Home News Susie K’s Café Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Susie K’s Café Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Photo by Heather Scarlett

On the week of January 21st Susie Kohl welcomed the community to mark her 30th anniversary of being open at her namesake business, Susie K’s Café and Tea Room. Menu specials and original recipes from her 30 plus years of experience in the industry were a highlighted part of her Café’s celebration.

Kohl said with a little side smile, that she owns hundreds of teapots. So, what better way to use that collection than to open a luncheon café and decorate with her numerous teacups and pots. She did exactly that, starting in 1994, and has been serving up extremely popular meals and desserts ever since.  

“My Grandmothers were both big tea drinkers,” Kohl said with fond remembrance in her voice. “And I got the start of my collection from them.” Flamingos, mad Hatters, and kittens on couches are just to name a few of the teapot styles she has in her collection.

I (the writer of this article) was about 16-years-old when I drove myself to Susie K’s for the first time. Sat myself down at the two top table against the wall ordered (what would become) my go-to for lunch “The Pilgram.” A turkey, cranberry sandwich on oatnut bread that to this day I continue to crave. This along with copious cups of coffee and her Banana Cream Cheesecake saw me through much of my first year of college.

Over time Kohl found working in the food industry to be impersonal and mechanical. She wanted a change and needed to feel a connection with people. 

“I have never regretted it,” she said of her move from living and working in Columbus to coming back home. With enthusiasm she stated the camaraderie that blossomed into friendships has been one of the highlights of her experience. Many patrons sent bouquets of flowers to honor the celebration and custom-made cookies were given out to thank customers for their business. 

Present for the anniversary was Mrs. Debbie Taylor. “Susie and I graduated together in 1971 from Ravenna High School.” As a friend and patron Taylor loves eating at the Café and her favorite soup is the Sausage and Potato.

Julie Bailey, Kohl’s sister, said the Café is a cozy and family- oriented place to gather with fun lunch options. She loves the Mandarin orange salad. 

Kohl drew her inspiration for the menu from various influences. The wedding soup was a recipe that her Aunt Jeanne would make. The Carrolton sandwich came from the Ritz-Carrolton of Chicago cookbook her Grandmother Julia had. 

The Midnight Madness (Black Friday events) held in Ravenna at Susie K’s enjoying hot chocolate with snowman Peeps is a highlight of the year that everyone commented was something they looked forward to again and again.

Susie K’s Café and Tea Room can be found at 145 East Main Street, Ravenna and is open Wed-Fri. 11-3pm and Sat. 11-2pm. For information about hosting an event please call (330)-296-3779.

Heather Scarlett