Home Portage County Sunday Oldies Jukebox Needs You!

Sunday Oldies Jukebox Needs You!


Streetsboro – The Sunday Oldies Jukebox is having its yearly Membership Drive, June 2-9, 2019. We have NO monetary funding from any outside organization.  This yearly drive is our sole method of financing.

Advantage of becoming a member is access to contests awarding free tickets to great Oldies concerts in the area, restaurants, as well as prizes and gifts offered by the station and some of our local supporting organizations.  Don’t forget the GREAT music!

The Sunday Oldies Jukebox (88.9) is a non-profit, non-commercial, tax exempt all volunteer local radio station.  We play the “Oldies (1950’s-1970’s)” on Sundays ONLY.

Check our website:  www.sundayoldiesjukebox.com for further information.

“Join and Listen to the Music.”
