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Upcoming Community Events


BOOK Review &  Discussion 

1st Monday of Month 

Dr J Patella offers portions of a current human interest book to review and discuss based on content, style, and merit.  For an excellent and interesting literary assessment, please join us at the Garrettsville YMCA 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH 1st Monday of every month at 11am.  Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Lake Milton Farmers Market


Lake Milton Farmers Market is held Saturday mornings 9am to noon waterfront at Lake Milton State Park.  You will find us on the Amphitheater lawn on Grandview Road.  If you are a Farmer or Artists interested in participating, please send an email to natureartscouncil@yahoo.com with your name, phone number, email and info regarding the items you would like to offer for sale.  Our Farmers will have a look and get back to you.

Bridal Party Dance Lessons

Congratulations on the joy of your upcoming wedding!  Ravenna Recreation School of Dance and Baton can help you WOW your guest with a Bridal Party entrance dance they will be talking about for years to come!!   Package includes 1 wedding party dance consultation with bride and groom and 2 wedding party dance instruction sessions with the entire wedding party.  Cost: $150.00 (additional lessons may be added for $40.00 per session) Registration is now open.  Please call 330-296-2864 for more information or go to our website at www.ci.ravenna.oh.us

Knitting with Nutter

2nd & 4th Mondays

Want to have fun, create personal gifts and keepsakes for friends and loved ones, share knitting tips and ideas with the group?  Come join us at theplease join us at the Garrettsville YMCA 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH the 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month at 11am.  Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Are You Our Alumni? 

If you attended James A. Garfield (at any point), or Freedom, Nelson or Garrettsville Schools prior to the 1951 consolidation…. you are! JAG Alumni are cordially invited to the James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet which will be held on September 19 at James A. Garfield Elementary School. The banquet is a wonderful opportunity to reacquaint with past classmates while enjoying a delicious meal. Your reservation can be mailed to: James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet, P.O. Box 93, Garrettsville, OH 44231. The cost is $18 per person. Please include the name and year of the alumni attending and the name(s) of any guests. Please contact Helen Louise Bouts at 330-309-2734 for additional information.

Storytime Registration


Come and join the Summer Storytime fun at the Burton Public Library. Registration has begun and is required. Please call 440-834-4466. Baby Time (birth – 18 months with a caregiver) Tuesdays at 11:00am; June 16 – July 21, Toddler Time (1 ½ – 3 year olds with a caregiver) Thursdays at 10:30am; June 18 – July 23, All Aboard! Storytime (2 – 5 year olds and their families) Wednesdays at 10:30 am; June 17 – July 22, Preschool Storytime  (4 – 6 year olds) Tuesdays at 9:30am; June 16 – July 21, Rockin’ at the Library (2 – 5 year olds and their families) Wednesdays at 6:30pm;  June 17 – July 22. This is a 6-week storytime session. Storytimes are held throughout the year except for the months of May, August, and December.

Hiram College Nature & Art Camps

Summer 2015

Join us for a fun summer of Youth Art and Nature Camps for ages 3-17. Call 330.569.6003 or visit www.hiram.edu/summerathiram/ for more information.

Rummage Sale

June 5-6

Edinburg First Church of God will hold a Rummage Sale OFF SITE AT 4359 WAYLAND ROAD, PALMYRA TWP ON June 5th and 6th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Collectible glass, furniture and dolls plus household items, tools, clothing, shoes and much miscellaneous.  There will also be a bake sale.  Proceeds of the sales will go to Missions.   Please call Alma at 330-654-3841 for more information.

Windham Lions Club Trailer

June 5-6

Windham Lions Club will be hosting their monthly steak and sausage trailer at the Windham Sparkle parking lot, Friday June 5 from 10-7 and Sat. June 6 from 10-2.

Nelson UMC Rummage Sale

June 6

The Nelson UMC located on SR 305 on Nelson Circle will be holding a rummage sale on June 6 from 9 am – 5 pm.

6th Annual Golf Outing

June 6

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield 6th annual golf outing will be June 6th. Sign-in at 10:30am at Pleasant Hills Golf Course. Call Bruce Zupancic 440-897-2396 for details.

Texas Hold’ Em Tournament

June 6

Windham Fire Department Texas Hold’ Em Tournament will be June 6th starting at 2pm. Doors open at 1pm for cash. Windham Fire Department is located on East Center St. in Windham. 50% buy-in (25.000 in chips), $10 charge for extra 5,000. All pre-registered receive bonus 5,000 in chips, cash games to follow, 50/50 raffle, food & beverage provided, re-buys available until 1st break, re-buy/add-ons $20/20,000 or $40/40,000, best hand wins $50 up to 1st break, payout equally 75% raised with 25% going to the WVFD. Any questions contact Kenny Shearer 330-219-2571 or John Friend 330-569-4523.

All About Hostas

June 6

Geauga County Master Gardener All about Hostas class will be June 6th from 9am-noon. Grow and propagate hostas.  They are easy to grow and the number one perennial in the U.S. with over 7,000 varieties.  We’ll help you select site appropriate hostas.  Learn how to care for and propagate these lush plants from seed and divide mature plants.  Call 440-834-4656 to register.  Program held at the OSU Extension Office, 14269 Clarion-Troy Road in Burton.  Cost is $15.

PCGC Hypertufa Workshop

June 6

The Portage County Gardeners’ are hosting a hypertufa planter workshop on June 6th from 10am-noon.  The workshop will be held at the center at 5154 S. Prospect St. Ravenna, Ohio 44266 (Rootstown area). The fee is $20.00. Call Mary Nitzsche at-330-673-8877 for details.  You will need to bring a container to pat your mixture into to form your planter.  You will also need rubber gloves and a large plastic bag to line the container.

Annual Youth Fishing Derby

June 7

The Eagle Creek Conservation Club is pleased to announce that they will be holding their Annual Youth Fishing Derby on June 7th.  The event will take place at the Newton Falls Community Center pond located at 52 East Quarry Street in Newton Falls. The derby is a free event open to all children ages 15 and under. Registration begins at 11am and the contest will run from noon until 2pm.

Band Seeks Players for 4th of July Concert

June 8

The Hiram Community Band is looking for people who can play band instruments and read music, for their annual concert of patriotic, nostalgic and middlebrow pieces at 4pm on the 4th of July in the street behind Frohring Hall on the Hiram campus. Rehearsals will be June 8th, 17th and 25th from 7-9pm in Frohring Hall. You’re welcome to join even if you have to miss one of the rehearsals. Opening in all sections. Email Jeffery Quick jaq@case.edu or call 330-527-0144

Summer Reading Kick-Off Party

June 10

Join us at the Burton Public Library on June 10 at 2:00pm for our Summer Reading Kick-Off party with the Chardon Polka Band! We’ll have games, food and fun – all ages are welcome and admission is free.

Openings remain for Summer Day Camp

June 11-Aug 14

Did you miss Summer camp registration? You may be in luck a few opening remain in some age categories. Ravenna Park and Recreation‘s Summer Playground Day Camp start as low as $25 per week. Day Camp is open to all children entering Kindergarten through 7th grade and Jr. Camp Counselor Program is open to teens enter grades 8th through 10th in fall of 2015. Camp begins June 11. Registration fee includes all field trips. Sites will be open Monday through Friday 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. Scholarships which are awarded based on income are also available to help off the cost of the program. For more information call the (330) 296-2864.

Chicken To-Go Dinner

June 12

Portage Faith United Methodist Church at 9922 State Route 44, Mantua, invites you to their Chicken Drive Thru Dinner on June 12th from 4:30-6:30pm. All dinners are “to-go” and include moist baked chicken breast, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce and cookies. Cost is $7. Arrive early and place your order at the side kitchen door entrance as a limited supply will be available.

Annual Trunk Sale

June 13

St. William Catholic Church in Champion will sponsor a Summer Trunk Sale on June 13th in the church parking lot from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.  Cost:  Reserve a spot for $15 by May 29th … $20 day of (if available) … for the one-day garage sale from the trunk of your car … or be a shopper for great bargains in this mini flea market.  Beverages, food items including haluski, and baked items will be available for purchase.   50/50 and gift baskets raffles, along with music and announcements add to the festivities.  For information and spot reservations, call 330-847-8677

Western Reserve Daylily Society Plant Sale & Perennial Party

June 13

The Western Reserve Daylily Society (WRDS) is joining Bremec Garden Center for a Daylily Plant Sale and Perennial Party Celebration at their Chesterland location – 12265 Chillicothe Road (Rt. 306) June 13th from 8am-6pm.  Unique bare-root daylily plant divisions grown in northeast Ohio private gardens have been generously donated by Society Members especially for this sale.   A free raffle ticket will be given to shoppers for each $50 WRDS daylily purchased at the sale. Tickets will be available at the Bremec/WRDS sale during sale hours.  The raffle winner will be awarded a double fan division of this extraordinary plant.

Popcorn & Drive In Movie Night

June 13

Freedom In Christ Fellowship, 3499 St. Rt. 59, Ravenna, will be hosting a popcorn and drive in movie night on June 13th. Movie starts at dusk. The Children’s Sunday School class has made their very own custom car to sit in during the movie. The church will be providing other cars for visiting movie goers. This is a free event. Call 330-842-3720 for more information.

Pancakes in the Park

June 14

Rain or Shine!  June 14 held at Sunny Lake Park’s Boathouse Pavilion, 885 Mennonite Rd., Aurora 44202.  Pancakes served from 9am – 11am.  Donation: Adults – $6 yrs.; Kids – 3-10 yrs.; under 3 yrs. free.  Breakfast includes:  pancakes (all you can eat), sausage, orange juice, coffee & water.  Takeout available.  All dogs must be on a leash – preferably no retractable leashes.  For more information:  www.freedomgreyhoundrescue.org; call 330-562-0555 or email rescue1.fgr@gmail.com

Monthly Meal

June 15

Christ Lutheran, Mantua, will be hosting their monthly free meal on June 15 from 5 to 6:30 PM. The  church is located on State Route 44 in Mantua just  south of Crestwood High School.  Please come and enjoy a delicious meal and a chance to visit with friends and neighbors.

FILM Review & Discussion

June 15

What does the world think of the United States and how do we compare?  U.S. citizens are allowed to see ourselves through the eyes of the world.  This powerful documentary might surprise you – it weaves together seemingly different topics, info, an interconnected tapestry of information. Dr J Patella offers a short critical film to the group to analyze and evaluate.  If you are interested in a stimulating exchange of impressions and opinions please join us at the Garrettsville YMCA 8233 Park Ave, Garrettsville, OH Monday – June 15th 11am .  Questions – call Phil at the YMCA (330)469-2044.

Mini Day Camp

June 15-17

Hiram College Little Terriers mini day camp will be June 15-17 from 9am-noon at the Hiram College Les and Kathy Coleman Sports, Recreation and Fitness Center. Boys & girls ages 6-9. Cost is $75, each camper will receive a free t-shirt. For more information contact Emily Hays, head women’s basketball coach: 330-569-5352, haysec@hiram.edu or Chris Kibler, head men’s basketball coach: 330-569-5346, kiblercd@hiram.edu.

Vacation Bible School

June 15-29

Vacation Bible School-EVEREST-Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power at Friendship Alliance Church, 19126 Ravenna Rd. (S.R. 44) Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023(Auburn Township) will be June 15-19 from 9am-12:30pm. Kids age 5 thru 6th grade welcome. Register online today at http://goo.gl/forms/2bc/QOVPe8l. Questions? Its-a-blessing@hotmail.com

Newton Falls Class of 1965 Reunion

June 19

Newton Falls High School Class of 1965 will hold its 50th class reunion on June 19th at Roby Lee’s Restaurant at 5:00 pm. The committee is trying to locate: Annete (Dugic) Wells, James Collins, Joan Jefferies, Jeff Day, Norma Jean (Black) Moralee, Patricia Buchanan, Mary Kay (Teutsch) Garrison, Sandy Moorehead, Francis Nicholas, Karl Duerr and Forest Shipley. Please Contact Judy (Giovannone) Gensburg 330-219-1762 for any reunion information.

Middlefield Summerfest Parade

June 20

Middlefield Summerfest parade will be at 1pm on June 20th. Call Bo 440-834-8764 for details.

Newton Falls Schoolmates Reunion

June 20

Save the date for the 96th annual reunion of the Newton Falls Schoolmates and Friends, June 20th at the DiVieste’s Banquet Room, 754 North River Road, Warren. Doors will open at 9:30am, with lunch beginning at 11:30. Cost is $20 per plate. The class of 1965 will be the honored class. The board of trustees will announce the recipients of scholarships awarded to Newton Falls seniors. Please return your reservation card prior to June 1st to Mary Margaret Hildack, 147 Maple St., Newton Falls, OH 44444. For more information call 330-872-0075 or 330-889-3068. Make checks payable to “Newton Falls Schoolmates and Friends”.

Father’s Day Breakfast

June 21

American Legion Post #674 will be hosting a Father’s Day Breakfast June 21 from 8:30 till noon. Fathers are free, 12 and under $5.00. 3 and under are free. All others are $7.00. our address is 9960 E. Center Street, Windham. For more info call 330-326-3188.

Basketball Camp

June 22-25

Hiram College Little Terriers Basketball Camp for boys & girls ages 8-13 will be June 22-25 from 9am-4pm. Registration is June 21 from 5-7pm. Camp will be at the Hiram College Les and Kathy Coleman Sports, Recreation and Fitness Center. Cost is $150, each camper receives a free t-shirt, first 25 to register get a free basketball. For more information contact Emily Hays, head women’s basketball coach: 330-569-5352, haysec@hiram.edu or Chris Kibler, head men’s basketball coach: 330-569-5346, kiblercd@hiram.edu.

Vacation Bible School

June 22-26

Faith Evangelical Free Church, 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd., Garrettsville, will have vacation bible school for children age 4 years old to 6th grade, June 22-26 from 10am-noon. We will have fun “digging” for the truth in God’s Word, and have games, crafts, music and snacks.

Separate the Good Bugs from the Bad

June 24

Geauga County Master Gardener class June 24 from 7-9pm.  Maintain a healthy robust garden.  Know when and how much to water and feed.  Nurture those valuable plants.  Learn which bugs are good and protect healthy plants and which need to be removed or prevented.  Find out about soil additives and pesticides.  Learn to anticipate, recognize and treat diseases for a healthy productive garden.  Program held at the OSU Extension Office, 14269 Clarion-Troy Road in Burton.  Preregistration is encouraged, but walk-ins are welcome.  Cost is $15, Mail and make checks payable to: OSU Extension, PO Box 387, Burton, Ohio 44021-0387.  For updates and additional classes call or visit www.geauga.osu.edu.

Safety Town Registration

June 26

Crestwood Primary School (CPS), in conjunction with the CPS PTO, is offering a Safety Town program for incoming Crestwood kindergarteners. Through the program, children will learn how to be safe at home, at school, and at play. Topics covered include Bus, Seatbelts, & Playground Safety; Stranger Awareness, Police, and Gun Safety; Fire Safety, Stop, Drop and Roll, and First Aid. The program will run from July 27-31 at CPS from 9:00 – 11:30 a.m. If you register by June 26, you will receive a reduced rate of $25 per child. If space allows, late registrations will be taken on July 27 at 8:30 am at a cost of $35 per child. For more information, email crestwoodsafetytown@gmail.com.

Hot Dogs, Wine & A Good Time

June 27

Join Rose’s Rescue for Hot Dogs, Wine and a Good Time! Rescue groups, entertainment, raffles, vendors, wine & dogs, June 27 from 2-6pm at Barrel Run Crossing Winery, 3272 Industry Rd., Rootstown

Weekend Madness

June 27-28

Newton Falls 4th of July Committee presents “Weekend Madness” 29th annual car show June 27th. Parking 9am, registration 9:30-1pm, 125 trophies 6pm. Chinese auction, 50/50 raffle, DJ Mary O & Jeff, Trilogy to perform at 7pm. Bike Show June 28th, poker run leaves at 12:15, vendors from 9am-7pm, bike show from 9am-6pm, field events at 5pm, DJ Fast Freddie.

5K Race & 1 mile run/walk

June 28

5K Race & 1 Mile Run/walk to benefit Glioma Childhood Cancer Research will be June 28th at 9am. Prizes include medals for top place finishers (1st, 2nd, and 3rd place) in various age groups. Register online using internet search engine with keywords: Friends of Melana, Register, 2015 Eventbrite, or register on race day (limited shirts available for race day registration).  Contact Diana Morris: 330-931-1660, be4himo.oh@sbcglobal.net or Doug Paroff: 330-351-3507, dparoff@yahoo.com.

Scholarship Awards Program

June 28

Atwood-Mauck Post 459 Burton-Middlefield Legion scholarship awards program will be June 28th at the Legion Home on Goodwin St. in Burton at 3pm. Open to the public.

4th of July Parade

July 4

Newton Falls 69th annual 4th of July parade will begin at 10am. Line up begins at 8am at the First Church of God.

Raffle Drawing

July 4

Newton Falls 4th of July raffle drawing will take place at 9pm at the band tent; winners do not need to be present. Tickets are $10 each. Grand prize: $2,000, 1st: $500, 2nd: $200, 3rd: HDTV 50”, 4th & 5th: iPad mini, 6th $100 gas card.


July 4

Newton Falls 4th of July fireworks will be at 10pm, rain or shine, no rain date! All events are free to the public. Donations appreciated.

Run of the Ox Registration Open

July 13

Be a part of the 4th Annual Run of the Ox 5K Run/Walk & 1M Family Fun Walk at St. Joseph’s 52nd Ox Roast Fair!!! It will begin at 8:00 a.m. July 18th at the church (11045 St. Joseph Blvd., Mantua). Only 150 participants will receive a t-shirt, so register early!!! Pre-registration fee is $16.00 by July 13. Race day registration is $20.00. Registration forms are available from St. Joe’s Parish Office, on the parish website (http://stjosephmantua.com/ox-fun-rides-games-events-music), or at HMA Promotions (http://www.zapevent.com/ListActivities.aspx?eventid=7724). If you would like to volunteer the day of the race or be a race sponsor, please contact Brian Hirsch (bhirsch@stratos.net or 330-297-1465).


July 31

The Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a society of women educators in Geauga County, is offering a grant-in-aid to a female student who is entering her senior year in college and is majoring in education. The applicant must be a graduate of a Geauga County high school.  The deadline for completed applications is July 31, 2015.  Interested applicants should contact Mrs. Deborah Hofstetter, Grant-in-Aid Committee, Delta Kappa Gamma, P.O. Box 313, Chardon, OH 44024

“A Slim Chance For A Jumbo Murder”

Aug 8

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will present “A Slim Chance for a Jumbo Murder”  on August 8, 2015 inside Slim n Jumbos – 8105 Main Street. The cost is $25.00 per person and included a buffet dinner and the mystery. There will be a cash bar and Chinese auction. Doors open at 6pm the event begins at 6:30pm. Tickets are available starting June 1st, inside Slim n Jumbos or Sean’s Pub . You may also mail your order to The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre, P.O. Box 541, Garrettsville, Ohio 44231. Please include with your check made payable to Curtains up Theatre , the names of the persons attending. All mail order tickets will be held at the door on the night of the event. All sales are final.


Anton Albert Photography