 14, 2014 for Internet   PRE-REGISTRATION is a Must at the Ravenna Parks and Recreation Office at 530 N. Freedom Street, Ravenna, from 8:00a.m thru 12noon or from 1:00p.m. thru 4:15p.m. or visit us at www.ci.ravenna.oh.us.  For further information please contact us at: 330-296-2864.

Veteran’s Day Program

Nov 11

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield Veteran’s Day program will be Nov 11th from 9-11am at Newbury Elementary School Auditorium. Call Bo 440-834-8764 for more details.

Soup & Chili Dinner

Nov 11

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield open house soup and chili dinner will be from 4:30-7 at the Legion Home on Goodwin Street in Burton. Call Bo 440-834-8764 for more details.

Band Fundraiser

Nov 11

School Spirit Tastes Great! Make dinner a selfless act by joining us for a fundraiser to support the James A. Garfield Bands. Come into the Streetsboro Chipotle on Nov 11th from 4:00pm – 8:00pm. Tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 50% of the proceeds will be donated to James A. Garfield Band Boosters.

Library Closed Veterans Day

Nov 11

All branches and offices of the Portage County District Library will be closed on Nov 11th in observance of Veterans Day. They will resume normal operating hours on Nov 12th. Visit the Portage County District Library online at www.portagelibrary.org for information about library programs and services. Find us on Facebook. Follow us on Pinterest.

Thanksgiving Donation Box

Nov 11

The Center of Hope Thanksgiving Donation Box is at Hardparts! Please consider helping to make a great holiday for families in Portage County. (The box will be picked up November 11th.) Hardparts Technology Services. Open Weekdays 9-6 p.m. & Saturdays 9-1 p.m. 435 W. Main St., Ravenna, Ohio 330.297.9627

J.A. Garifield Board of Education Meeting 

Nov 13 & Dec 11

The Board of Education regular meeting will be held at the Elementary School Professional Development Center.  The regular meeting is scheduled for the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Fish Fry

Nov 14

Garrettsville Eagles Fish Fry will be Nov 14th from 4-7:30 at 8149 Water Street. Fish, Shrimp or combo, also chicken tenders available with your choice of baked potato or French fries, green beans & coleslaw or applesauce with dinner roll and butter. To go orders welcome 330-527-2330. There will not be a fish fry in December and no steak fry in November or December.

Holiday Garage Sale

Nov 14 & 15

The Upton Association announces the schedule for the annual Holiday Garage Sale. The holiday Christmas Sale will be November 14 & 15 from 9-4. Donations are requested on November 11 from 9AM to noon, November 12 from noon to 3PM and Wednesday  from 9AM to noon. The Christmas sale will take place in the garage as well as several rooms in Upton House. For more information, contact Susan at 330-538-3182 or email at institches5848@aol.com. Upton House is located on 380 Mahoning Avenue NW.

Scout Vendor & Craft Show

Nov 15

The Parents of Cub Scout Pack 4067 invite you to a Craft Show Nov 15th from 10-4pm at the First Congregational Church of Newton Falls. The church is located at 612 West Broad Street, Newton Falls, OH 44444. Vendors to be at the show are: Scentsy, Tupperware, Heaven Lee Portraits, Thirty-One, Homemade Crafts, Baked Good, and so much more! Chinese Auction and refreshments will be available. Hope to see you there and Thank you for Supporting Scouting.

Texas Hold’Em 

Nov 15

Texas Hold’Em tournament will be Nov 15th at Kent Elks Lodge, 2265 E. Erie St., Ravenna from 4-? Food and beverage provided. Seating is limited. Payout 70%, 30% donated to JDRF via Team Alaina. Questions call Jennifer 330-360-3869, Alan 330-360-2242 or Joe 330-442-3155.

Fall Holiday Arrangement


Join Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik at the OSU Extension Office, 14269 Claridon Troy Road in Burton, to make your very own fall holiday container arrangement. Need something on the porch to welcome guests during the holidays, a festive touch on the hearth, jazz up the dining room for Thanksgiving or maybe a hostess gift? You’ll turn a classic 10-12” flower pot into a beautiful fall holiday decoration. Phyllis has sweet Annie, sedum, dried grasses, berries, curly willow, hydrangea, astilbe, tansy, bittersweet and more to work with. Then you’ll top off your creation with a gorgeous florist bow. As an extra treat, Phyllis will show you how, with a few simple changes, you can convert your fall arrangement to a winter/Christmas decoration. So join us for this craft from the garden and bring a friend to share the fun. This will take place November 15th from 9-noon. Cost is $35.

Property Hike & Questionnaire

Nov 15-16

Hiram Township Property Hike and Questionnaire.  Come join the Community Evaluations and Accomplishments Committee (CEAC) for a hike on the new Township property to look at the area the trustees will be conserving.  The purpose of the hike will be to get feedback for ideas about a future park as well as community use of the property.  Tentative dates are Nov 15 and 16.  Check next week’s Villager for times and meeting point.  See you there!  For more information, contact Tim Kasper 330-569-7387 or Dan Brokos  440-321-5782

Craft Show

Nov 15 & 16

Nelson Literary Music Club invites you to our 4th annual Craft Show Nov 15 & 16 from 10am-5pm both days. The show will take place at the Nelson Community Center on Nelson Circle. Many handmade crafts, baked goods and more. For more information call 330-527-5787.

16,000 Acres: A walk on the wild side

Nov 16

Flat as a pancake, straight as an arrow, and high and dry is a walk through a section of the 16,000 acre the wildlife refuge complex in Trumbull County. The adjacent Mosquito Creek and Grand River Wildlife Areas are the home of eagles, bears, otters, cranes, bobcats and more. The gravel pathway has extensive vistas and bisects a large wetland/meadow complex allowing for ample opportunities for wildlife observation. Multiple bald eagle sightings are the rule along with various other raptors and sandhill cranes on this easy walk. Join guide Bob Faber from 10:00am-Noon. Hiking fee: $7 for members ($10 for non-members). Register by November 12 (330.569.6003 or emailsorrickmw@hiram.edu).

Journey North Tulip Garden

Nov 16

Citizen scientists in the northern hemisphere plant Red Emperor tulip bulbs to help monitor seasonal change in a scientific way. At planting and in the spring when plants emerge and bloom, data is reported to Journey North, the nation’s premiere citizen scientist program for children. Children, ages 6 and up, are invited to help plant the James H. Barrow Tulip Test Garden from 10:00am-Noon. An overview of the program and exploration of bulbs will be followed by planting and then hot chocolate or cider. Registration is required and will be limited to 15. To register, call Jane O’Brien at 330 338-4218 or email her at obrienjs@hiram.edu.

Thanksgiving Community Meal

Nov 20

There’s a CHANGE! What? NO, Don’t like it! Just for ONE month. Renaissance Family Center, 9005 Wilverne Dr. Windham. Is changing  their Thanksgiving Community meal date. So save the date. Not the fourth Thursday of November, it’s the third Thursday of November, the 20th. 5-6:30 pm. See you there!!!

Free Community Meal

Nov 20

Christ Lutheran in Mantua will be holding their Free Community Meal on November 20 from 5 to 6:30 PM. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and an opportunity to visit with friends and neighbors.  We look forward to seeing you.

Holiday Open House

Nov 20-22

TAG is hosting a 21014 Holiday Open House, featuring the Gift Shop at our Gallery.  Join us and watch local artists and crafters ply their trade.  Enjoy displays and demonstrations, festive music, and treats.  Browse for the perfect gift – for yourself or a loved one – or pick up a piece of original art.  While you’re here, you can also check out the TAA Holiday Art Show.  We will be open the 20th and 21st from 11 am to 6 pm, and the 22nd from Noon to 4 pm.  Trumbull Art Gallery, 158 N. Park Ave., Warren, OH 44481. Admission is free.

Craft & Vendor Show

Nov 22

JAG Elementary PTO craft & vendor show will be Nov 22 from 10-3 at JAG Elementary school. Table space available for $25 and must donate an item for Chinese auction. Concession and baked goods available for purchase. All funds raised will go toward JAG Elementary School Playground Upgrades. For questions or more information contact Michelle Phifer 330-931-6418 or michelle.phifer@yahoo.com

Comedian Showcase

Nov 22

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre presents their bi-annual Comedian Showcase on November 22nd b at 7:00 pm at Slim and Jumbo’s on Main Street in Garrettsville. The doors open at 7:00 pm. and the audience will pick the winners. Tickets at the door $10.00. 50/50 and Chinese Auction will be available.

Special Thanksgiving Event

Nov 23

The 31st Annual Senior Thanksgiving Dinner, hosted by the Mantua Knights of Columbus Council #3766, is set for Nov 23 at 1:00 p.m. at their hall located at 11845 St. Rt. 44, just North of St. Rt. 82 in Mantua.  Call 330-274-4982 for your reservation beginning November 1st.  Limited seating available.

Santa’s Collection Craft Show

Nov 29

14th Annual Santa’s Collection Craft Show  will be Nov 29th from 9-3. Area crafters, unique gifts, crafts and toys. Free admission to show. For table information call Carol 440-834-4532. All proceeds benefit scholarship fund. Burton American Legion Post 459, Goodwin St.

Breakfast with Santa

Nov 29 & 30

Breakfast with Santa will be Nov 29th & 30th from 9am-1pm at Burton American Legion Post 459, Goodwin St. in Burton. Admission is $6 for adults, $3 for kids 6-12 and free for kids under 5.

Chinese Auction

Nov 30

Please come out and show your support for a local young lady who has recently undergone 3 brain surgeries to help control her seizures. Chinese Auction will be Nov 30 from noon-5. There will be baked goods along with homemade and direct sales vendors to shop from! A great time to start your holiday shopping! Nelson Community House,11639 Windham Parkman Rd., Garrettsville, Oh 44231

Christmas Craft Show

Dec 3 & 4

The 29th annual Beary Merry Christmas Craft Show will be Dec 3Rd & 4th from 11-9 at the OSU Extension Office, 14269 Claridon Troy Road in Burton. Handmade unique holiday gifts, holiday entertainment and Chinese raffle. Door prizes every hour. Lunch and dinner available. $3 admission. Show benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Event will be held at Normandy Party Center, 30310 Palisades Parkway, Wickliffe.

Community Support at Mary Yoder’s

 Dec 6

Mary Yoder’s Amish Kitchen is reaching out to help those who may struggle to enjoy the holiday season.  On December 6th, beginning at 3:00 pm, Mary Yoder’s will be hosting a Chinese Auction Benefit, with all proceeds from the auction going to support Shop With a Cop and the food pantry in Middlefield.   Along with the auction, guests will enjoy a boxed lunch which includes a choice of a chicken salad sandwich or a ham sandwich, chips, and a cookie.  Coffee and punch will be provided also.Bidding is from 3:00 to 5:00 pm; the drawing begins at 5:00. Admission tickets, which include the boxed lunch and 10 complimentary auction tickets, are on sale for $15.00 at Mary Yoder’s or online at www.maryyodersamishkitchen.com.   Everyone is invited to come, enjoy the afternoon, cross some items off your Christmas list, and most importantly, help your neighbor.

Christmas Craft 

Dec 6

Back by popular demand Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik is teaching her tabletop Christmas tree craft class. This time you’ll make a beautiful tree from fresh evergreens. Spruce, fir, boxwood, rhody, pine, cedar, juniper, and more. The fragrance is wonderful. Decorate your creation with garland, ribbons, berries, feathers, dried flowers, little ornaments or go wherever your fancy takes you. For a special touch add a string of mini lights! These trees make great gifts too. Join us for a morning of holiday fun and bring a friend to share it with. December 6th from 9-noon. Cost is $35

Trip to “Christmas City”

Dec 10-12

Join St. Anselm Young of Heart in “Christmas City,” Bethlehem, PA, on December 10-12. There will be a guided tour of Bethlehem by Night, a factory tour of Martin Guitar, the Christmas Putz at the Central Moravian Church, and much more. Included are 5 meals, two nights of rooms at the Sands Resort & Casino with $60 free slot play, 5 meals, luggage handling and gratuities. Cost is $365 ($374 for non-members). Everyone is welcome on Young of Heart trips. All trips leave from St. Anselm Church in Chesterland. Call Nancy for further information, 440-729-9684.

RFC Craft Show

Dec 12 & 13

The 5th Annual Renaissance Family Center Craft Show will be Dec 12th from 12-5 and Dec 13th from 10-5. Many crafters, vendors, etc. There are some spots open for crafters & vendors call 330-527-5787.

Indoor Baseball Camp

Jan 4

Youngstown State University and Sluggers Indoor Baseball are hosting six week baseball camps starting January 4 at Youngstown State, and March 8 at the Sluggers Indoor Baseball facility. Youngstown State coach, Craig Antush, and Director of Operations at the U.S. Baseball Academy, Joe Marker, will direct their respective sites in conjunction with U.S. Baseball Academy.  Classes are available for players in grades 1-12 and are limited to six players per coach. Sessions are offered in advanced hitting, pitching, catching, fielding and base running. Space is limited. Registration is now under way. For more information, visit www.USBaseballAcademy.com, or call toll-free 866-622-4487.


Anton Albert Photography