Home Portage County The Case For Community Is Now More Than Ever

The Case For Community Is Now More Than Ever


In the coming weeks, many of you will receive a letter asking you to support your community foundation. To some, the claim that the foundation is representing the community might seem like a stretch. I could begin this letter by explaining that the Portage Foundation just awarded seven grants to the community totaling $21,442 and 60 scholarships to students totaling $65,967.

However, I generally don’t care for bragging. Instead, I’d rather talk to you about the work that our community partners are doing and make the case that our community is a better place when we support each other. Now, more than ever, our community needs us to band together and face the issues that still plague our friends, neighbors, and colleagues. Issues that center on hunger, homelessness, and illiteracy.

For example, we could talk about the work being done at the AxessPointe Community Health Centers, Inc., Safer Futures Domestic Violence and Resource Center, Renaissance Family Center, the Portage County Dog Warden, Bright Star Books Inc., Kiwanis Club of Ravenna, and Brown Middle School in Ravenna. Some of you will recognize these names. The truth is that the title community foundation is not accidentally assigned. Because these gifts come from you, members of the community, and in partnership with your community foundation, your money rapidly goes where it is needed most.

As a community member, it is important to have a community foundation that supports the needs of the people who live here. You are the reason we can exist. Your gifts address some of the frontline needs and serve the long-term, recurring needs in our community. A community foundation is a pillar of service and an essential way to bring aid to those we live near and work with. In theory, you could go and research the worthiness of each organization you wished to support—ensure that your funds were getting used in a meaningful way. But you may also wish to save time and donate to your community foundation and know that your funds will make it to all the worthy local causes. Because that’s exactly what we do.

Whether you chose to provide assistance to a local food shelter, help an organization care for animals, or provide PPE to a clinic, the Portage Foundation is already there and excited to partner with you. If none of those services sound right to you, you might want to support a bright enthusiastic mind in school with a scholarship. The point is that the Portage Foundation is a dedicated member of your community and regardless of your interests, we are here to help you serve our community together.

To learn more about how our grants are helping our community, and ways you can help, visit our website portagefoundation.org.


Anton Albert Photography