Home Columns & Editorials There’s Snow Goin’ Out There

There’s Snow Goin’ Out There


Walking is on hold for the duration, I reckon.  I may be occasionally not too bright (The jury is still out on that one.) but I am not crazy (There may be questions on that one too; discuss among yourselves. There may be a quiz later.).  When the temperatures in the morning when I normally begin my perambulations gets down into the single digits…and some of those digits are below zero…I go out to feed the Porch Kitties and check their food and water…maybe reassure them that there will be some non-frozen  soft food from a can instead of the ice-cold kibble…then maybe take a little nap before going up to the Y to resume what’s left of my exercise routine.  Just getting to the Y is kinda hazardous too, until I get to  the shoveled/salted walks in front, because that  brief snow/ freezing rain stretch gave us ice a-plenty all over town, on the roads, on the sidewalks, crusty, ice-covered snow which had been tramped through..the whole thing is  (and will probably remain) treacherous. 

However, when I was walking through the snow accumulation and observing who else had been there before me (Not many others, that’s for sure, mostly people with dogs), I started noticing  how many different sorts of tracks there were out there.  I want to tell you there are some pretty big dogs out there, either that, or The Hound of the Baskervilles has taken up residence in the village.  Then, of course, there is the wildlife–bunnies, squirrels–cats on the prowl. Heaven only knows what else is out there–fun to try figuring out which is which.  The most interesting  were the deer tracks–big ones, little ones, some  following the roads, some wandering through lawns and backyards.  To my surprise,, I spotted some in my backyard, mostly around the low-hanging birdfeeder where they must be nibbling anything that the birds are not scarfing down.   

So far, no evidence of bears or Sasquatch.  Could happen.  I’ll let you know. 

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography