Home Ravenna Straw Bale Gardening in Ravenna

Straw Bale Gardening in Ravenna


Ravenna – Please mark your calendar and join us LIVE and in person at SWCD, 6970 State Route 88 Ravenna, Ohio,  on Saturday morning, June 19th from 9:30 to 11:00.    

What is Straw Bale Gardening? Straw bales can be used like raised beds in the yard so that no additional soil is needed. That’s good news for older gardeners who want a raised bed but aren’t sure whether to invest in more permanent raised beds.  Straw bale gardening, also sometimes called hay bale gardening despite the difference in material, uses the bales themselves as both garden bed and growing medium.  Straw bale gardening is also helpful for dealing with poor soil. The result is an inexpensive method of growing organic vegetables. The bales must be conditioned so that they can act as a growing medium, but once that’s accomplished, you’re good to plant. This class will teach you how to get started.

So join us in person for this fun event and get education credits for 2021.   Be sure to register online at https://portage.osu.edu/events/straw-bale-gardening-0.

Those without access to the internet can call:   330-296-6432


Anton Albert Photography