Home News The Newest National Girls Wrestling Tournament in the Nation!!! And it is...

The Newest National Girls Wrestling Tournament in the Nation!!! And it is in Ohio!


The United States Girls Wrestling National Championships will be held at Perry High School, in Perry, Ohio.  The date for this new tournament is March 21, 22, & 23.  It is an open tournament for any girl in the US to enter, ages: K – 12 grade. 

Dean Olson, of Mantua, Ohio is the founder and tournament director for the new tournament.  The tournament was started for several reasons.  First: the United States Girls Wrestling Association founder, and director retired from the association.   The Association ran the First National Girls Wrestling Tournament in the country for 15 years in Michigan.  More than 500 girls attended the tournament from around the country, including Alaska, and Hawaii wrestlers.  About 6 or 7 years ago USA Wrestling started their own National Girls Wrestling Tournament at Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma.  The number of girls attending the tournament in Michigan dropped, due to the fact that girls West of the Mississippi River attend the tournament in Oklahoma, and girls East of the Mississippi attend the tournament in Michigan.   One key factor for this split is the cost, and time involved traveling to either tournament.  Of course, some girls attend both tournaments.

A second reason Mr. Olson started the new tournament is: key persons involved with the USGWA from its original concept were going to start their own tournament in Michigan, but plans did not work out.  On January 29, 2014 they announced no tournament in Michigan.

Mr. Olson has donated his time to work with the USGWA to direct the Ohio State Girls Wrestling tournament for the last four years, the tournament is the oldest continuing girls state wrestling tournament in Ohio. This year it will be 16 years old, and will be held at Chippewa High School, Doylestown, Ohio.  The Date for the tournament is March 8, 2014.

Mr. Olson started the Ohio State Girls Wrestling, Inc., to sponsor the Ohio girls wrestling tournament, and he has started the process to make the OSGW, Inc. a 501c3.  His goal is to use the OSGW to support wrestling girls in Ohio. The USGWNC tournament is sponsored by the OSGW, Inc.

Mr. Olson was asked by a parent of a girl wrestler. if he could start a National girls wrestling tournament in Ohio.  On January 30, 2014 this is exactly what he did, calling to find a location to host for the tournament.  Now the tournament is a reality, and it is open for any girl wrestler in the country to attend.

Mr. Olson has FREE registration, and gate passes for the wrestling family that travels the farthest to either of the tournaments sponsored by OSGW, Inc.  The web site to register, or find out more information is: www.ohiostategirlswrestling.com.  While you are at the site, check out “Share the Same Vision” a new creation Mr. Olson is going to start at the national tournament



Anton Albert Photography