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Time flies when you’re having fun…or not


Hiram – Hear ye!  Hear ye!  Richard W. and Evelynne Troyer Spencer have been married for seventy-five years!  That’s 75 years…that’s LXXV years( as their fellow Romans would have noted)…that’s 1001011 ( in digital/binary notation, more or less)….  That’s a lot! That’s an accomplishment.  That’s going to be celebrated on Saturday, February 22, 2014 at the Hiram Christian Church from 1:30 to 3:30 in the downstairs social rooms.  The whole tribe of descendents from far corners of the country—from Maine to California—will be there.  Ditto for local friends and well-wishers and you’re invited to listen to stories—there are always stories—to bring stories, to bring a contribution to the light buffet (salads, light entrees, desserts) which will be available for the enjoyment of all ( table service and beverages provided), to offer good wishes and congratulations and to contribute to the general happiness which accompanies such a celebration  of longevity.

Anyone who cannot attend but would like to be a part of this milestone event can direct a card or other remembrance to:  P.O. Box 277, Hiram, OH 44234.

Dick and E.T.S. have been at home in Hiram  for years.  They’ve been IN Hiram, the high school where they met, the College which they both attended, the community which they served in many capacities (Dick’s license plate reads : X-44234 because he was, once upon a time, the local postmaster) even longer.

Some Hallmark listings label the seventy-fifth as the Diamond Anniversary.  This is a pair of gems.  Do come.


Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography