Home Geauga County The 2020 Geauga SWCD Rain Barrel Auction Begins!

The 2020 Geauga SWCD Rain Barrel Auction Begins!


The Geauga Soil Conservation District (SWCD) is proud to roll out the barrels of their 2020 Rain Barrel Yard Art Campaign! Through this creative community initiative, local artists transform 55-gallon recycled plastic barrels into beautiful, repurposed rain barrels! By collecting rooftop runoff for watering landscapes, lawns, and flower gardens, these decorated barrels help save water, alleviate flooding, and reduce stormwater pollution.

Seven talented artists have each painted a barrel that uniquely reflects Geauga County’s natural, cultural, agricultural, or historical resources. This year’s artists and their masterpieces include: Serenity by Byron Leffler, What Lies Beyond by Yvonne Delgado Thomas, Covid Dreams by Bob Kolcum, The Migration of Kings by Nimue Shive, Little Brown BATitat by Taryn Zwolinski, A World of Westies by Mary Samide, and The Three Sisters and Moon Maidens by Julie Bell. These decorated rain barrels will be displayed at the Geauga SWCD office and the District’s Annual Meeting and are available for bidding at these locations or on our website until Friday, October 30th. Minimum bids start at $90 but be sure to check the current bid amount of each barrel prior to submitting a bid. View all the barrels and place a bid online by visiting Geauga SWCD’s website at geaugaswcd.com.

Here’s your chance to finally get a unique rain barrel while helping to protect our water resources. All proceeds will go toward the District’s education programs. For more information visit the Geauga SWCD website at geaugaswcd.com or call 440-834-1122. A special thanks to the artists for their generosity and to Ken’s Auto Body, Inc. in Troy Township for donating their time and materials to apply a protective clear sealant to the barrels. Don’t delay, bid on a barrel today!


Anton Albert Photography