Home We're All Invited Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties

Upcoming Community Events in Portage, Geauga, and Trumbull Counties


Free Senior Yoga

FREE Yoga and Exercise get together for Seniors.  Once a month. At Hiram College.   Call Joseph, 330 569 3376

American Legion Breakfast


Breakfast every Monday at the American Legion Post #674.  Time: 7:30 to 11:00 a.m. Place 9130 Center Street in Windham.  Carry out available.  Call 326-3188.

After School Crafts

After school crafts at Renaissance Center in Windham in the game room. Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Fall crafts made during October.

Softball Player Wanted

Thunder Elite 10u out of Trumbull County is in search of a dedicated, hardworking fast pitch softball player. This is a great opportunity to be part of a very competitive, eager team.  Please call Nate Schick @ (330) 307-6141.

Community Center in Mantua Open


The Community Center at Mantua Center meets Tuesdays in the cafeteria wing of the old Mantua Center School, on Center Road just north of SR 82.  Doors open at 9:oo, with coffee ready by 9:30, when the watercolor painters gather.  Starting this week we’re looking for helpers to make school bags to donate to Church World Service for displaced children in various places around the world.  This is a simple sewing project which can be easily  done even by someone who has never before run a sewing machine.  If you can bring your own machine, please do, but we have a couple of them at the school to be used by anyone.  Other materials and supplies will be provided. As always, you can also bring your own projects, there will be a jigsaw puzzle you can work on, or you can come just to chat with friends and make some new ones.  Potluck lunch is at noon, so bring food to share.  When everyone but those in charge has left, we lock up until 5:00pm, when we reopen for the “Don’t Eat Alone Supper,” served at 5:30, food provided by staff.  If you eat alone way too often, come join us.  Remember, we are closed on November 4, as the room is used for the election.

Burton Library Book Sale

Oct  18, 25

Every Saturday in October from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.$3 for a bag of books.  We have an entire floor of books that must go!  Book sale to benefit the Burton Public Library, sponsored by the Friends of the Library, on Saturday the 11th of October at 9am to 4pm in the Burton Public Library’s Book Cellar (14588 West Park Street; Burton, OH  44021).  In addition to books, you will find puzzles, sheet music, magazines and much more.  All proceeds benefit library programs.  For more information, or to volunteer, call (440) 834-4466.

Altar & Rosary Rummage Sale

Oct 17

The Altar & Rosary Society of St. Ambrose Church, located at 10692 Freedom St. in Garrettsville is hosting their annual fall rummage and bake sale on Oct 17th from 9-5 and Oct 18th from 9-1. Saturday is bag day. The rummage sale will take place in the church hall.

Craft Show

Oct 18

Parents of Girl Scout Troop #124 will be holding a craft/vendor show Oct 18 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Church of God, 426 W. Broad St., Newton Falls.  Featuring handmade Wreaths, Jewelry, Greeting Cards, Hair Bows, Stained Glass, Ceramics, Knitted/Crochet Dish Towels, Hats/Scarves, Slate Paintings, and Holiday Crafts. Vendors from Jamberry Nails, Scentsy, Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, Avon, and Origami Owl. Also our Girl Scout Bake Sale, 50/50 raffle, and Chinese Auction.

11th Annual Apple Butter Fest

Oct 18

The Lake Milton Presbyterian Church is holding its annual Apple Butter Fest and everyone is invited to come and help stir the apple butter in a copper kettle over an open fire. The freshly canned, warm apple butter will be for sale along with all kinds of baked apple goodies including pies, dumplings, cookies, candy apples, etc. also for sale; hotdogs, sausage sandwiches, French fries, hot soup and drinks. For free flea market or craft space call 330-654-3396. No food or bake sale items. Dress warm, rain, snow or shine event.

Bow Wow Ween

Oct 18

Legacy Dog Rescue, a 501c3 non profit organization, will be holding Bow Wow Ween on October 18, at Austintown Park, Pogany Pavilion, 6000 Kirk Rd., Austintown. 11am – 3pm.  Dogs Welcome!  Dog costume contest ($5.00 contest entry fee, unlimited entry to all contests), games, refreshments, Chinese auction, Fall pictures for $5.00!  Call 330-719-5569 with questions!

Please come out and support our efforts to help the abused, neglected and abandoned dogs of Trumbull & Mahoning County.

Sauerkraut and Pork Dinner

Oct 18

Sauerkraut and Pork Dinner will be Oct. 18th from 4 to 6:30 pm at Messiah Lutheran Church; 4920 Fairport Rd., Newton Falls.  (Corner of St. Rt. 534 and Fairport Rd.) Carry out available. Adults $8.00 — Children 6 to 12 $6.00 — Children under 6 Free.

Polka Mass

Oct 19

Polkafest Polka Mass will be Oct 19th beginning at noon at St. Edwards Parish in Parkman. Dinner reservations required. Adult dinner dance $15, kids dinner dance $10, take out dinners $13. Call Marlene Collins440-834-4506 for reservations.

Free Community Meal

Oct 20

Christ Lutheran Church,  State Route 44, Mantua will hold a Free Community Meal on Monday, October 20, from 5 to 6:30 PM. Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and a chance to visit with your friends and neighbors. The meal is held on the third Monday of each month.

The Vampire Talk

Oct 21

Mark Dawidziak, Plain Dealer columnist and author of such vampire-centric books as “The Night Stalker Companion” and “The Bedside, Bathtub & Armchair companion to Dracula,” will conduct a presentation on vampires on Tuesday, October 21, at 6:00 pm.

Burton Public Library – 14588 W. Park St. – Burton, OH 44021. He will discuss Count Dracula, the current vampire boom and the enduring appeal of the undead. The program includes items from the author’s personal collection, or, as he calls them, “items from the crypt.” Copies of his books will be available for purchase after the talk.

Soup Show Down

Oct 23

On October 23rd at the Renaissance Family Center you are invited to pick the best soup. It’s a “Soup Show Down”. I, Tyra, am calling out Tom, Larry, Parry and Jim. You know who you are. We will settle the ongoing question: WHO’S THE BEST RFC COOK. Time: 5-6:30 PM Double Dog Dare You All!

Swiss Steak Dinner

Oct 25

Nelson UMC Swiss Steak Dinner will be Oct 25th at Nelson Community House from 4:30-7pm. Cost is $10 for adults, children $6.00, kids under 5 eat free.

Stuffed Pork Chop Dinner

Oct 25

There will be a stuffed pork chop dinner at the Braceville UMC off of St. Rt. 82 in the center of Braceville. Dinner will be from 4-6:30, unless food runs out. Dinner includes mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, coleslaw, applesauce, homemade desserts, bread, coffee, tea or punch. Cost is $9 for adults and $3.50 for children. Takeout’s are available.

Free Clothing For All

Oct 25

Another free clothing give-away sponsored by Mantua Center Christian Church, 4118 St. Rt. 82, Mantua Twp., will be Oct 25th from 9am-noon. Lots of fall and winter clothing for all sizes and both genders, as well as linens, curtains, shoes, handbags, etc.

Craft Show & Bake Sale

Oct 25

Deerfield Friends Church is hosting its 5th annual Artisan event, Craft show and Bake sale on October 25th. This event runs from 9am until 5pm, free admission! There are still a few vender spots available if anyone is interested, contact Gerri Seem at 330-993 0241. This event showcases artists from around the community; for some this is the only event for which they make their art available for purchase. There will be lunch food available and a unique variety of homemade foods to buy and take home including breads, pies, fudge, cookies and more.

Community Trick or Treat

Oct 25

Fortis College is hosting a   Community Trick or Treat on October 25th  from 10am-12pm. There will be trick or treating, face painting, apple juice, popcorn, and crafts.

Turkey Dinner

Oct 26

The Ladies Guild of St. Mary’s & St. Joseph Church of Newton Falls will be hosting their annual turkey dinner  Oct 26th from noon-3pm. The price for adults is $9, ages 5-12 is $5, children under 5 eat free. Tickets may be purchased at the door. Raffle tickets will also be available at the dinner. Dinner will be held at St. Mary & St. Joseph Social Hall at 120 Maple Drive, Newton Falls, OH 44444. Carry out dinners are available.

Free Community Dinner

Oct 28

Free Community Dinner will be Oct 28th from 5-6pm, while supplies last at Windham American Legion, 9960 Center St. Everyone welcome! Sponsored by St. Nicholas Samaritan Outreach, Warren, Ohio.

Trick or Treat at Brooks House

Oct 29

Trick or Treat Give Me Something Good to Eat! Brooks House Assisted Living invites children under 14 and their families, to a night of Trick or Treat fun on Oct 29th. Come in your costume ready to trick or treat, judge a scarecrow contest, eat donuts, drink cider, and more, anytime from 5-7pm.  We are located at 18144 Claridon-Troy Rd (St. Rt. 700 between Burton & Hiram) Hiram, Ohio 44234 Please RSVP by October 20th to Amanda Scopilliti at 330-977-7389 or amanda@brookshouse-assistedliving.com.

Garrettsville Strong 1st Halloween House Decorating Contest.

Oct 29

Let’s get the holiday spirit started. The Harrison Family  dare all those who love the holidays to outdo our Halloween Decorations. All proceeds go to the #GarrettsvilleStrong Fund to help rebuild our village. Why let Garrettsville turn into a ghost town? There will be three winners in the catagories of Best Lighted, Most Spooky and All- around Best- Decorated.  The four judges will be out there looking at the entries on Oct 29th starting at 7pm until finished. Awards and bragging rights will go to the top three winners.  Homes entered will be mapped out and given a number to place in their yard. Maps will be available at different locations throughout the village for those who would like to view them. There is a 10.00 entry fee for each home.  Entry forms can be downloaded at http://garrettsvillearea.com/how-can-i-help.html and your home can be registered by calling  Tom at 330-977-7596. This is just the first to come — How about a Christmas Yard Decorating contest???  TOGETHER WE CAN REBUILD GARRETTSVILLE!!

Newton Falls Trick or Treat

Oct. 30

Newton Falls Trick or Treat Night will be held from 5-7 p.m. The costume contest begins in town at 7 p.m., immediately followed by the cake walk.  Donor groups may drop off cakes at 16 West Broad Street all day.

Contra Dance

Nov 1

Troy Township Contra Dance will be Nov 1st at the Troy Community House (13950 Main Market Road / Route 422; Burton, Ohio 44021). All ages join in the foot stompin’, crowd pleasin’ atmosphere of Contra Dance and live folk music.  Lesson at 6:30pm.  Dance 7:30-10:30pm.  Adult $8, student $5, family $25.

Murder at the Pigskin Party

Nov 1

The Murder at The Pigskin Party will be held on Saturday, November 1st, 2014 at the Mantua Knights of Columbus Hall located on 11845 St. Rt. 44 in Mantua, Ohio 44255. The event will feature entertainment by the Garrettsville Curtains Up Theatre Mystery Group and dinner catered by Guido’s in Ravenna.  Tickets are available on a presale basis for $40 each.   Tickets can be purchased at Huntington Bank (Garrettsville), Skylanes Bowling (Garrettsville), by calling Karen at 330-527-2622 or Norm at 330-527-8093, or online at www.eventbrite.com (search word “Murder”) and fommysterdinner14.eventbrite.com  This event is sponsored by the Friends of Melana and the proceeds will be used to further research for children’s glioma brain cancer, the second leading cause of cancer deaths in young people.

Pricetown Turkey Dinner

Nov 1

Pricetown Church will be holding their annual turkey dinner on November 1st from 4pm to 7pm at the Newton Falls High School, 907 Milton Blvd, south, Newton Falls, Ohio. It will be an all you can eat buffet.  Cost Adults $10 and Children $5. Carry outs will be available

21st Annual Labrae Craft Show

Nov 1

21st Annual LaBrae Craft Show will be Nov 1st from 10-4 at LaBrae High School Complex, 1001 North Leavitt Rd., Leavittsburg, OH 44430. Free admission and parking. Over 120 vendors. Homemade food served all day. Email labraecraftshow@gmail.com for more information.

Auditions for “Cheaper by the Dozen”

Nov 1 & 3

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre is holding auditions for “Cheaper by the Dozen” November 1st at 11am and November 3rd at 7pm in the James A. Garfield High School.  Children parts are: Girls ages 10-18, Boys ages 9-15. Adult parts for both men and women.  Please have a short monologue prepared. No singing is needed for this production. For more information contact Jackie at rinearson05@frontier.com.  The show runs January 16, 17, 18, 23 and 24, 2015. Rehearsals will take place Monday-Thursdays starting November 10th.

Bulbs, Beyond the Ordinary

Nov 6

Tulips and daffodils are only the beginning. Galanthus, scillia, arum, fritillaria, allium, fabulous lilies, ranunculus, muscari, chionodoxa, anemone, lycoris. The list goes on and on. Learn about the amazing array of bulb grown plants and how to add them to your garden. You can have blooms from March through October year after year. We’ll help you select which bulbs will work best for you and how to get them to bloom year after year, even tulips. So take your garden beyond the ordinary and join us for the world of bulbs. This will take place Nov 6th from 7-9pm at the  OSU Extension Office, 14269 Claridon Troy Road in Burton. Cost is $15.

International Workers to Speak

Nov 6-9

You are invited to the Windham Bible Church, 9550 Parkman Rd Windham, Oh. , to hear International Workers Roger and Ellen Elbel from Israel.  The event will be Nov. 6, 7 and 8 at 6:30 pm then on Nov. 9th at 10:30 am.

Crestwood Jr Sr Seminar Spaghetti Dinner

Nov 7

Crestwood High School’s Junior-Senior Seminar helps students to raise awareness of their roles in society and develop into community leaders. Our group has chosen to raise money for the GarrettsvilleStrong fund. A spaghetti dinner will be held at Crestwood High School on Nov 7th from 4:30-6:30 in the cafeteria.

Pre-sale tickets for the spaghetti dinner are  $7per person. If anyone would like to purchase them they can contact Adriana French, at arfrench101@yahoo.com

Auction  and Spaghetti Dinner

Nov 7

Everyone is invited.  First Church of God in Newton Falls is sponsoring an auction and spaghetti dinner on  Nov 7th.  Numerous items are available for auction.  All items are new or lightly used.  This promises to be a fun filled evening for the entire family.  Spaghetti dinner will be held at 5:00 p.m., Auction will begin at 6:00 p.m.  Spaghetti dinner – 12 years and above -$8.00, 4-11 years $4.00, 3 and under free.  First Church of God, 426 W. Broad St., Newton Falls.

4C’s Craft Show

Nov 8

The Crestwood 4 C ‘ s annual craft show will be held on Saturday, November 8 from 9 am to 3 pm at the Shalersville Town Hall.  The show features local artisans and crafters, door prizes and a $100 Grand Prize gift card.   One ticket, good for door prizes and the Grand Prize, will be given for each non-perishable food item donated the day of the show.  Tickets for prizes can also be purchased $.50 or 3/$1.00.  Delicious homemade soups, pies and sandwiches are available for purchase throughout the day. An award winning queen-size quilt will also be raffled the day of the show.  Quilt raffle tickets are available at the door, 1/$1.00 or 6/$5.00. All proceeds from the show and the quilt raffle benefit the 4 C ‘ s Food Cupboard. Please come and enjoy the beautiful crafts, have lunch and dessert, and support the Cupboard’s mission to feed the hungry in our area. If you are a crafter and would like to participate in this year’s show, please call 330-274-8580.  A few tables are still available and can be rented for $15.

Chinese Auction

Nov 8

Chinese Auction Nov 8, The K. I. D. Cancer Foundation will host our 5th annual Chinese Auction at the Parkman Community House located on State Route 422 in Parkman, Ohio. Hundreds of items up for bid. $1,000.00 Deal-or-No Deal Game. 50/50 Raffle, Door prize, Food & Soft drinks. Free reserved seating if you choose. Credit cards accepted. Doors open at 3:00pm. Drawings start at 6:pm. If you have any questions please call: (330) 889-9600.

Auction and Pasta Dinner

Nov 8

Everyone is invited.  First Church of God in Newton Falls is sponsoring an auction and pasta dinner on November 8th.  Numerous items are available for auction.  All items are new or lightly used.  This promises to be a fun filled evening for the entire family.  Pasta dinner will be held at 5:00 p.m., Auction will begin at 6:00 p.m.  Pasta dinner – 12 years and above -$8.00, 4-11 years $4.00, 3 and under free.  First Church of God, 426 W. Broad St., Newton Falls.

St. Joseph Garden Club’s 30 Annual Christmas Boutique

Nov 9

Don’t miss one of the area’s nicest craft shows, sponsored by the St. Joseph Garden Club. Held in St. Joseph Church’s Hughes Hall in Mantua, the Christmas Boutique offers hand-crafted items, baked goods, raffles, door prizes, and breakfast and lunch items. Mark your calendars for the 30th Annual Garden Club Christmas Boutique to be held on November 9th from 9:30-3:30. Members of St. Joseph’s PSR program will run the kitchen offering snack, lunch and dessert items at one of the areas nicest craft shows in the area. St. Joseph’s is located at 11045 St. Joseph Blvd. off Pioneer Trail in Mantua. For more information, please visit http://stjosephmantua.com/garden-club or call 330-274-2253.

Happy Hour Painting for Veterans

Nov 10

TAG is offering a free Happy Hour Painting class for veterans only, as a thank you for their service.  The class will be held November 10th from 6-8 at Trumbull Art Gallery, 158 N. Park Avenue, Warren, Ohio.  All materials are provided, and each participant will leave with a completed painting.  Veterans wishing to attend should call 330 395-4876 to reserve a spot.  Class size is limited to 30, so call early.

Veteran’s Day Program

Nov 11

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield Veteran’s Day program will be Nov 11th from 9-11am at Newbury Elementary School Auditorium. Call Bo 440-834-8764 for more details.

Soup & Chili Dinner

Nov 11

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield open house soup and chili dinner will be from 4:30-7 at the Legion Home on Goodwin Street in Burton. Call Bo 440-834-8764 for more details.

Fall Holiday Arrangement


Join Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik at the OSU Extension Office, 14269 Claridon Troy Road in Burton, to make your very own fall holiday container arrangement. Need something on the porch to welcome guests during the holidays, a festive touch on the hearth, jazz up the dining room for Thanksgiving or maybe a hostess gift? You’ll turn a classic 10-12” flower pot into a beautiful fall holiday decoration. Phyllis has sweet Annie, sedum, dried grasses, berries, curly willow, hydrangea, astilbe, tansy, bittersweet and more to work with. Then you’ll top off your creation with a gorgeous florist bow. As an extra treat, Phyllis will show you how, with a few simple changes, you can convert your fall arrangement to a winter/Christmas decoration. So join us for this craft from the garden and bring a friend to share the fun. This will take place November 15th from 9-noon. Cost is $35.

Craft Show

Nov 15 & 16

Nelson Literary Music Club invites you to our 4th annual Craft Show Nov 15 & 16 from 10am-5pm both days. The show will take place at the Nelson Community Center on Nelson Circle. Many handmade crafts, baked goods and more. For more information call 330-527-5787.

Comedian Showcase

Nov 22

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre presents their bi-annual Comedian Showcase on November 22nd b at 7:00 pm at Slim and Jumbo’s on Main Street in Garrettsville. The doors open at 7:00 pm. and the audience will pick the winners. Tickets at the door $10.00. 50/50 and Chinese Auction will be available.

Christmas Craft Show

Dec 3 & 4

The 29th annual Beary Merry Christmas Craft Show will be Dec 3Rd & 4th from 11-9 at the OSU Extension Office, 14269 Claridon Troy Road in Burton. Handmade unique holiday gifts, holiday entertainment and Chinese raffle. Door prizes every hour. Lunch and dinner available. $3 admission. Show benefits Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Event will be held at Normandy Party Center, 30310 Palisades Parkway, Wickliffe.

Christmas Craft 

Dec 6

Back by popular demand Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik is teaching her tabletop Christmas tree craft class. This time you’ll make a beautiful tree from fresh evergreens. Spruce, fir, boxwood, rhody, pine, cedar, juniper, and more. The fragrance is wonderful. Decorate your creation with garland, ribbons, berries, feathers, dried flowers, little ornaments or go wherever your fancy takes you. For a special touch add a string of mini lights! These trees make great gifts too. Join us for a morning of holiday fun and bring a friend to share it with. December 6th from 9-noon. Cost is $35

RFC Craft Show

Dec 12 & 13

The 5th Annual Renaissance Family Center Craft Show will be Dec 12th from 12-5 and Dec 13th from 10-5. Many crafters, vendors, etc. There are some spots open for crafters & vendors call 330-527-5787.

Indoor Baseball Camp

Jan 4

Youngstown State University and Sluggers Indoor Baseball are hosting six week baseball camps starting January 4 at Youngstown State, and March 8 at the Sluggers Indoor Baseball facility. Youngstown State coach, Craig Antush, and Director of Operations at the U.S. Baseball Academy, Joe Marker, will direct their respective sites in conjunction with U.S. Baseball Academy.  Classes are available for players in grades 1-12 and are limited to six players per coach. Sessions are offered in advanced hitting, pitching, catching, fielding and base running. Space is limited. Registration is now under way. For more information, visit www.USBaseballAcademy.com, or call toll-free 866-622-4487.


Anton Albert Photography