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Tag: Bike Trail

A Perfect Day: Opening of the Dorothy and Corbett Walker Memorial...

Pretty darned great day all through, if I do say so myself.  July 20, 2024 saw the ribbon-cutting for the opening of the Dorothy and Corbett Walker Memorial Bike & Hike Trail, connecting Findley State Park (on St. Rte. 58) and the Wellington Reservation of the Lorain County Metroparks...

Head’s Up Bikers!

Naw, not you leatherjacket, totally-tattooed, scoff-law tough guys (and gals) who go roaring through wide spots in the road, hell-bent on scaring the beejeesus out of rural observers; you can just disregard this message. I’m talking here to the more sedate–slow, even–three-speed, ten-speed, fifteen-speed on a good day, peddlers...

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