Home Other Areas Trumbull County 4-H Shooting Sports Pioneers Club hosts NRA Youth Sportsfest

Trumbull County 4-H Shooting Sports Pioneers Club hosts NRA Youth Sportsfest


Vienna – The Trumbull County 4-H Shooting Sports Pioneers Club will host a free NRA Youth Sportsfest on Saturday, September 24, 2011 from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM at the Fish & Game Club of Vienna on SR 193 across from the Youngstown Warren Regional Airport.  The purpose of this event is to teach basic gun & archery safety, demystify firearms by providing hands-on experience, and provide an enjoyable learning experience to all youth ages 9 to 18 years old.

Participants will have the opportunity to safely shoot .22 rifle, .22 pistol, shotgun, muzzleloading rifle, and archery equipment with adult supervision.  We will have the Vienna Township Fire emergency squad exhibit at the event.  Youth and their parents will receive a gun safety lesson taught by a Certified Instructor prior to the shooting events.  A picnic lunch will be provided.

Pre-registration before September 9  is required at (330) 898-4486 or email at LarryBeard@aol.com.  Parents must sign a release.  And, no guns owned by the participants are to be brought to this event!!  Further information is available at (330) 898-4486.
Major funding is provided for this event by The Friends of the NRA Foundation and the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources.

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography