Home Iva's Input The Name Game

The Name Game


“Who dat?”
“Who dat say ‘Who dat?’
“Who dat say ’Who dat?’ say “Who dat?”
Back in the Dark Ages of vaudeville entertainment this was a routine which could have ‘em rollin’ in the aisles We will not even get into the particulars of the ethnicity of the speakers involved–not acceptable by current standards, but the question remains :”Who?”
Remember that when you catch the weather report.
The latest thing in the weather scene, such as it is, is the naming of weather events of all sorts. Started out with hurricanes–named after women–natch–has moved on to blizzard conditions and now there is talk of designating droughts and/or heat waves, not to mention flooding, with their very own names. I can remember when we would just say, “Boy! Sure was cold last year/last night/last month/whatever ! When the barn got blown away/ Texas got frozen/ the snow was up to the goal posts” That kind of thing. Now we are able to address these situations by their names, not just their dates.
Once upon a timeClimatic nicknames wee all women’s names but that is changing and guys are going to get to take some of the blame for destruction. The original rationale for the naming storms had, apocryphicaly, to do with that old line (the Bible? Shakespeare?) that
“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
The woman, in this case, apparently was deemed to be Mother Nature. She’s been scorned a-plenty by pollution, methane, forest fires,, all kinds of bad stuff, carbon dioxide–name your poison. So, anyway, at some point (Did Women’s Lib get some credit here?)women got tired of taking the blame for all of the destruction and gave the Weather Service ( a division of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration–NOAA) an earful, so the fellahs get to step up for their share of responsibility. I do think that we might go for more descriptive names, like Beelzebub, Destructo or Jezebel, so they don’t sound like the kid next door.
Remember that when you catch the weather report.
Who was that again?

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography