Home Garrettsville Thank You from the JAG Historical Society

Thank You from the JAG Historical Society


The James A Garfield Historical Society would like to thank everyone who helped with our Christmas Walk 2018. It takes a village of volunteers to have such a successful event.

We are most grateful to the homeowners who generously opened up their homes. Some decorating by themselves, some allowing our members to come in and fill their homes with a multitude of decorations. Thank you for allowing our walkers to view your beautiful homes.

We appreciate all of the businesses who joined in the early celebration of Christmas by decorating their store fronts. It was a great greeting for our walkers. Thank you for setting the joyful mood for us. It’s Christmas in the air that puts Christmas in the heart.

When we say it takes a village, we truly mean the whole village! A special thank you is sent out to each and every one of the over 200 community volunteers who tirelessly donated their time to give tours, help out at the craft show and to help sell tickets at the Mott Building. We could not have done it without your help!

Thank you’s also go out to our crafters at the Craft Show for working endlessly to fill our tables with crafts, the Peacemakers Quilt Club for their beautiful display of handmade quilts, St Ambrose Church for providing delicious lunches for our walkers, and all of the other restaurants in town for feeding our masses.

And we can’t forget to thank all of the walkers who weathered through rain, sleet and snow and yes, even the mud, to attend our Christmas Walk 2018. Your dedication means the world to us.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

We hope you enjoy the rest of the holiday season and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Debbie Smith, President
James A Garfield Historical Society


Anton Albert Photography