Home Schools Special Year Classes Honored at Alumni Banquet

Special Year Classes Honored at Alumni Banquet


Garrettsville – The Alumni Association of the James A. Garfield Local Schools met for its seventh annual dinner meeting on Saturday, September 15 with a sizable turnout, good food, good company and plans to carry on this newly-minted tradition.
Members of the “Special Year” classes (10, 20, 25, 50, etc.) were recognized and everyone shared memories of  attending the various buildings which have been part of the district facilities at different times, some of which are now gone or re-purposed. Long-missing individuals appeared (Glenn Angel and daughter Linda Angel Simmons, Jim Cumberledge and daughter Heidi).  Local families came together (Bob Andrews and his lovely daughters,  et al)
Photographs from the private files of  Iva Walker were available for purchase (Blackmail is such a harsh word, don’t you think?), with proceeds going to the G-Man Foundation.  More will be available next year, moving into the classes in the eighties and possibly the nineties.
Superintendent Chuck Klamer served as master of ceremonies and kept the activities flowing.  Helen Louise Bouts and her committee–Judy Davidson Toth, Elaine Lange Duffield, Kit Yonker Semplak, Ruth Becks Herrington, Carolyn Lang Unaitis — had everything organized and under control.
Watch for it next year

Iva Walker

Anton Albert Photography