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Upcoming Community Events


Monday Breakfast


American Legion Post 674 to host Monday morning breakfasts, serving from 7:30-11am at 9960 Center Street, Windham, Ohio. Cost is $6.00 or all-u-can eat for $7.00. Cost includes coffee and juice. Takeout is available. For more info call 330-326-3188


Red Shield Pantry – Ravenna

1st Weds of the Month

South Portage Red Shield Pantry will be opened the 1st Wednesday of each month from 11am-1pm. Immaculate Conception Parish Hall, 251 West Spruce Ave., Ravenna. Please bring photo ID and your own bags to carry food. For more info call 330-296-7371.


#Garrettsville Strong Fundraiser Book

Contents of the book will include: History of the development of Main Street area of the fire, compiled memories from the public, Main Street on fire, Recovery, Rebuild. Send your info and pictures to Nelson United Methodist Church% Pam Montgomery, PO Box 210 Garrettsville, OH 44231.


Schwan’s Fundraiser

The Curtains up Theatre has begun their Schwan’s food fundraiser. Just go to http://schwans.flipgive.com/f/23515    order food, which you purchase all the time and a % of your order will go to The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre.  All food is delivered to your door, no chasing around picking up your order.


Community Center at Mantua Center           

May 13

Every Tuesday except election days the gymnasium wing of the Old Center School is open starting at 9:30am as a community center.  Coffee, tea, a jigsaw puzzle, and folks to talk with are always available, as are a selection of old fashioned board games and playing cards.  A watercolor group meets at 9:30; all welcome, bring your own supplies.  Several of those in charge are quilters who are willing to help newbies, and usually there’s someone who could help with knitting or crochet.  At noon we share a potluck lunch, and usually our ‘luck’ has been excellent.  Other special programs will be announced from time to time.  Free and open to all.


Rummage Sale

May 1-3

Mark your calendar for the Rummage sale at Mayfield United Methodist Church, 7747 Mayfield Road in Chesterland, May 1 – 3. The hours are Thursday (9 am – 4 pm), Friday (9 am – 7 pm) and Saturday – Bag Day (9am – noon). The sale has something for everyone.  All proceeds are for missions.


Soup Supper

May 2

The American Legion Soup Supper will be May 2nd at the Mantua Village Park Lodge at 6pm. Open to public. Features several homemade soups, salads, desserts and a hot dog/sausage bar all or $7.



Rummage Sale

May 2 & 3

The Nelson United Methodist Church is having their rummage sale May 2nd from 9-5 and May 3rd from 9-noon. All clothing for sale, bag day both days! Delicious bakery.


Drive 4 UR School

May 3

Support Crestwood Bands! Take a free test-drive and Ford Motor Company will donate up to $6,000 to your school. Event will be May 3rd from 10-4 at Kepich Ford in Garrettsville.


Spring Wildflower Hike

May 3

Join professional naturalist staff from the ODNR’s Division of Natural Areas and Preserves, as we identify well over 70 species of Spring wildflowers at Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve. We’ll see a wide diversity of flowers of all shapes and sizes including, Wake Robin, Squirrel Corn and Virginia Bluebells. The hike will begin at 10:00 am on May 3rd in the parking lot. Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve is located at 11027 Hopkins Rd. Garrettsville, OH. This is a free hike and registration is not required. For more information contact Adam Wohlever at (330)-527-5118.


Wildflower Lollapalooza & Wine Fest

May 3

Discover the amazing display of wildflowers along the trails of the Eagle Creek State Nature Preserve near Garrettsville from 3:00-5:00pm. Following our exploration of the forest we will retire to the nearby Candlelight Winery for a little sip of the grape. Meet at the Eagle Creek preserve 2 miles northeast of Garrettsville on Center St, and 1 mile south on Hopkins Rd. Hiking fee: $5 for members of Friends of the Field Station ($8 for non-members). Call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu to register.


Two for the Parks? Yes!

May 4

Call, email or talk to friends, neighbors, family members or colleagues and remind them to Vote Parks, Yes! Then, hit the trail and bring all of your friends to the Headwaters trail from 2:00-5:00pm. Walk, bike or run any part of the trail from Mantua, Hiram and Garrettsville. Refreshments will be provided at each of these locations along the trail. For more information, please contact Matt Sorrick at 330.569.6003 or sorrickmw@hiram.edu.


Windham Fire Memorial Car Wash/ Bake Sale / Silent Auction

May 3

We are raising funds to add two names  to our Memorial Stone — Ernie Bradley and Lenny Polichena.   May 3rd at 10:30 -1pm. The Windham Fire cadets will be doing a car wash: $6 for cars  $8 for trucks. Windham Fire Sirens  Auxiliary will be holding the Bake sale and silent auction. Tickets for Silent Auction will be $1 each or 7 for $5 — Drawing will be at 1 pm.  If you would like to donate baked goods or Silent Auction Items, you can drop them off at Windham Fire Station or Call JoAnn 330-979-3935for  pick up. Any donations by check can be made out to Windham Fire. Thank you for your support.


Parents Without Partners

May 3

In celebrations of the chapter’s 40th year, Portage County Chapter #600 Parents Without Partners members invite non-members, former members and alumni to join them for their anniversary-themed dance on May 3rd from 7:30-11:30 at the Ritchie Memorial Shelter House, 109 West Avenue in Tallmadge. If you are interested please call Warrine 330-322-9559 for more information.


Nelson Township Clean-up

May 3 &4

Nelson Township will be having the Township clean-up on Saturday and Sunday, May 3rd and 4th. The hours of operation will be 9:00 am to 4 pm both days. Location will be behind the Nelson Community House. There will be a limit of 6 tires per household and unlimited batteries, electronics, and appliances. The item that will not be accepted are paint, oil, gasoline, hazardous chemicals, yard debris, shingles, concrete items and railroad ties. Please be prepared to show ID as proof of residency.


Elvis by Kelvis

May 4

An afternoon with Elvis by Kelvis (Elvis impersonator Kevin Hupka) May 4th at 3pm, Shalersville Township Hall. Admission $10.00. For info and tickets contact June 330-274-0547 or Carol 330-626-3636.


Blood Drive

May 5

Falls Home Remodeling is sponsoring a blood drive on May 5th from 2-6pm. Falls Home Remodeling is located at 104 East Broad Street, Newton Falls, Ohio. Call 330-872-3257 for more info.

Community Center Closed

May 6

No Community Center at Mantua Center this week due to elections.  Come and vote, and check next week’s Villager for announcement of activities on May 13.


Secret Garden: Moore, Draime Estate Gardens

May 9

This beautiful garden in Howland is operated by Kent State University and is closed to the public. A wide variety of plants are found in the well planned perennial garden, the formal English and Italian gardens, conifer collection, and walled vegetable and water gardens. The grounds  also contain a unique sculpture collection by Caroline Stacey and others. Directions will be provided upon registration. Fee: $12 for members of the Friends of the Field Station ($15 for non-members). Call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu to register.


Fish Fry

May 9

Garrettsville Eagles Fish Fry held the 2nd Friday of each month from 4-7:30pm. Fish, shrimp or chicken dinners, also served as combo. Baked potato or French fries, coleslaw or applesauce, green beans and dinner roll. To go orders welcome 330-527-2330


Newton Falls Plant Exchange- It’s Spring in the Falls!

May 10

Join us on May 10th from 9 AM until Noon at Newton Falls Park to meet with other gardeners and to trade plants.  Just bring at least 6 plants to trade (more are always welcome).  Fancy pots are not required; any old box or bag will do.  In addition to the plants, a band will provide live music so bring a lawn chair and relax. There will be a few vendors and Animal Welfare League of Trumbull County will be there with some adoptable pets as well.  The event takes place at JC Pavilion on Center Street at the City Park.  Call Susan with any questions at 330-718-3469 or look us up on Facebook at Newton Falls Plant Exchange.


Mother’s Day Plant Sale

May 10

Get your mother’s day plants. Saturday May 10th the Garfield High School Baseball Team will be holding it’s annual Plant Sale sponsored by the JAG All Sports Boosters. Stop by Rite Aid parking lot from 9am-5pm and buy Mom a beautiful hanging basket, a flat of annuals or vegtable plants for her garden. All plants provided by Pochedly’s Greenhouse.


The Perennial Gardeners of Chesterland Plant Sale 

May 10

The Perennial Gardeners’ Annual Plant Sale is the day before Mother’s Day from 8am-2pm at the Town Hall in Chesterland, 12701 Chillicothe Rd., just North of Mayfield Rd.  How perfect! Pick up a plant for Mother’s Day while making your own selections.  Expect common favorites and the unusual, many cared for in the home gardens of club members.  Plants galore, including perennials, annuals, shrubs, herbs and lush hanging baskets.  The proceeds of this event sustain ongoing community projects.  The Perennial Gardeners meet at 7 P.M. at West Geauga Middle School, the fourth Wednesday of the month.  Membership is open to those living in the West Geauga Local School District.  For information call Linda at 440-338-8644.


Yearly Plant Sale

May 10

Yearly Plant Sale will be May 10th at the Portage County SWCD Office, 6970 SR88 from 9:00 AM to 2:00PM. Offering variety of: Culinary Herbs, Native Plants, Vegetables, Perennials (Sun & Shade) and a Limited selection of shrubs and trees. The plant sale is a no-charge event.  Hope you will join us


Spring Thaw Comedy Showcase

May 10

Free admission for the Main Street fire businesses!  Come and share some laughter.  On Saturday, May 10 at 7pm the Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre  group will play host to their Spring Thaw Comedy Showcase fundraiser.  This event will take place at Slim n Jumbo’s with 10% of ticket sales going to benefit the People Tree fund for the business owners displaced by the fire on Main Street back in March. The cost is $10.00 at the door.


Pancake Breakfast

May 10

Boy Scout Troop 4065, chartered by the Nelson United Methodist Church, is holding a Pancake Breakfast on May 10th from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Nelson Community House on the circle.  Suggested donations for the all-you-can-eat pancakes are $6 for adults, $4 for children 6-10 and free for 5 and under.  There will also be a bake sale and cut flower sale just in time for Mother’s Day!  The breakfast is being held to raise funds for the troop.  The troop consists of scouts from Nelson, Garrettsville, Freedom, Mantua, Ravenna and Streetsboro.  Hope to see you there!


Let’s Go Fly a Kite…..

May 10

Gather your friends and family (and your kites) and come out to Overlook Park (State Route 168 in Parkman) between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. for a time to reconnect with the simple things in life. This marks the 14th Annual Kite Festival hosted by the Parkman Chamber of Commerce in conjunction with the Ohio Society for the Elevation of Kites.  There will be a Make It –Take It Workshop, demonstrations by OSEK, Kite Sprint Races (for all ages), a variety of kites available for sale, as well as a concession stand with refreshments for sale.  If you have any questions about this activity, please contact Sandie at (440) 632-3473 or Sandy at (440) 548-5740.


Spaghetti Dinner

May 10

Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser for Paxton will be May 10th at Happy Day School, 2500 Brady Lake Rd in Ravenna, from 3-7 pm. This dinner will help raise money for a handicap-accessible van and other medical needs. Dinner includes spaghetti and meatballs, tossed salad, rolls, dessert and drink. Cost is $10 per person. T shirt sale, Chinese auction and 50/40 raffle – winner need not be present.


Football & Cheerleading Sign Ups

May 10 & 24

The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding signups for football and cheerleading on May 10th and 24th  at the Community center stone pavilion. The signups will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The signups are for children 6 yrs. old to 12 yrs. old as of July 31st. Please bring a copy of child’s birth certificate for the league. The cost is $ 60.00 registration fee with $20.00 volunteer fee. For information please contact Angie Wilcox 330-872-7027 or for cheerleading Carrie Byrd @ 330- 301-6131.


Annual Plant Sale

May 16 & 17

Grassroots Community Gardeners 11th Annual Plant Sale will be May 16 from 10am–5pm or May 17 from 10am–2pm at Nelson Community House on the Circle. Perennials, Annuals, Herbs & More, Starting at just $1. If you need to make room, dig up a few of your plants and bring them along. We’ll be glad to find them good homes. All proceeds benefit the beautification of local community gardens.


Community Garage Sale

May 17

Vendors are needed for Community Garage Sale at American Legion Hall on Goodwin Street in Burton Ohio on May 17th from 8am-1pm. Contact Mike Karlinsky 440-286-1202.


Upper Cuyahoga River Spring Hikes 

May 17

In conjunction with the Friends of the Crooked River’s, River Day event, ODNR’s Division of Natural Areas and Preserves will be hosting hikes in two preserves along the Upper Cuyahoga River. The hikes will include Mantua Bog State Nature Preserve and Tummonds Scenic River Preserve at the following times:  Mantua Bog – 11:00 am and Tummonds – 1:30 pm. For more information contact Adam Wohlever at (330)-527-5118. Special instructions: The Mantua Bog hike will begin at the intersection of Peck and Mennonite Rds. East of the Buchert Memorial Park in Mantua, Ohio. Visitors are requested to park at the Buchert Memorial Park located on East High St. and walk the Portage Park District Headwaters Trail east to Peck Rd. to begin the hike. Water resistant footwear is recommended. The Tummonds Scenic River Preserve hike will begin at the Glacial Esker Trail parking area located at the Mantua Village water treatment plant at Line St. and Mats Rd. in Mantua, OH.


James A. Garfield PTO Pick Your Price Rummage Sale

May 24

Saturday May 24th from 9am – 3pm the James A Garfield Intermediate School PTO invites you to come shop our annual rummage sale filled with great items donated from local residents and more! For more information or to volunteer call Heather at 440.548.5930. All proceeds will benefit the Garfield PTO. Remaining items will be donated to the Salvation Army.


Memorial Day Service

May 26

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield Post will be hosting their Memorial Day Service at the Burton Village Gazebo on May 26th, followed by an open house at the Legion Home on Goodwin Street. Call Bo 440-834-8765 for details.


Geauga Consumer Connection

May 27

The 2014 Geauga Consumer Connection is May 27th from 4pm to 7:30 pm in the Sisters of Notre Dame Education Center Auditorium located at 13000 Auburn Road – north of SR-87.  It’s a free event for the whole family; there will be businesses to check out, owners to meet and talk to, food, food samples, entertainment, show specials, door prizes, Chinese raffle, free gift bags to the first 400 people! This Annual Event is hosted by Chesterland, Middlefield and Chardon Area Chambers of Commerce. Would you like to be a vendor? Contact Chesterland Chamber 440-729-7297. Come out for spring and see what Geauga merchants have to offer.


Gorge Hike 

May 31

Join professional naturalist staff from the ODNR’s Division of Natural Areas and Preserves, as we traverse the hemlock lined sandstone gorge and waterfalls of Sheepskin Hollow State Nature Preserve in Columbiana County. The hike will begin at 1:00pm. Sheepskin Hollow is located at 50991 Pancake-Clarkson Rd Negley, OH  44441. No registration is required. For more information contact Adam Wohlever at (330)-527-5118. Special Instructions: This is a difficult hike and not recommended for small children or inexperienced hikers. Parking is along Pancake Clarkson Rd. near the power line right of way.




Danku Memorial Gold Outing 

June 6-8

Tee it up for the Danku Memorial Golf outing June 6,7 & 8 – Mineral Wells, WV. 30 openings – 1st come, 1st serve. $50 deposit by May 1st. Call Dennie Pochedly 330-527-4896


5th Annual Golf Outing 

June 7

American Legion Post 459, Burton is hosting their 5th Annual Golf Outing at Pleasant Hill Golf Course in Chardon. Register by 10:30am. Shotgun start at 11am. 4 man scramble, 18 holes and prizes. Lunch & picnic buffet dinner, water, soda and beer provided. $70 per person. For presale discounted tickets or info call Bruce 440-897-2396.


Little Tigers 5th Annual Golf Outing

June 7

The Newton Falls Little Tigers will be holding their 5th annual golf outing at the Olde Dutch golf course in Lake Milton on June 7th. The 4-man scramble starts with an  8 a.m. shotgun with registration starting 7:00. The 4-man scramble costs $70.00 per person and will include coffee/ doughnuts, lunch provided by SUBWAY, steak dinner, and beverages. There will also be prizes on every hole and side games. To sign up or for more information contact Ron Wilcox @ 330-235-3046 or Andy McElrath @ 330-565-0950.


Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers Fairy Gardens

June 7

Fairy gardens are becoming increasingly popular, perhaps because these lovely miniatures are so individual and such fun.  Get the tips for creating an enchanting container fairy garden as Master Gardener Barbara demonstrates the steps.  One lucky person will take Barbara’s creation home.  Light refreshments provided.  June 7th from 10am-noon. $15 fee.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Preregistration encouraged, walk-ins welcome.


Hambden Grange Concerts

June 21 & July 19

The Huntsburg Grange has bandstand concerts set for June 21 with Boys Are Back, and July 19 with Fort Huntsburg Band.  Concerts start at 6 PM, rain or shine.  If it rains, concerts are held on the town hall stage.   Bring your lawn chair.  Refreshments will be available. Businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring a concert, please call 477-2822.


Annual Spelling Bee

July 10

The annual spelling bee, sponsored by Trumbull County Retired Teachers, will be held on July 10, at 1 p.m. at the Trumbull County Fairgrounds. Pre-registration will begin on May 25th , and end on June 20th. Pre-registered spellers will receive free admission to the fair. To pre-register, call Denise Deltondo at 330.530.4011. Registration will also be held at the fair the day of the bee from noon to 12:45 p.m.


Chaney High School Reunion

July 18 & 19

The Chaney High School Class of 1974 40th Class Reunion scheduled for the third weekend of July.  Please save the date and spread the word. The celebration starts on July 18th and the CHS Class of 1974 Invites All Chaney 70’s Graduates to “Come As You Were, Friday Night Fever Party”  at Kuzmans  Lounge.  Cost $5.00 per person. On July 19th the CHS Class of 1974 will be hosting a CHS Golf Outing followed by a CHS Class of 1974 Celebration at Kensington Golf Club in Canfield, Ohio.  For more information please contact Susan Callos Ryan at susanaryan2@aol.com, call 330-565-0726


Save the Date

 July 20

21st Annual Hiram School Reunion will be July 20th at Troy Community Center, Welshfield, OHIO from 1:00-4:00 P.M. Contact Maryan Simsa Jenkins 330 569-7057 or msimsa@windstream.net or Barb Porter Biltz 330 296-3732  or biltzjb@aol.com or Gary Bott 330 527-4457  or carolbott@frontier.com


Geauga West Friends of the Library Now Accepting Donations for the Annual Summer Book Sale

 July 20-Aug 2

The spring book sale sponsored by the Geauga West Friends of the Library was a great success. Thanks to everyone for their support – for donations, for volunteers, and for everyone who came to purchase books and other items. The Friends are now accepting donations for their annual summer book sale which will take place July 30 – August 2. Bring gently used or new children’s and adult books, collectibles, comic books, CDs, DVDs, audio books on CD, puzzles and games for adults and children, sheet music, coffee table books, and prints to the Geauga West Library during regular library hours.  No textbooks or encyclopedias, please.  A receipt for your donation is available. Funds raised from the book sale support adult and children’s programming at the Geauga West Library.  The Geauga West Library is located at 13455 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland, next to West Geauga High School.  The phone number is 440-729-4250.





Anton Albert Photography