Home Portage County The Head Cold that would NOT End

The Head Cold that would NOT End


You know that song Lambchop used to sing on TV? It is one of my favorites. “This is the song that doesn’t end. Yes, it goes on and on my friend.” Well this is the story of the head cold that would NOT end. 

You know there’s no point in going to the doctor because they’re just going to tell you the same thing they’ve told you a million times before get some rest; treat the symptoms. But you keep coughing and coughing and coughing! Driving your husband crazy and really putting to the test those marriage vows for better or worse. Because if you go one more night without sleep somebody’s going to die. 

He begs you and even though you know it’s going to be a waste of a co-pay, you go. Hoping beyond hope that maybe this time medical science has advanced enough to cure the common head cold. And guess what, this time at the very least, you’ll be able to tell your husband “I told you so” because they said get some rest, treat the symptoms! Whoa!!

The general rule of thumb is chicken noodle soup and stay under the covers. Binge watch Friends or whatever your favorite TV show is. Ironically, mine happens to be Grey’s Anatomy.  But you can’t stay under the covers for a whole month! You’ll feel better in a few days they said. Nope! Nope! Try 5 weeks later. 

Although, I’m not against conventional medicine, I do prefer alternative therapies. I thought for purposes of research (and in all honesty trying to find something that could help me breathe) I would see what in the area was in the realm of alternative or holistic treatment options. I include food in this category since chicken soup is good for the soul. 

By the way, here is your disclaimer before I delve into the remedies I found to be useful for my prolonged suffering. I am not a doctor!  That’s why you’re laughing reading this and not going Ow! Ow! Ouch! At least I hope you’re laughing and not in pain (unless it’s from laughing too hard). 

Let’s start with food and drinks. I’ve been going to Susie K’s Cafe and Tea room since I was 16 years old. Her recipe to my knowledge for Italian Wedding soup has never changed. It smells good, if you can smell. Which I could not when I was eating it. It tastes delicious and is unique in the fact that is a light Italian wedding soup that does not sit heavy on the stomach. Because, let’s face it, a head cold is usually a whole body cold and you don’t feel like eating anything. 

Of course, hot tea with lemon and honey is traditional, but let’s get creative. They say spices heat up your internal furnace. And as the holidays roll around West Main Street Winery has created their holiday wines one sweet and one dry. Both flavorful with spices; it was the dry red I gravitated toward. DeAnne Wade, the owner, said even as I sipped, she noticed my voice starting to clear up and that I was sounding better. She thinks it’s the spices which contributed to my magical recovery and no longer sounding like a goat.

At Karen’s Hair Design there is a facial I highly recommend performed by the skilled hands of Telsa Croop. I was really struggling to breathe (they couldn’t even tell it was me over the phone) and knew that steam can really help loosen up your congestion. Telsa performs a sinus facial that incorporates CBD oil, steam and acupressure. I felt much better afterwards. And I looked a lot nicer too.

A hot toddy or a little nip of whiskey can really help if you’re in dire straits. I was in dire straits (my head felt like it was in a straitjacket)! I have been told it is a trick that older generations use to burn the cold out. For those not old enough to remember a time before cell phones I’ll explain that a hot toddy is a warm whiskey drink mixed with water, cinnamon, lemon and honey.  

A hot toddy is not usually on a menu, but just Google the recipe and show the bartender (they are normally game to try creating a new drink). By this time my husband was starting to show signs of having a head cold. So, we both went out in search of this vintage concoction and Tavern 1888 was happy to help. It tasted delicious and the whiskey flavor was not overwhelming.  I was on the mend and he did not get any sicker.

Now let’s put you on pins and needles. Hahaha! I tried acupuncture. Yes, I let someone stick little needles all over me. Did you know there are over 300 points on the human body that correlate with different symptoms? There is an area behind the left knee that has to do with phlegm. Who knew? I feel the acupuncture helped clear my sinuses and gave me much needed energy. I did not go anywhere in Ravenna for treatment, but there are two places locally which are cost friendly. 

   -Dr. John Beltz, chiropractic office at 821 W. Main St., Ravenna, OH 44266

   – Ravenna Chiropractic & Acupuncture, 6693 N. Chestnut St. #128, Ravenna, OH 44266

Feel needing some comfort food? Then you might enjoy some German-style (yeah, I said German) Mac‘n’Cheese. Yes, please! Delciello Ristorante can help with this craving because on their menu is a dish called Schinken Kaese Spaetzle. I highly recommend it. If you have trouble pronouncing it just ask the lovely Monika who is the genius behind this interesting entrée of ham, peas, spaetzle dumplings and gruyere cheese.

Are your ears burning? Mine were smoking when I experienced Ear Candling for the first time. I was in the expert hands of Kate Cunningham, owner of +Vibes (Positive Vibes), where the treatment is offered. A hollow beeswax candle is set inside the ear while one is lying  down. A guard plate protects you as Kate lights the flame that draws wax, debris and sinus congestion out of your stuffed-up head. Afterward she cuts open the remaining half and shows you the junk that came out of your ear canal. It’s gross, but interesting to see! It helped kick my cold to the curb.

If you’re in the recovery phase but still not looking your best, a little trip to the salon never hurt any girl. At Downtown Betty’s I got a head massage courtesy of owner Stacie Seacrist, which helped alleviate sinus pressure. She used a great smelling CBD oil product called Emera that made my hair look gorgeous. 

Lastly, retail therapy can go a long way to a speedy recovery. Ravenna now has its own stylist on hand at the Roots & Wings pop-up boutique operated by Sommer Shaw. (Her clothing options can be found at Downtown Betty’s and Lavigna’s Salon). I got my hair fixed and tried on a new dress in the same store. Sommer selected outfits for me and recommended ways to style them for different occasions. Feeling positive about your appearance can give you a much needed energy boost if illness has you down. 

Heather Scarlett

Anton Albert Photography