Home News The WVFD Joint Fire Board to Purchase Repeaters

The WVFD Joint Fire Board to Purchase Repeaters


Windham – The WVFD Joint Fire District met for the regularly scheduled meeting on May 8, 2013 with just enough members to have a quorum. The board approved the minutes from the special meeting on March 19, 2012 and their regular meeting held on April 18, 2013. They also approved expenditures and the bank reconciliation as well. 

The board adjourned to executive session to discuss contracts. Following the executive session, they returned to the meeting and  Fire Chief Mike Iwanyckyj reported that he conducted more radio testing on the new frequency that the district will use in June and found that they are going to need to purchase two repeaters, to amplify the signal for radio communication. The chief said there were some areas in the township that would be unable to communicate with dispatch if they did not have repeaters. So after some discussion, the board reluctantly agreed to purchase two repeaters, one for each rescue squad. The board was reluctant to spend the money, but was not willing to jeopardize the community’s safety by not purchasing them, so they agreed to do so. The two units will cost the board an additional $4,007.64, on top of the cost for dispatching. The board plans to switch to Ravenna Dispatching Services for Fire and EMS by June 2013.

Chief Iwanyckyj also reported that they still had a few things to get done before they switch to the new dispatching service, but all should be ready to go by the June 1st deadline. A discussion was held on the key to the arsenal gate which is currently housed at the police department. The decision was made to store the key in a lock box at the fire station. The fire chief placed a call during the meeting to the mayor about getting the key. The mayor said he would get the key to Iwanyckyj on Friday May, 8 2013.

Iwanyckyj also reported that instead of replacing the nozzles and a broken light bar they will just repair them. The cost for the parts will be $436 with the firemen doing the labor.

The district will be online with the new service on May 29, 2013 and during the transition time they will have men assigned to be at the station. The firemen assigned will be paid training wages while at the station. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.


Notice: Effective on May 29, 2013 All Windham Township and Village residents will need to call 911 for Fire and EMS, not the fire station, police department or village phone lines.


Denise Bly

Anton Albert Photography