Home Letters to The Editor State of Middlefield Village

State of Middlefield Village


I seem to be in a rut. It seems I start every article talking about the weather or season. It seriously looks like we just had our ceremony to honor the soldiers that gave the ultimate sacrifice protecting our freedom, and now I am making Labor Day plans. One of the freedoms they fought and died protecting was our right and obligation to vote in a free election. Aug. 8 is another opportunity and obligation to have our voices heard. I encourage you to study issues for any election, use the mind and reasoning God gave you, don’t listen to the political marketing machines and cast your vote to ensure the quality of life for you and your family is maintained. 

It is true, the older you get the faster time seems to pass. I was sitting at the bank drive-up the other day and noticed Mike Mihalisin Jr. pick up his mail at the post office. I remember seeing his father do that many times. I remember seeing Jean McNish walk daily to the post office, always dressed with perfect hair and makeup, good weather and bad. Jean was our first Summerfest Grand Marshall in 2001. Last but not least I miss my advisor Rich Harrington. I say that tongue in cheek, but Rich always gave feedback on his view of our Village. Unfortunately, all three of these individuals passed away within the past year. They were great members of our community and contributed to making our Village great. I attended a going away party recently for Dr. Farrell and his wife Judy who are relocating closer to family in the Columbus area. In attendance were many people that I’ve known but haven’t seen recently. It made me realize the people present had all been active in making Middlefield a strong community. Majority were older than me but made me think how important it is to encourage others to fill their shoes, take active roles that collectively maintain a community we are proud of. I encourage you to become involved. We all benefit from individual personal involvement.   

Many local business this year have reinvested in our community by improving their properties, expanding current business, or opening a brand-new business. I urge you to support those local businesses as they strive to keep our community vital and provide services that meet our daily requirements and provide gainful employment. I still see a multitude of help wanted signs, I feel their frustration and admire the efforts employers are making to attract employees. 

I recently attended a program sponsored by the Cardinal Junior High and a second presentation by Cardinal High School to demonstrate to local employers their plans to train and educate students to be job-ready when they graduate from high school. I think their program to identify the skills our local employers require and design a curriculum that will enable the student to gain those skills is outstanding. This program goes beyond lip service and actually prepares our youth to become immediately employable and an asset to their respective employers. I hope our educators retain their focus and encourage businesses to partner and make this a huge success. I know this doesn’t provide immediate results but in a very few short years this area could have a workforce that is envied. What a great opportunity for all involved to benefit. 

Be informed, be involved, exercise your right to vote, shop Middlefield, visit www.middlefieldohio.com.

Ben Garlich | Mayor of Middlefield, OH


Anton Albert Photography