Thank you Ms. Anderson and Mr. Kaiser for being firm and thinking of your constituents!


Dear Editor,

As a tax paying resident of this Village, I would like to extend my thanks to council members Anderson and Kaiser for  finally putting their foot down and speaking for many of the village’s residents.

So many of us live from paycheck to paycheck, some working multiple part time jobs to make ends meet and WE have to cut our budgets to survive.  Some of us are struggling to even obtain and pay for health care benefits… many of us cannot afford this “luxury” and pray daily that we do not become ill.

Why do so many government agencies feel that they are entitiled?  Any company, no matter their size, public or private must run their business fiscally responsible. This should be no different for this village!

Now is the time to tighten the belts, live within the financial means and start looking for ways to increase revenue that do not involve putting a levy on the ballot.

I implore the rest of the council and the mayor to start thinking towards the future before all we are left with is a ghost town! I am not just talking about Main Street – those businesses are sorely missed, but we need to replace what we have lost in our Industrial Drive area.  Bringing  industry back to this village instead of placing the financial burden on the residents would be a step in the right direction!

Thank you again Ms. Anderson and Mr. Kaiser for being firm and thinking of your constituents!


A Village Taxpayer
Note: Author’s Name Withheld At Editor’s Discretion


Anton Albert Photography