Home News This is How We Roll

This is How We Roll


Alex Gage and Paige Collins topped the score board for the 9:00 Trio on March 22.  They each shot games of 154.  Alex also rolled a nice 414 series.  Isaac Trickett was 46 pins over average with his 130 game.  Kyle Lance was over his 75 average all three games, rolling games of 110, 114, and 84 for a very nice 308 series.  Other good games:  Brooke Collins, 102 (30 over), Damian Tourville, 87 (28 over), and Kelly Stemnock, 110 (25 over).

In the 11:00 Trio, Nathan Phillips had the high game of 191 (64 pins over his 127 average).  Billy Potteiger was 57 pins over average with his 189 game.  Other nice games:  Lauren Sanchez, 185 (52 over), Barrett Jackson, 179 (52 over), Clark Jackson, 175 (51 over), Travis Pennington, 102 (36 over), Kassie Fedor, 189 (33 over), Wilson Jackson, 139 (33 over), and Austin Sledz, 144 (30 over).

High game for the Scholastic League was a 244 by Jaret Doraski.  Jaret had a 635 series.  Ryan Ambler was extremely consistent with games of 214, 214 and 212, for a 640 series.  Other good games were rolled by Jake Yeatts, 233, Jolson French, 203, and Olivia Doraski, 201.

Sarah Almashy had the top game for the PeeWees with 124.  Paige Johannsmeier rolled two games of 106.



Anton Albert Photography