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Newton Falls City Council Meeting

Newton Falls - At the first council meeting of December, the snow-blanketed roads did not keep concerned citizens away. All officials were present and, after opening the proceedings, Mayor Waddell started the meeting by announcing that, on the heels of the recent budget meeting, it was mutually agreed there will...

December 2 Middlefield Council Meeting

Middlefield - All council members were present for this meeting.  After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Poole asked for approval of the November 4 minutes and they were approved.  He also asked for payment of bills (two separate requests) and both requests were passed. The Fiscal Report was submitted to...

City Manager Next to Go?

Newton Falls - A special council meeting was held Monday with one topic on the agenda: the possible impending termination of City Manager Jack Haney. All council members were present, as were newly-inaugurated Mayor Lyle Waddell, almost-as- new Law Director Joseph Fritz, and the City Clerk Kathy King and City...

November 22 Burton Village Council Meeting

Burton - All Council members were present at this meeting which  began with a special visit by the Burton Cub Scout and Boy Scout Troop 197.  The boys led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then Chief of Police Smigelski explained to the Council and visitors that the...

Windham Village Continues Search For Police Chief

Windham - Windham Village Council met for their regularly scheduled meeting last Tuesday with all council members present. The first item on the agenda was to approve the hiring of a police chief. Council unanimously approved the hiring of a police chief only to have the candidate withdraw his...

Hiram Village News

Hiram - The November 18th meeting on the annexation has been continued to January 24, 2011 at 9am. At this continuation of the hearing, the Board of County Commissioners will make a decision on the annexation based on a series of guidelines. Eight bids were received for the Community Block...

Mr. Waddell Takes Office

Newton Falls - The votes have been cast, counted, verified and validated, and it is official: Newton Falls has a new mayor. Last Wednesday Mr. Lyle Waddell was sworn in by the Hon. Philip Vigorito with a standing-room-only courtroom of witnesses. Earlier in the month, city residents voted in...

Newton Falls City Council Meeting

Newton Falls - Opinions were made known at Monday’s council meeting, the first open forum since the efforts to recall current mayor Patrick Layshock were successful at the recent polls. All council members were present as well as the city manager, city clerk, and the new law director, but the...

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