Home Garrettsville Twentieth Century Club News

Twentieth Century Club News


Ladies of the Twentieth Century Club of Garrettsville met in the home of Leah Schultz, who was assisted in hostessing by vice president Patricia Amor, who subsequently presided at the meeting proper in the absence of president Nasreen Kitko.  The treasurer reported that the funds remained at the same point as at the last meeting.  The minutes from the last meeting were delivered ad lib, since they were holed up in a computer elsewhere; they will be presented at the next opportunity. It was suggested that cards of concern and support be sent to Connie Angel and Maureen See, also that Maxine Nimtz would appreciate hearing from members and friends. The Sunshine officer needs to be kept in the loop to facilitate spreading cheer.

Calendar chairperson Jane Hill brought up topics lately under discussion concerning changing the outlines of the yearly calendar, which would involve changing the by-laws. Linda Fitt moved to change the annual Guest Night to the first meeting in September, Leah Schultz seconded the motion, which was passed. Kathy Countryman moved to let the calendar dates remain the same, Karen Miller seconded the motion; the motion passed. The incoming president, Karen Miller, will get to oversee the changes to the by-laws, to be presented for a vote of the membership.

The Spring Party will be held at 6:30 p.m. on April 21 at the home of Nasreen Kitko, with chicken piccata furnished by the club and other elements of the menu to be provided by member contributions.

Motion for adjournment was offered by Sharon Miller, with a second by Linda Fitt; the meeting was adjourned to enjoy delicious refreshments and animated conversation.

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography