Home Other Areas Streetsboro Quilt Guild Seeks Entries for Fall Show

Streetsboro Quilt Guild Seeks Entries for Fall Show


Streetsboro – The Streetsboro Quilt Guild is preparing for its 31st annual judged quilt show to be held at the Faith Baptist Church in Streetsboro on October 4th and 5th.   The public is invited to enter items in this show.  Items can be quilts of any size, wearable quilted items or other quilted art pieces.  Although this is a judged show, entrants can choose to display quilts, without having them judged, if desired.  The entry deadline is September 17th.  The entry fee is   $3.00 per item for entrees submitted by the deadline and $6.00 for entrees submitted later.  All items entered must be on display for the duration of the show.
This show is a popular  event among quilters and quilt lovers.  Last year over 200 quilts were entered, and over 600 visitors attended.    In addition to being inspired by the wonderful quilts, guests enjoyed shopping at the vendors mall for quilt fabrics,  quilt and other  needlework patterns and supplies, and shopping at the Country Cupboard and the Bake Sale, where items made by guild members were for sale.
If you are interested in entering the show, please contact   Judy Boyle (122160boyle@gmail.com or 330-653-9329) Kim Jasko (kim.jasko@gmail.com or 330-650-0472.


Anton Albert Photography