Home Letters to The Editor Two very nice ladies stopped to help…

Two very nice ladies stopped to help…


Dear Editor

My car and I ended up in a ditch on Rt 700 last Tuesday.  The car was at such an angle that I couldn`t get out.   Two very nice ladies stopped to help.  The one gave me her hand to pull me out of the car and she directed traffic.  The other woman was able to  get my shihtzu out of the car for me.   The concern that they had for my dog and myself was very touching.  They didn`t want to just leave me and  Missy let me sit in her car till the paramedics checked me out.  The Hiram paramedics  were very kind.  When the state trooper arrived,  he let me sit in his car till the tow man came.  Even he asked how I was.  I was coming from Lake County    but  the kindness of the people that I met that day from Portage County was refreshing.

God Bless.

Claudia Widgren




Anton Albert Photography