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Tag: Boy Scouts

Mantua Scouts celebrate successful adventure in New Mexico

Last summer, two Scout Troops from Mantua took on the challenge of Philmont High Adventure at Philmont Scout Ranch in the rugged northern New Mexico wilderness. One well-known motto of scouting is to ‘Be Prepared,’ and the Mantua Scouts really took this sentiment to heart. A trip of this magnitude...

Eagle Scout Improves Signage at Hiram Field Station

Recently, James A. Garfield graduate Alex Cooper was recognized for completing his Eagle Scout project at Camp Chickagami in Parkman. Alex’s project was to modernize trail signage at the Hiram College James H. Barrow Field Station.  According to Alex, “The College was looking to replace older, outdated trail signage, and...

Scouting Runs in the Schaefer Family

Nelson Twp - Scouting means a great deal to the Schaefer family. And not just because Kyle Schaefer recently earned the Eagle Scout designation, the highest accomplishment in scouting. By earning the Eagle Scout rank, Kyle joined his older brothers in earning this top honor, something that makes it...

Local Cubs Become Scouts

Nelson Twp - Birds sang while the familiar scent of campfire wafted through the crisp spring air on a recent Saturday afternoon at Camp Chickagami in Geauga County. “Today we mark a great occasion,” announced Cubmaster Eric, “The graduation of Webelos Scouts Bentley and Colton from Pack 62.” Bentley...

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