Home News Spring Gas-Up Show Begins 2014 Season for County Club

Spring Gas-Up Show Begins 2014 Season for County Club


andover-hardware-sign-club-Spring-Gas-Up-ShowWayne Township – The Ashtabula County Antique Engine Club will start off their 33rd year with their annual Spring Gas-Up Show scheduled for Saturday, May, 10th.  The Club was formed 33 years ago and holds several events throughout the summer.  Club members open their beautiful grounds at 4026 St. Rt. 322 in Wayne Township, Ohio, on the 10th for members to display projects completed over the past winter and to bring out other items.  The Agricultural Heritage Museum and the P & LE Passenger Depot Museum both will be open during the Show.  The Club will be serving delicious food so you can come and stay the whole day.  In conjunction with the one day show there will also be a 2 day Flea Market which will be held both Saturday and Sunday.  Hours will be 9 am to 4 pm and there is a small donation asked for admission on Saturday.

The Ashtabula County Antique Engine Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the purpose of the collection, preservation, restoration, and exhibition of engines, vehicles, machinery, and other items of historical value.  The grounds is home to two railroad depots moved there from the town of Andover several years ago, a 1930 era gas station, an Agricultural Heritage Museum, a general store, and a one room school house along with several other display buildings.  Volunteers have restored several engines, tractors, and other pieces of equipment which will be on display along with items from Club members.  Work has begun on their newest projects which include an addition to the Fairbanks Morse building and the moving of an oil field building and engine from Bullion, PA.

Hope to see everyone at our Spring Gas-Up Show and we hope you will come back and visit us at our really big show scheduled for July 4th through the 6th which is always a very fun filled weekend for ACAEC and for all of Ashtabula County.  Other events scheduled for the Show Grounds are the Lenape Indian Nation’s Native American Indian Powwow which will be held on June 20 through June 22, a Bluegrass Festival on August 15th and 16th, the annual Arts and Crafts Fair sponsored by the Andover United Methodist Church during the Labor Day weekend, the Lakeland Chapter of the AACA’s Antique Car and Truck Show on Sunday, September 14th, and winds up with ACAEC’s annual Fall Show on September 20th. For additional information please visit the Club’s website at www.ashtabulaantiqueengineclub.net.



Anton Albert Photography