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Deb Wordell appointed to Village Council

Present at the Village Council Meeting were Council President Tom Hardesty, Councilpersons John Chambers, Sheri Johnson, Richard Beatty, Mark Brady, Solicitor Michele Stuck, Fiscal Officer Donna Love, and Mayor Rick Patrick. Sheri Johnson was sworn in for her term on the council. Benjamin Coll was sworn in for his term...

Pickleball Courts Set to Open in October; Elm Street Zoning Concerns...

Present at the September 13th meeting of Garrettsville’s Village Council were councilpersons Tom Hardesty, John Chambers, Sherri Johnson, Richard Beatty, and Mark Brady, accompanied by Village officials, Mayor Rick Patrick, Solicitor Michele Stuck, and Fiscal Officer Donna Love. The initial order of business was the acceptance of the minutes from...

Garrettsville Village Council Sets Trick-or-Treat Date, Discusses Training Reimbursement Policy

Garrettsville - The Garrettsville Village Council convened on the evening of August 9, 2023. Present at the meeting were Councilpersons Chris Knop, Tom Hardesty, John Chambers, Sheri Johnson, Richard Beatty, and Mark Brady, alongside Village Solicitor Michele Stuck, Fiscal Officer Donna Love, and Mayor Rick Patrick. A public hearing was...

Mantua Village Council News

Mantua - In her Mayor’s Report, Linda Clark noted vacant seats on several committees, including Landmarks, Parks, Shade Tree, and the BZA. She asked that interested parties contact her to express their intent to get involved. Moving ahead, Clark noted that a request was filed to receive itemized reporting of...

Garrettsville Council News

Garrettsville - Garrettsville officials present at the September village council meeting were: Councilpeople Chris Knop; Sheri Johnson; Tom Hardesty; Tara Beatty; John Chambers; and Mark Brady. Village Solicitor Michele Stuck and Assistant Fiscal Officer Deb Wordell were also in attendance. Discussion was held regarding the tree removal program for the...

News From Mantua Village

Mantua - Prior to the last regular meeting, village council held a public budget hearing to allow residents to comment on the village’s proposed 2023 budget. As no residents provided feedback, no changes were made to the proposed budget. During the legislation portion of the regular meeting, council approved...

November 22 Burton Village Council Meeting

Burton - All Council members were present at this meeting which  began with a special visit by the Burton Cub Scout and Boy Scout Troop 197.  The boys led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then Chief of Police Smigelski explained to the Council and visitors that the...

History Influences Council’s Decision

Garrettsville - Garrettsville Village Council wrestled with the pros and cons of either demolishing or repairing the Irwin Hardware Building, with several members initially hesitant to allocate public monies for a privately-owned building. Despite the controversy, detractors had to agree that the privately-owned building has become a very public...

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