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Tag: Garfield Schools

Geddes strikes out 16 to propel Garfield G-Men past Wickliffe

According to Garfield G-Men baseball Coach Michael Paes, senior right-hander Eric Geddes needs no extra motivation when he is on the mound. In the final home game of his varsity career, Geddes tossed a complete game while striking out 16 batters, leading Garfield to a 3-2 victory in the...

JAG Schools to Host League of Women Voters’ “Meet the Candidates...

The League of Women Voters of Northern Portage County invites members of the community to Meet the Candidates Night 2023 - Garrettsville Area (Garrettsville, Nelson, Windham, Freedom). The event will be held at Charles C. Klamer Professional Development Center on the James A Garfield Schools campus, 10207 State Route 88, Garrettsville, 44231, starting at 6:30 pm on October 10th.

Grit and Grind: The G-Men Soccer Way

Garrettsville - After the conclusion of the 2022 season, immediate questions arose regarding the boys’ soccer team’s roster size for the upcoming year. A soccer team typically consists of 11 players on the field at once. Losing 5 skilled seniors out of a total of 15 players will naturally...

Beloved JAG Teacher and Coach John Bennett Retires

Garrettsville - John Bennett, long-time teacher and coach in the James A. Garfield School District, shared that he’s been an athlete since the age of five, when he began playing baseball on the team coached by his father. He honed his skills, and played all the way through high...

People Tree Holiday Program 2020.

We know it seems early, but if you or your family need help this season, it is time let us know! People Tree provides Christmas gifts for children 14 years old and younger, not being served by another group, who live in the JAG School system and the Windham School...

School Fluoride Program

The Ohio Department of Health is no longer able to provide supplies for administering Fluoride in the school setting. Students previously were able to participate in the SWISH program for weekly dental fluoride treatments during the school year. As a result, James A. Garfield students will not be receiving this...

JAG School Reminder For Immunizations

Summer is moving quickly and we are nearing the beginning of the school year. Students are reminded to have their required immunizations before school begins. Kindergarten students are required to have all of the shots mandated by the State of Ohio prior to entering school in the fall. Documentation must...

JA Garfield Board Adopts Re-opening Plan

The JA Garfield Board of Education met on Monday evening to approve the reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year.Teams of staff members have worked together to create a reopening plan that will get students back in school with extensive safety measures in place. The reopening plan implements best...

NGCC and JAG Schools Rise to The Challenge

Garrettsville - It is often said that difficult times will test what you are made of. There is no question that when the Governor of Ohio issued a stay-at-home order due to the Covid-19 Global Pandemic, the Nelson Garrettsville Community Cupboard was tested. On Thursday, March 12th the...

State Budget Cuts Impact J.A. Garfield

Garrettsville - On Tuesday, May 5, Governor DeWine announced significant cuts to public education due to a shortfall in tax collections due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This will certainly have a direct impact here at JAG. I wanted to communicate to our community the impact of these cuts as...

Assistance With Homeschooling

Shannan Jursa State Farm would like to assist in providing the use of our copiers and printers, as well as wifi to families in need. If you have a need please reach out to Shannan about how you can access the office or get access to the wifi to...

Local Experts Share Their Gifts Online

As people are encouraged to stay home and schools and local business close their doors, many people are finding new, safer alternatives to continue doing what they love. For example, while local zoos and other family-friendly locations have closed their doors to in-person visits, experts have moved online to...

JAG Schools to Celebrate "Family First Night" in March

On Wednesday, March 11, 2020 we will celebrate something very dear to us…our families. Our third “Family First Night” will be held in our community on this night. Throughout the school year our lives become extremely hectic, which often causes us to sacrifice our family time in order to...

Child Find Awareness

Child Find is an effort by the Ohio Department of Education, Office for Exceptional Children, to ensure all children from birth to 21 with disabilities are identified, located, and evaluated as required by the individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004. Ohio school districts, serving ages 3-21, work...

JAG Schools Earn Elite Academic Award

James A. Garfield Local School District was recently awarded what may be one of the most highly regarded academic awards in school history. The District has been named to the 10th Annual AP District Honor Roll. This achievement for Garfield is due to expanding opportunities and improving performance for...

Winter Safety & Calling a Snow Day

Winter is now upon us in northeast Ohio and, like dressing for winter, a few more layers are necessary when it comes to keeping students safe! Here are a few facts to follow that will ensure a safe winter season for our students.  Transportation  Patience is key when the weather turns...

Planting Begins at the JAG Prairie

Garrettsville - When Garfield students returned to school this fall, they noticed a large patch of grass on the hillside that borders State Route 88 had turned brown. Soon, the community learned that the site had been prepped to create a native plant-filled prairie -- a green space to...

J.A. Garfield Local School District National School Lunch Program

James A. Garfield Local School District today announced its 2019-2020 program year policy for free and reduced-price meals for students unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast.  Each school office and the central office has a copy of the...

What’s Trending: Parent Conference on Hot Topics

Join Portage County organizations for an informational workshop on all the “hot topics” for parents and guardians. Topics include Vaping, Suicide, Teen Dating/Violence, Anxiety, Trauma Informed Care, Positive Parenting Techniques, and Positive Presence on Social Media. The United Way of Portage County will be providing pizza and there will...

Vision And Values Drive JAG Students And Staff

James A. Garfield Graduates are going places! They attend college, join the workforce or enlist to serve our country. Garfield Schools have a clear vision of what we want to achieve for our kids: BEGINNING WITH THE CLASS OF 2022, 90% OF GARFIELD GRADUATES WILL PARTICIPATE IN HIGHER EDUCATION OR...

Immeasurable Gratitude from the JAG Schools

Two words….immeasurable gratitude As Thanksgiving approaches we want to share our deepest thanks to EVERYONE for the passage of Issue 8. Thank you for being such a supportive community. Thank you to the residents of Hiram, Charlestown, Nelson, Freedom and Garrettsville for believing in how we put your kids first....

Thank You Garfield Community!

On behalf of myself and members of the James A. Garfield Board of Education, we would like to thank the community members of Freedom, Garrettsville, Hiram Township, Nelson and Charlestown for your support in the passage of Issue 8. Thank you for securing and stabilizing the future of...

Diskin Enterprises Welcomes J.A. Garfield Students

Recently, the James A. Garfield College & Career Planning class took a field trip to a nearby manufacturing facility to learn about the many careers available within one organization. Located on Industrial Drive in Garrettsville, this plastic extrusion manufacturer is actually three divisions under one roof (DCA...

James A. Garfield Class of 1968 Celebrates their 50th Class Reunion

On September 29, 2018, the James A. Garfield class of 1968 celebrated their 50th class reunion with a gathering at Roby Lee’s Party Center, Newton Falls. There were 46 in attendance which included 27 classmates. A fun time was had remembering old times at Garfield High and catching up...

Regarding Issue 8

Editors Note: Having been to many of the over 40 public meetings held by the Issue 8 supporters, it has never been presented that Issue 8 is not a tax increase. Numerous presentations included examples of homes with multiple wage earners.

Support Our Schools on November 6

Dear James A Garfield District Residents, Why do I bother to ask you to consider supporting our very good schools? I still bleed black and gold while wanting our quality schools to continue. The schools have come a long way in the last 25 years which benefits students and the...

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