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$75,000 Grant Awarded to KSU Geauga for Occupational Safety & Health...

Workforce training—in both English and Spanish—is coming soon to small businesses in Geauga County, focusing on safety and health hazards that disproportionately affect women workers. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is part of the United States Department of Labor. As part of a $75,000 grant from   OSHA’s...

Small Businesses Invited to Free OSHA Trainings Provided by Kent State...

Workers’ rights. Employer responsibilities. Risks, hazards. Protection, prevention. How should small businesses make sense of it all? Kent State University at Geauga is offering a free pilot training program for small businesses in underserved rural communities to help ensure safe and healthy workplaces. As part of its ongoing leadership commitment...

ODNR Director Comes to Kent

Kent - The Edith Chase Symposium is an educational program to acquaint people who are not specialists, with issues of importance in the Earth Sciences and Water Sciences. Each year since its inception in 2014, a special event is held honor to shed light and share some aspect of...

Emergency Relief Fund Helps Students Stay on Course Despite COVID-19 Disruptions

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted everyday life for everyone. For some, it’s minor. For others, it’s catastrophic. Here on the Kent State University at Geauga Campus, economic hardships caused by the pandemic have threatened to derail many students’ academic plans and their hopes for a better future. Consider just a...

Zoom Rooms to the Rescue!

Burton - What’s a Zoom Room? It’s an innovative delivery method for an effective college education during a pandemic via remote instruction. Zoom Rooms are providing the way forward for local students seeking to further their education at the Kent State University Geauga Campus in Burton. Proving that “necessity is...

United Way of Portage County Awards Grant to Kent State University...

United Way of Portage County (UWPC) has recently began accepting applications to address emerging needs of organizations in the community due to the COVID-19 outbreak. The COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant provides funds for non-profit programs and public school districts, making sure they have supplies needed to support the overwhelming...

KSU Geauga eSports Club Brings Computer Gaming to College

Burton - Competitive, multiplayer computer gaming is a favorite pastime for the average college student; both playing and watching. In fact, Forbes magazine reports that video games get more viewership from the 18-25 age demographic in the U.S. than the NBA Finals or the World Series.  Colleges and universities across...

Mother-Daughter Duo Go Through Kent State Geauga Nursing Program Together

Geauga County - Ronda McCaskey and Caitlyn Horvath are best friends who went through the nursing program together and graduated one year apart with Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees from Kent State University’s Geauga Campus. Now they are both intensive care nurses. But they also happen to...

CHS Musicians Perform at KSU

This blustery weekend, young musicians from several area high schools were invited to participate in the 2019 Kent State All-Star Band. In spite of the inhospitable weather, eight CHS students and their families braved the elements to take advantage of this prestigious honor. This honor band opportunity brought over 175...

Going Back to School Is Easier Than You Think

Burton-Have you ever thought about continuing your education but thought you were too old or that it was too expensive?  To tell the truth, you probably have come up with lots of excuses not to do it.  The truth is there is a place just for you that offers...

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