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Tag: Burton

Kent State Sanctions Solar – Solar Array to Supply 67% of...

Burton - Kent State University is going green! As part of this university-wide initiative, solar panels are being installed at the Geauga Campus in Burton. The ground-mounted solar photovoltaic panels will provide 322 kilowatts of clean solar energy every year (392,489-kilowatt hours), providing 67% of the campus’ energy use. Solar...

Burton Middlefield Rotary Hosts JEEP Invasion!

Geauga County - On Sunday, Oct. 11, the Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield held an extremely successful JEEP invasion event benefitting local veterans. Led by Sheriff Scott Hildenbrand, his deputies, other law enforcement agencies, many military Jeeps, more than 140 Jeeps began at the Mayfield Road DriveIn and headed east to...

Zoom Rooms to the Rescue!

Burton - What’s a Zoom Room? It’s an innovative delivery method for an effective college education during a pandemic via remote instruction. Zoom Rooms are providing the way forward for local students seeking to further their education at the Kent State University Geauga Campus in Burton. Proving that “necessity is...

The Great Geauga County Fair Becomes A Junior Fair For 2020

Burton - The 198th Great Geauga County Fair had a much different look this year as compared to recent years. Due to the governor’s orders, because of COVID, the fair had been scaled back to a junior fair only. This reduction took some of the “greatness” out of the...

Geauga SWCD Fall Fish Sale is Making a Splash!

The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District is taking orders for the annual Fall Fish Sale. Whether you are stocking a new pond or replenishing an existing one, we are currently taking orders for fingerling-size largemouth bass, redear “shellcracker” sunfish, yellow perch, bluegill/sunfish mix, channel catfish, white amurs, and...

Cleveland Foundation Grant Ensures Promising Future for Rising Scholars

Silver spoon or plastic fork? Every child is born with certain economic advantages and disadvantages that shape their futures.  The fledgling Rising Scholars program was initiated last year to level the playing field for at-risk Geauga County students who face uncertain outcomes after high school graduation. Thanks to a $14,079...

KSU BSN Graduate to Serve In NYC

Burton - Kent State University Geauga Campus Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program 2018 graduate Bailey Hill has been selected by The Cleveland Clinic as a nurse who will spend the next four weeks at New York Presbyterian Hospital—an area in the COVID hot zone with a shortage...

Burton Middlefield Rotary Donates Lockboxes to Keep Seniors Safe

Geauga County -  On Feb. 18, representatives from the Burton-Middlefield Rotary gathered with the leaders from the Geauga County Department on Aging (GDA) to present more than 200 lock boxes to benefit Geauga County seniors.  “The Lockboxes donated to the Department on Aging by the Rotary are going to be...

Burton- Middlefied Rotary Holds Speech Contest

On Wednesday, Feb. 5, the Rotary Club of Burton-Middlefield held its yearly Four Way Speech Contest at Welshfield Inn Party Center.  The contest is held yearly for students from Cardinal and Berkshire school districts and challenges the students to write and present to the club a short five to...

Women in STEM Events Serve as Appetizers for Knowledge-Hungry Students

Nearly 150 area high school students with an insatiable hunger for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics enjoyed a banquet of ‘small bites’ during two Women in STEM Day events hosted by the Kent State University Geauga and the Twinsburg Academic Center this fall. The first Women in STEM Day attracted...

Giving Tuesday Comes To KSU Geauga & Regional Academic Center

Burton – For the first time ever, Kent State Geauga and Regional Academic Center will have a Featured Fund for the annual Giving Tuesday event for Kent State University. Giving Tuesday has become a tradition for many non-profits around the country.  It started in 2012 as a response to...

KSU Geauga eSports Club Brings Computer Gaming to College

Burton - Competitive, multiplayer computer gaming is a favorite pastime for the average college student; both playing and watching. In fact, Forbes magazine reports that video games get more viewership from the 18-25 age demographic in the U.S. than the NBA Finals or the World Series.  Colleges and universities across...

Burton Public Library October Events

The following events will take place at the Burton Public Library, 14588 West Park Street, Burton, OH 44021. Please call the Burton Public Library at (440) 834-4466 or visit for more information. Kids Storytimes - For children 0 to 5 with a caregiver September 9 through November 22. Monday,...

Kent State Geauga Geology Professor Makes Observations at Welton’s Gorge

Renowned scientist Stephen W. Hawking once said, “A lot of prizes have been awarded for showing the universe is not as simple as we might have thought.”  Prizes aside, Kent State Geauga Associate Professor of Geology Dr. Sue Clement has made observations in the bedrock of Welton’s Gorge in Geauga...

Mother-Daughter Duo Go Through Kent State Geauga Nursing Program Together

Geauga County - Ronda McCaskey and Caitlyn Horvath are best friends who went through the nursing program together and graduated one year apart with Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degrees from Kent State University’s Geauga Campus. Now they are both intensive care nurses. But they also happen to...

Nontraditional Student Pursues Future in Nursing for her Daughter’s Sake

Burton - Sarah Brugmann is a self-described “people person” from Mantua who has always wanted to be a nurse. Her own mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) even before Sarah was born. Since Sarah — along with her dad and sister — has been a caregiver for her...

Burton Public Library Events – April

The following events are being held at the Burton Public Library. If registration is required, please contact the library at or 440-834-4466. Adults Bass Lake: From resort to refuge, Bass Lake has a rich and varied natural and cultural history. Learn about how it was in days...

Amy Hochschild of Burton Elementary School is Recognized as Ohio Conservation...

Burton - Each year the Ohio Federation of Soil and Water Conservation Districts (OFSWCD) recognizes two outstanding classroom teachers (elementary and secondary) from across the state, chosen for their exemplary efforts and commitment to conservation education.  The Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is proud to announce that...

Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers 2019 Programs & Events

TO REGISTER CALL 440-834-4656 Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at the Geauga County OSU Extension Office, Patterson Center (at the north end of the Burton Fairgrounds), 14269 Claridon-Troy Road. While walk-ins are usually welcome, we appreciate advance registration. Please call 440-834-4656 to register....

“How Sweet It Is” Maple Driving Tour of NE Ohio

Mark your calendars! The 2019 NE Ohio “How Sweet It Is” Maple Driving Tour hosted by Maple Producers of NE Ohio will be the first two weekends in March. 16 Maple Syrup producers across northeast Ohio will open their sugarhouses for you to visit. Some are larger operations and...

Maple Tree Tapping Time 2019 – Burton Tapping Ceremony

Burton - Each spring Burton Village comes alive after a long winter to become Pancake Town U.S.A. The first step to this is the annual Tree Tapping Ceremony. The maple trees that grow in the Village Green will be officially tapped to kick off the 2019 maple season. ...

A New Park District Acquisition

Geauga Park District is pleased to announce its acquisition of the property formerly known as Wicked Woods Golf Course, a 180-acre parcel located at the corner of Routes 44 and 87 in Burton and Newbury township, after the Board of Park Commissioners voted to approve the purchase November 13....

5th Anniversary of Home Baked Goodness

Burton -  Countryside Home Baker is pleased to announce their 5th Anniversary celebration on December 17 & 18, from 8am-5pm, with drawings, free coffee and more! A family owned business that opened in 2005 as a way to generate a little extra income has grown into a self sustaining...

December 2 Middlefield Council Meeting

Middlefield - All council members were present for this meeting.  After the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Poole asked for approval of the November 4 minutes and they were approved.  He also asked for payment of bills (two separate requests) and both requests were passed. The Fiscal Report was submitted to...

Burton Eatery To Be Transformed For New Year’s Eve Dining

Burton – The Burton Grille and Pizzeria in the center of historic Burton Village will be transformed into an elegant dining location the evening of Friday, December 31, 2010.  Plans are to close the restaurant to regular dining at 3:00 p.m. on that date.  Later, when the doors re-open,...

November 22 Burton Village Council Meeting

Burton - All Council members were present at this meeting which  began with a special visit by the Burton Cub Scout and Boy Scout Troop 197.  The boys led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Then Chief of Police Smigelski explained to the Council and visitors that the...

Going Back to School Is Easier Than You Think

Burton-Have you ever thought about continuing your education but thought you were too old or that it was too expensive?  To tell the truth, you probably have come up with lots of excuses not to do it.  The truth is there is a place just for you that offers...

Start Your Holiday Fun in Burton this Weekend

Burton – The holiday season is fast approaching.  Historic Burton, Ohio, has so many ways for you to celebrate this magical time of year.  Mark your calendar for the weekend of November 26 as the beginning of all the fun. The festivities start on Friday, November 26, from 9 am...

A Tale of Two Chocolate Companies in Burton

Burton - Burton is a sweet place to visit. Burton is well known for its maple syrup and maple sugaring activities.  We all know that the Burton Log Cabin offers maple syrup and candy all year round.  But there are two more reasons to find Burton so sweet.  Buckeye...

Geauga County Public Library Conducts Community Forums

Geauga County - The Geauga County Public Library Board of Trustees will be holding open public forums throughout the county shortly after Election Day, November 2.  Members of the public are invited to comment about what library services need to be funded in the 2011 library budget and beyond. ...

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