Ravenna – “It is better to give than to receive!” states the old adage we have all heard before. If we have learned anything from this year it is to cherish what you have been blessed with and help those less fortunate. One local business has come up with a creative way to help feed locals with a holiday food drive.

War Horse Ink is a custom tattoo shop and Art Emporium located in Ravenna. Owner, veteran Clint Marsh, has made a name for his business by establishing it as a philanthropic supporter in the area. He reached out to work in collaboration with the Area Chamber of Commerce to host a Holiday Raffle that would also be a food drive.

The food drive will benefit the Amelia DiGirolamo Center of Hope whose goal is committed to elevating the nutritional level of low-income citizens in Portage County where food pantries are not present. They offer hot meals at no cost 5 days a week and “typically serve 75-100 individuals per day.”

What sets this food drive apart from traditional ones is that instead of stopping at Thanksgiving or Christmas time, it will continue the collection of donations through the new year. People do not just eat during holiday times, they eat 365 days a year. Institutions like the Center of Hope can function thanks to charitable donations and funds to help those who have none.

Canned goods or non-perishables can be dropped off in the Ravenna War Horse Ink location at 269 West Main Street, Ravenna OH 44266. Donate now through January 4, 2021, and you will receive a raffle ticket for each item. Winners’ tickets for the holiday raffle will be selected on January 4th and awarded: $1000 for 1st place, 2nd place is $500, and $250 for 3rd and 4th.

“Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.” This much is true. Let us see our neighbors, friends, and family are cared for so we can start 2021 off as a strong community — stronger for what we have been through, giving those in need a foundation of hope for the new year we all look forward to.

Heather Scarlett