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Tag: Ash Wednesday

February 14th Ash Wednesday Services

St. Joseph Parish, Mantua 9 a.m. Mass - Fr. Jim Lang 6:30 p.m. Mass - Fr. Brian Smith St. Ambrose Parish, Garrettsville Noon Service w/Ashes - Deacon Gerry Scopilliti 6:30 p.m. Mass - Fr. Chris Luoni St. Joan of Arc Parish, Streetsboro 9 a.m. Mass - Fr. Brian Smith 12:10 p.m. Service w/Ashes - Deacon Steve Gies 6:30...

Ash Wednesday services in Portage County’s northern parishes

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten journey towards Easter and eternal life. Now truly is our time to be healed and reconciled to God and to one another. The mark of ashes on our foreheads reminds us of our sinfulness and our turning back to God for...

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