Home We're All Invited The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District Needs You!

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District Needs You!


Interested in taking a peek at aquatic critters, such as crayfish, dragonflies, water pennies, and caddisflies, which live in our local streams?  How about interacting with other individuals who share an interest in nature?  Then grab your water shoes and join the Millennium Youth Conservationists (MYC) team!  The MYC team will use kick seines, sediment sticks, pH test kits, and more to analyze the health of area streams and rivers while providing official stream data to ODNR Scenic Rivers Program.  The adventure begins in June and concludes in August in streams throughout Geauga County.  Contact Colleen Sharp with the Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District by phone (440)834-1122 ext. 6 or email csharp@geaugaswcd.com for more information.


Anton Albert Photography