Home Freedom Town Trotters 4-H Club Elects Officers

Town Trotters 4-H Club Elects Officers


The Town Trotters 4-H club recently held their election of officers. Elected as President was Emma Evitts; Vice President, Alyssa Kleinhein; Treasurer, Ryleigh Gough; Secretary, Rian Yeatts; Recreation Coordinator, Kasey Fyffe; Scrapbook, Hayden Troyer; and News Reporter, Adam Derthick. 

The club held their annual Christmas Party at the Nelson Community Center. Those who attended enjoyed a great meal provided by the members and their families and played games and had a gift exchange.

Our club meets on the second Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at the Freedom Community Center, located at 8966 St Route 700. If you would like to join our club or receive more information, please contact Renee Doraski at 330-647-8738 or email towntrotters@yahoo.com.


Anton Albert Photography