Home News This Is How We Roll – Bowling Roundup

This Is How We Roll – Bowling Roundup


Another bowling season has begun and the youth bowlers are already making their mark.  There will be some names you recognize and some new names as we begin another year of reporting their Saturday morning scores.

Lauren Sanchez started off the year with a bang!  Lauren had her first 500 series on the first week of bowling, a 526 with games of 179, 191 and 156.  But then on week two she had her first 600 series.  Lauren rolled games of 210, 214, and 183 for a very nice 607 series.  Lauren’s 526 was in the 11:00 Trio League and her 607 was in the Scholastic League.  Lauren is a 7th grader at Garfield Middle School and I’m sure coach Joe Brigham can’t wait for her to get to high school!

David Martin, in his first set for the Saturday 11:00 Trio, rolled 170, 221, and 183 for a very nice 574 series.  Jacob Briton started his year off with a nice 501 series.  Billy Potteiger rolled a 204 game and 473 series.  Other nice games:  Lucas Titschinger, 157, Rayne Burdette, 86, Gavin Dunfee, 95.

Good games bowled by the 9:00 Trio set:  Addrianna Conway, 143, Ryleigh Gough, 129, Alex Gage, 160, Emily Linamen, 130, Pete Maldonado, 105, Brooke Collins, 106, Isaac Trickett, 110, Kelly Stemnock, 137, Sara Barker, 115, and Zachary Seebacher, 110.

In the Scholastic League, nobody topped Lauren’s 607 set, but Nick Toke was close with 206-590.  Other good games:  Zachary Britton, 232, Collin McGurer, 234, and Jaret Doraski, 201-577.

High scores for the PeeWees:  SadieMae Ewell, 108, Cole Thompson, 105 and 104, Mackenzie Thompson, 104, and Angelo Dinardo, 102.


Anton Albert Photography