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Upcoming Community Events


2014 Balloon-A-Fair Seeking Parade Entries

Ravenna – Parade applications are available for the Ravenna Balloon A-Fair Grand Parade. Entries should focus on this year’s theme “Ravenna Pride In The Sky”.  Parade line up begins at 7:00 am and the parade step off at 9:00 AM September 20, in beautiful downtown Ravenna. All units must have a 2014 parade application on file.  The All American Judges will be judging the parade. Parade entries are encouraged to stay for the opening ceremony when the parade winners will be announced.  For more information and deadline, call the BAF Hotline (330) 296-FAIR.

#Garrettsville Strong Fundraiser Book

Contents of the book will include: History of the development of Main Street area of the fire, compiled memories from the public, Main Street on fire, Recovery, Rebuild. Send your info and pictures to Nelson United Methodist Church% Pam Montgomery, PO Box 210 Garrettsville, OH 44231.


Crafters Wanted 

Register NOW

Crafters wanted for the Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post 3332  “Christmas in July” Craft Show July 26th & 27th from 9am-5pm at the VFW Post 3332 Banquet Room 433 Arlington Blvd. Newton Falls Ohio 44444. Information packets are available at the VFW Post, via email @ lavfw3332@embarqmail.com or you may contact Donna @ 330-646-1112. Limited tables available with electric… Hurry space is limited.


Players needed for Hiram Community Band

Once again, the Hiram Community Band will perform on July 4 at 4 PM outside Frohring Hall on the Hiram campus.  Note-reading players of band instruments are needed for all sections, particularly low brass, clarinets and percussion. Rehearsals will be from 7-9 PM in Frohring Music Recital Hall on 6/18 (Weds) 6/24 (Tues) and 6/30 (Mon). Attendance at all rehearsals is encouraged but not mandatory. If you want to play, contact Jeffrey Quick at jaq@case.edu or 330-527-0144.


Stoney’s Pizza Benefit

Through June 22

One Dollar of every pizza sold June 17th -22nd at Stoney’s Pizza in Windham will be donated to the Stout Family, who lost their home to a fire.


Freeway’s Greyt Escape Yard Sale

June 19-20

Yard Sale: Thurs & Fri 6/19 & 6/20 9:00 AM. Antiques: Fenton, Nipon, McCoy, Roseville plus many misc. collectables including s&p, ashtrays, glassware, buttons, marbles. Household items and scrapbook/card supplies, push mower. Proceeds of this sale benefit Freeway’s Greyt Escape, Inc. a nonprofit corp. dedicated to saving Greyhounds. 10555 South St. Garrettsville (Rt. 88).


Rummage Sale

June 20-21

Edinburg First Church of God will hold a Rummage Sale OFF SITE at 4359 Wayland Road, Palmyra Twp. on June 20th and 21st from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.  A little of everything, especially clothing and smalls.There will also be a bake sale.  Proceeds of the sales will go to Missions. Please call Alma at 330-654-3841 for more information.


Author Tribuzzo To Appear at Village Bookstore

June 21

Author Fred Tribuzzo will be on-hand at Village Bookstore, 8140 Main Street in Garrettsville on June 21 from 1-3 pm.  Tribuzzo is the author of American Sky



Rings and Things

June 21

Stephens Memorial Observatory of Hiram College will be open to the public on Saturday, June 21, from 9:30 to 11:00 PM. The featured object for the night will be the “Ringed World,” Saturn! Always a favorite to view, Saturn put on a great show during the April Open Night displaying lightly colored bands across its planetary body, the distinctive and brilliant ring system, the Cassini Division within the rings, and several of its many moons! If there is time and good enough skies, visitors will look at another astronomical ring: the Ring Nebula (M57). Cloudy skies cancel the event! The Observatory is located on Wakefield Road (Rt. 82) less than a quarter of a mile west of Route 700 in Hiram. For updates and more information, see the observatory’s Web site: StephensObservatory.org or “@StephensObs” on Twitter. No reservations are required and there is no admission fee for observatory public nights. Cloudy skies at the starting time cancel the event and, in that case, the observatory will not open. There is no parking at the Observatory. Visitors may park on permissible side streets near the Post Office, a short distance east of the observatory.


Official Flag Burning Ceremony

June 21

Mantua American Legion Post 193 will hold an official flag burning ceremony on June 21st at 11 am at the Mantua Village Park. Frayed and faded American flags will be properly disposed of. The public is welcome to attend.


Book Festival

June 21

The first Western Reserve Book Festival will be held at the Kennedy Center at Hiram College on June 21, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Over 45 authors in a variety of genres will attend, signing copies of their books. There will be readings throughout the day, and David Giffels, author of The Hard Way on Purpose and co-author of Wheels of Fortune: The Story of Rubber in Akron, will present a keynote speech at 12:30. The event is free; more information can be found at http://www.hiram.edu/wrbf/.


Mini Carnival

June 21

Mini Carnival at Church of Christ Family Activity Day will be June 21st from 3-5pm, 9837 Wolf Road in Windham. We will have an afternoon of fun with carnival games and prizes. Also, free hot dogs, popcorn, cotton candy and punch. Everyone welcome!


Annual Chicken BBQ & Yard Sale

June 21

The Lake Milton Presbyterian Church will hold its annual chicken BBQ & sale on June 21st. the yard sale will be from 9-5 with the chicken BBQ from 12-5. The menu consists of ½ chicken cooked over an open fire (plain or BBQ), parsley potatoes, choice of side, roll & butter, homemade dessert and beverage. The donation will be $8 for adults and $5 for children 12 & under. Eat in or carry out. Contact 330-654-3396 for more info.


Strawberry Festival

June 21

Christian Women’s Fellowship, First Christian Church, 17 North Center Street, Newton Falls June 21, Beginning at Noon. Strawberries and all the fixins. Hot Dogs, Sloppy Joes and Coffee


Street Car Show

June 21

28th Annual Newton Falls Street Car Show will be June 21st; 19 North Canal St, Newton Falls. Sponsored by The Newton Falls July 4thFestivities Committee. $10 Street Parking/Registration fee. Parking opens at 9:00am – 300 spaces available. Registration 9:30-2. 40 classes, 131 trophies. Chinese Auction, 50/50 drawing. Contact Tony Sabo 330-360-4546.


Kiss The Cow

June 21 -22 

Parents of Girl Scout Troop 80239 presents the 1st annual kiss the cow contest. Come to the Newton Falls Car & Bike Shows June 21 & 22 to cast your vote! The contestant who raises the most money by the end of the bike show on Sunday, will have to kiss the cow and have their picture have their picture posted in our local media.


My Big Fat Gay Wedding

June 21 & 22

North Coast Men’s Chorus Richard Cole, Artistic Director presents: “My Big Fat Gay Wedding” June 21 at 8pm and June 22 at 3pm at the Waetjen Auditorium, Cleveland State University Music & Communication Building, 2001 Euclid Ave., Cleveland 44115. Advance Sale $10-$35, Door Sales $15-$40. Information at: Tickets@ncmchorus.org, www.ncmchorus.org or 216-556-0590


Hambden Grange Concerts

June 21 & July 19

The Huntsburg Grange has bandstand concerts set for June 21 with Boys Are Back, and July 19 with Fort Huntsburg Band.  Concerts start at 6 PM, rain or shine.  If it rains, concerts are held on the town hall stage.   Bring your lawn chair.  Refreshments will be available. Businesses or individuals interested in sponsoring a concert, please call 477-2822.


The Spirit of Love

June 22

Join us June 22nd at 10:30 am. Please come and experience The Spirit of Love At Shepherd’s Joy Ministry, 94451/2 Annette Dr. Windham, Ohio behind the hardware store.


Newton Falls Bike Show & Run

June 22

28th Annual “Weekend Madness” June 22nd Bike Show and Run. 45 Bike Show Classes & 159 trophies/plaques to be awarded. Over 200 door prizes. Bike Run Sign-ups 9am-12pm, Bike Show Sign-Ups 9am-5pm at Faces Lounge 13 W. Broad St. Run leaves at 12:15. For more info call Stubby 330-718-7222, Patty (vendors) 330-718-7223, Bluto 330-717-9081 or Jackal 330-219-3693.


Crescent Meeting

June 23

Garrettsville Crescent Chapter No. 7 O.E.S. will hold its final meeting on June 23rd. The chapter will reopen in September. Fathers will be honored at our June 23rd meeting. Members are asked to bring a homemade pie to share.


Hiram Community Committee Forming

June 23

Hiram Township is creating a committee to implement selected parts of its Comprehensive Plan.  Your input is needed!   First project will be creating hiking trails throughout the Township.  Come to the meeting on June 23 at 7:00 p.m. at The Hiram Corner Store and Café (corner of 82 and 305) to find out more info. This is a public meeting; any Township resident will be eligible to serve on the committee.  Contact Tim Kasper 330-569-7387 or email tkasper@sbc.edu if interested in this exciting opportunity.


Free Community Dinner

June 24

Free Community Dinner, June 24th from 5-6pm, while supplies last at the Windham American Legion, 9960 Center St. Everyone welcome! Sponsored by St. Nicholas Samaritan Outreach, Warren, OH


Community Center Open

June 24  July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29   Aug 5, 12, 19, 26

The Community Center at Mantua Center will continue to be open thru the summer on Tuesdays in the old Mantua Center School Building, on Center Rd. just north of SR 82.  Free, everyone’s invited.   Children must have adult supervision, but we’ve got craft materials and lots of different games we’d be glad to teach you all to play, adults and children alike.  Hours are 9:30 am until late afternoon. (We close when everyone’s gone but the leadership.)  Bring food to share for potluck lunch at noon. Our current service project is making dresses for little girls in Africa.  Pattern is simple and children can participate.  We re-open at 5:00 for the Don’t Eat Alone supper potluck served at 5:30, to which we extend a special invitation to anyone who eats way too many meals by themself: widowed, divorced, never married, spouse travelling, it doesn’t matter.   Beverages and tableware provided.

Annual Rummage Sale

June 26-28

Annual Rummage Sale June 26-28 from 10 am-5pm at Faith Evangelical Free Church, 10585 Windham-Parkman Rd, Garrettsville, Oh. We need volunteers to help sort and price items. Proceeds benefit the sound room and also to defray the cost of the pig roast. Your donations and help will be greatly appreciated. Contact 330-527-4068 for more info.


Flea Market

June 28

The Mantua Knights of Columbus will be holding a parking lot flea market on June 28th at 11845 St. Rt. 44 in Mantua.  Rent a 10 x 10 spot for $10.00.  All are welcome!  Call for your reservation at 330-274-4982.


The Friends of Melana 5k Run/1 Mile Walk

June 29

The Friends of Melana Foundation is organizing the 4th Annual Friends of Melana 5k run and 1 mile fun run/walk to be held on June 29th at Garrettsville Summerfest. All proceeds go towards research for children’s glioma brain cancer. Event registration can be done online at www.stopkidscancer.org. click on ‘Events.’ Registration will also take place the day of the event on the front lawn of St. Ambrose rectory on Freedom St. in Garrettsville. Come out and support a great cause. Call Norm Fashing at 330-527-8093 for more information.


Chicken Dinner

July 2

Southington UMC, St Rt 305 & 534, Southington, Oh will be holding a chicken dinner, on July 2nd from 3:30 to 6:00. The menu includes: one fourth of a chicken, scalloped potatoes, green beans, applesauce, cole slaw, homemade desserts, beverage. Price Adults $8.50, Children/Chicken Tenders dinner ages 4-10 $4.00, Children 3 and under free. Carry Outs available. Call 330-898-2156.


Vet’s Appreciation Day

July 4

Burton-Middlefield American Legion Post 459 Veteran’s Appreciation Day & Fireworks. Join us for our annual fireworks display on July 4th at the Geauga County Fairgrounds. Gates open at 6pm and the fun goes through the conclusion of fireworks. Military displays and vehicles. Food concessions provided by Geauga Fair Board. $4 donation per car, $1 per person walk-in.


Chesterland Parade

July 4

Chesterland Parade will be July 4th at 11am. Begins at St. Anslem’s Church, Chesterland, Ohio. Call Bo 440-834-8764 for more info.


Swing Dance

July 5

Swingtime Big Band is playing live at the Bainbridge Swing Dance July 5th at Bainbridge Township Town Hall (17826 Chillicothe Road aka Route 306; Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44023). Sponsored by KCE.  (216) 316-0068.  Lesson at 8pm.  Dance and live music 9-11:30pm.  Adult $10, student $8, family $25.


Vacation Bible School

July 7

Portage Faith United Methodist Church “Workshop of Wonders, Imagine and Build with God”.  VBS will run the week of July 7. We begin with a light supper at 6:00 PM and conclude at 8:45 PM.  There are classes starting with 3 year olds and going up to children going into 6th grade, parents are welcome to stay for a fun Adult class with crafts and recreation.  Registration needs to be made by June 30, you can pick up forms at the church -99222 State Route 44, Mantua or call in to the office 330-274-8987 to register and get more information.  VBS and supper are free.


Bible School

July 7-11

Join the Portage Faith United Methodist Church for an exciting Bible school program “Workshop of Wonders, Image and Build with God.” The evenings will begin with a light supper at 6pm in the fellowship hall and ends around 8:45pm. The classes are for all ages 3 and up. Join us the week of July 7th-11th at Portage Faith UMC on St. Rt. 44 in Mantua. Please call the church office at 330-274-8987 to register.


Annual Spelling Bee

July 10

The annual spelling bee, sponsored by Trumbull County Retired Teachers, will be held on July 10, at 1 p.m. at the Trumbull County Fairgrounds. Pre-registration will begin on May 25th , and end on June 20th. Pre-registered spellers will receive free admission to the fair. To pre-register, call Denise Deltondo at 330.530.4011. Registration will also be held at the fair the day of the bee from noon to 12:45 p.m.


“Little Shop of Horrors”

July 11 -13; 18 & 19

The Garrettsville Curtains up Theatre will be presenting “Little Shop of Horrors”  in the Iva Walker Auditorium located at  J.A. Garfield High School, 10235 SR 88 in Garrettsville on July 11, 12, 18, 19 at 7pm; July 13, 2014 at 2pm.  Directed by  Keith Stiver with

Musical Direction by Eric Juzkiw.

Thank you to our sponsors, Ryser Insurance, Gionino’s Pizzeria,

Ellerhorst – Russell Insurance and Kent State Geauga Campus

Tickets $10.00, Children under 12 and Seniors over 65 – $7.00 and Groups of 15 or more $5.00.

Tickets available at the door.


Community Yard Sale

July 12

A community yard sale is once again being held on the grounds of the First Church of God in Windham at 9016 N Main St on July 12th at 7:00 AM.  Spots are free and a limited number of tables are available for use on a first call basis.  A free lunch will be served between 11 AM and 1 PM for all in attendance at that time.  Reserve your free place now by calling Jim at 330-671-1426.


Chicken Dinner & Car Cruise

July 13

Chicken Dinner and Car Cruise will be held at SS. Edward & Lucy Parish, 16150 Center St., in Parkman on July 13th. Barbeque chicken dinner will be served from 11am-6pm. Cost is $10 for adults and $6 for children 10 and under. Menu will include barbeque chicken, parsley potatoes, homemade coleslaw, rolls, dessert and beverage. For more info call the church office 440-548-3812 or visit www.ssedwardlucy.com.


Financial Planning as You Age

July 17

Come join us for a free educational workshop where we will discuss the concerns of aging citizens and how to plan for the known and the unknown. It will feature speakers Tom Talcott and Josh Postlewaite speaking on topics such as protecting your assets from nursing facilities, avoiding probate, and important legal documents. This invigorating event will be held on July 17th at 4:30 p.m. at Coleman Adult Day Services, 6695 N. Chestnut St. Ravenna, Ohio. We do, however need you to RSVP to Coleman Adult Day Services at (330) 296-3214.


Chaney High School Reunion

July 18 & 19

The Chaney High School Class of 1974 40th Class Reunion scheduled for the third weekend of July.  Please save the date and spread the word. The celebration starts on July 18th and the CHS Class of 1974 Invites All Chaney 70’s Graduates to “Come As You Were, Friday Night Fever Party”  at Kuzmans  Lounge.  Cost $5.00 per person. On July 19th the CHS Class of 1974 will be hosting a CHS Golf Outing followed by a CHS Class of 1974 Celebration at Kensington Golf Club in Canfield, Ohio.  For more information please contact Susan Callos Ryan at susanaryan2@aol.com, call 330-565-0726


Adventure Expeditions: The Grand Canyon of the East

July 18-20

Explore a personal connection to nature through hiking, camping, and canoeing expeditions into remote back country and remarkably beautiful natural areas. Each expedition is designed to challenge participants physically and emotionally through group discussions and journaling on topics such as self-motivation, community living, leadership, wilderness skills, and communication. This expedition will take high school students to the “Grand Canyon of the East” (PA). For information, call 330.569.6003 or email sorrickmw@hiram.edu.


Cheese Making Workshop

July 19

The Portage County Gardeners  will have a Cheese Making Workshop on July 19- 10a.m.-noon at 5154 Prospect St. Ravenna, OH 44266. Cost is $25.00. Learn how to make soft mozzarella and then ricotta cheese in a crock pot. You will get a starter kit to take home and you can sample the instructor’s cheese. Also, call Helena to pre-register and pre-pay.  Deadline for registration and pre-pay for both classes is July 12.


Murder Mystery Dinner Play

July 19

North Coast Men’s Chorus presents; “Lights! Camera! Murder!” A murder mystery dinner theater play, July 19 from 6-11pm at Brennan’s Party Center, 13000 Trisket Rd, Cleveland, 44111. Tickets are $45 each, table of 8 $320, includes three course dinner, cash bar, live & silent auction, costume contest. To make reservations, visit our website at www.ncmchorus,org, or call 216-556-0590.


Save the Date

 July 20

21st Annual Hiram School Reunion will be July 20th at Troy Community Center, Welshfield, OHIO from 1:00-4:00 P.M. Contact Maryan Simsa Jenkins 330 569-7057 or msimsa@windstream.net or Barb Porter Biltz 330 296-3732  or biltzjb@aol.com or Gary Bott 330 527-4457  or carolbott@frontier.com


Library Now Accepting Donations for the Annual Summer Book Sale

 July 20-Aug 2

The Friends are now accepting donations for their annual summer book sale which will take place July 30 – August 2. Bring gently used or new children’s and adult books, collectibles, comic books, CDs, DVDs, audio books on CD, puzzles and games for adults and children, sheet music, coffee table books, and prints to the Geauga West Library during regular library hours.  No textbooks or encyclopedias, please.  A receipt for your donation is available. Funds raised from the book sale support adult and children’s programming at the Geauga West Library.  The Geauga West Library is located at 13455 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland, next to West Geauga High School.  The phone number is 440-729-4250.


Pricetown UMC Vacation Bible School

July 21-25

Pricetown United Methodist Church, 4640 Pritchard-Ohltown Rd, Newton Falls will be holding its annual Vacation Bible School from July 21st thru July 25th, 2014 from 6:00pm to 8:30pm. Please come join us for a week of fun and fellowship.  This years’ theme is “Son Treasure Island”.    Youngsters (3 years to 12th grade) are invited to meet Jesus.  They will enjoy Bible stories, music, games, crafts, snacks and out Treasure Island store at the end of the week.For more information,  please contact 330-872-3801 or 330-540-7523


What’s Bugging Your Plants & Trees

July 23

On Wednesday, July 23 from  7:00 – 9:00 p.m. the  Master Gardeners  who answer your questions on Helpline are offering a free evening of diagnostic help in the middle of the growing season.  Bring your gardening problems, questions and even diseased or failure to thrive plant samples. The Master Gardeners will provide educational information on plant diseases and insects and their control.  Individual concerns will be addressed as well.  If your gardens are lush and growing without incident come and gather with your fellow gardeners and listen and learn.   Light refreshments provided.  Free community offering.  Program held at the OSU Extension Office, Patterson Building, 14269 Claridon Troy Road in Burton.  Preregistration encouraged (440-834-4656), walk-ins welcome.  geauga.osu.edu


Craft Show

July 26-27

The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post 3332 Newton Falls is presenting a “Christmas in July” Craft Show July 26th & 27th from 9am-5pm at the VFW Post 3332 Banquet Room 433 Arlington Blvd. Newton Falls Ohio 44444. Handcrafted Items, Collectables, Raffles and a Food Café. Come join us and support your local veterans.


Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic

Aug 2

Johnson Rubber Annual Picnic for former employees and retirees will be held from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Mineral Lake Park, Sperry Road Pavilion, in Middlefield on August 2nd.  Please bring a dish to pass, own table service, beverage and lawn chairs.  We will provide punch and hot dogs.  We plan on eating at 2:00 p.m.  For additional information call Maryan at 330-569-7057 or Melburn at 440-632-0947.  Hope to see you all there.



Register by Aug 4

The Omega Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a society of women educators in Geauga County, is offering a grant-in-aid to a female student who is entering her senior year in college and is majoring in education. The applicant must be a graduate of a Geauga County high school.  The deadline for completed applications is August 4.  Interested applicants should contact Mrs. Deborah Hofstetter, Grant-in-Aid Committee, Delta Kappa Gamma, P.O. Box 313, Chardon, OH 44024.


Safety Town

Aug 4-8

Safety Town for incoming Crestwood Primary School Kindergarten students will take place Aug 4-8, 2014 at Crestwood Primary School. The program will run from 9:00-11:30 a.m., and your child will have the opportunity to learn how to be safe at home, at school, and at play. Graduation will be on August 8, 2014 at 9:00am, so please plan to attend with your child. Register by July 1 and pay $25.00. If space allows, late registration will be taken the first morning of the program, August 4th at 8:30 am at a lost of $35.00.  Please visit www.crestwoodschools.org for registration forms, or contact Jolene Reese at crestwoodsafetytown@gmail.com with questions.


Troy Homecoming

Aug 8-10

Troy Homecoming will be August 8-10 at 13950 Main Market Road in Welshfield, Ohio 44021. A century old tradition continues in southern Geauga County.  Troy Homecoming is a free community festival with live entertainment, contests, raffles, concessions, parade…  Find our more at www.TroyHomecoming.org!


Canning Workshop

Aug 9

The Portage County Gardeners will reschedule the Canning Workshop to Aug. 9 at 5154 St. Prospect St. Ravenna, Oh 44266 (Rootstown area-You will learn the water bath method of canning as well as pressure canning.  You will also get a Ball Canning Book, and samples to taste. Cost is $25.00-  Call Helena at 330-673-0577 for pre-pay and registration


Dessert Extravaganza

Aug 10

Join Us on August 10th from 12:00-2:00pm at the KSU Hotel and conference center in Kent, OH for the 6th annual Dessert Extravaganza benefitting Coleman Adult Day Services. This year’s “Sunday’s Salute to Seniors” themed event is sure to keep you guessing with our silent auction and leave you satisfied with our mouthwatering desserts.


Growing Angel Trumpets, Brugmansia

Aug 13

You have seen these magnificent plants at garden centers and at the Geauga county fair.  Learn how to select and grow these spectacular, fragrant flowers.  Go to the award winning brugmansia garden of Master Gardener Phyllis Mihalik where she will teach you the care and propagation of these beauties. She will show you the tricks to get hundreds of blooms on a single plant and how to winter them over for years of enjoyment.  As a special treat you’ll even get a brugmansia to take home. Additional plants will be available for purchase.   This off site class will be held on  Wednesday, August 13, 7 PM-9 PM, $35 Ask Phyllis for a tour of her garden too! $35. Call 440-834-4656 to register and get directions.  View a list of upcoming Master Gardener classes, geauga.osu.edu


Join Scouting Today!!!

Aug 26

Have Fun, Make Friends, See New Things.For over 80 years, Cub Scouts have been having the time of their lives making new friends and learning new things in an environment designed to help them succeed. From building his own pinewood derby® car to learning how to roast the perfect marshmallow with his best friends at a family campout, your child will LOVE being a Cub Scout. So if he’s in the first through fifth grades, or 7 to 10 years old, then it’s time for him to have some fun … with the Cub Scouts. It’s Their Future…Let Them Own It! August 26th from7pm-8pm at Parkman Congregational Church, 18265 Madison Rd, Parkman, OH 44080. For more info or questions contact; parkmanpack76@gmail.com orcall Monique (Cub Master) cell: 216-337-2104


Did you Attend James A. Garfield?

Sept 20

Did you attend James A. Garfield (at any point), or Freedom, Nelson or Garrettsville Schools prior to the 1951 consolidation? If so, you are cordially invited to join us for the annual James A. Garfield Alumni Banquet which will be held on September 20th at James A. Garfield Elementary School. Please contact Helen Louise Bouts at 330-309-2734 or hbouts@yahoo.com to make your reservation.


Newton Falls 25th Reunion

Oct 11

Newton Falls High School 1989’s 25th Class Reunion will be held October 11th at The First Congregational Church in Newton Falls from 5:30-9 p.m. Social hour 5:30-6:30.  Eat at 6:30 p.m. $20 per person/$35 per couple.  Mailings will be sent out in July.  Contact Megan Perrine via email mperrine33@aol.com or phone 330-872-3304.



Anton Albert Photography