Home News The Craft Cupboard in Middlefield Meets Crafter’s Needs

The Craft Cupboard in Middlefield Meets Crafter’s Needs


Middlefield – Entrepreneur Magazine on-line published an article entitled “Crafting: A Silver Lining in a Tough Economy.1”  Although the article was published in 2009, much of its information rings true today.  It explains how a bad economy brings out the inner crafter in many people.  It is a well-known fact that when there are times of turmoil or economic downturn that crafting, in all forms, gets renewed interest.

I ,personally, remember after 9/11 trying to learn to knit as did many of my friends.  When the economy took a downturn a few years ago I started to cross-stitch again after many years of not doing any crafts.  Crafting is a way for people to stay close to home, use their hands for something productive and is a great way to give gifts without a lot of expense as opposed to being gifts for birthdays, baby showers and the like.  Crafting feeds that internal need many people have to go back to simpler times.

If you are looking to start a new craft, refresh existing skills or everything in between, The Craft Cupboard located in Middlefield may very well be the place you are looking for.  Sure you can shop in the big box craft stores, but Mary Lou and Roger Kalb, the store’s owners, have a delightful shop full of craft supplies as well as many types of pre-made craft items.  They also offer classes.  The Craft Cupboard is located at 14275 Old State Road at Settler’s Village in Middlefield (right behind Middlefield Cheese).  They are open from 10 am. until 5 pm. Monday through Saturday.  Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted.

Just looking around the shop I saw folk art paint supplies, stencils, silk flowers, idea books, penny rug kits, many different types of yarn, tins, untreated wood crafts, clay, doll parts, seasonal crafting items, jewelry making materials, ribbon, card and scrap-booking items, quilting supplies and fabrics – just to name a few of the items offered.  There are two rooms devoted to just fabrics and wools.  You can also find sewing accessories and patterns galore.

Please call Mary Lou or Roger at 440.632.5787 to find out more about upcoming classes.  Classes are usually run in the Spring and Fall, but it is always best to call if you are interested in learning what options they have available.
Their website, www.thecraftcupboard.com, offers a chance to view some of the kits and options available for crafting.  Nothing compares to walking into the store though.  It is like a candy store for crafters with craft ideas abounding from every available inch.  The longer you can stay and shop, the more ideas you will come up with and the more fun you will have.

After 32 years in business Mary Lou and Roger know their crafts.  They are available to help you find just the right supplies for just the right project.  The personal touch is one of many advantages to shopping at a local store rather than a huge mega-store.  It makes no difference if you are a seasoned veteran or new to a craft, crafting is for everyone.  If you have ever thought you are not crafty enough, forget that thinking…everyone has talent, sometimes you just need someone to help you find yours.  The journey is half the fun and at the end, who knows, you might have even learned something about yourself.  The Craft Cupboard is a great place to expand your horizons and stretch yourself.  Why not try a new craft today!

Do not forget to visit the other unique shops of Settler’s Village

Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography