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Up, up and Away…


Ravenna –  The 34th Annual Balloon A-Fair was deemed a success. The event offered two parades, a fireworks display, vendors, live entertainment, food, rides and, of course, two spectacular balloon launches.
Saturday’s balloon launch drew near record numbers to Sunbeau Valley Farms to watch the sky become a kaleidoscope of colors as 22 balloons took flight.
The crowd started forming around 4pm to watch the 6pm launch. Following the launch, folks visited the vendors, rode rides, and listened to live music as they waited for the anticipated fireworks display that was set off at dusk.
Sunday morning activities started off early with a car/tractor show at Sunbeau Valley Farms and ended with the second balloon launch of the weekend, once again turning the blue skies into a kaleidoscope.

Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography