Home Iva's Input Somewhere, far away, Edison is weeping

Somewhere, far away, Edison is weeping


The man had over one thousand patents, great and small, and I cannot get my television to work properly by the biggest football  game of the season (not counting the Ohio State championship, which has already gone into the books…along with TBDBITL).  I even went out and purchased an indoor antenna purporting to be effective up to 50 miles.  I  even managed to hook the blinkin’ thing up by attaching it to what the instructions called the TV’s “coax”, which I assume means “coaxial hookup”…”right-y, tight-y, left-y, loose-y”…I got that part.  For about ten minutes, I acquired a channel not seen before, then the three/five that I had before went off to that big tower in the sky to die as well and nothing which I could do would resurrect them.  How will I watch the game?  How will I  get “Jeopardy” or “St. Denis Medical” or”Night Court”?Or Channel 3 News/Weather.  What if Nikola Tesla (no relation to Elon Musk), Charles P Steinmetz, Charles Brush (an Ohio guy like Edison) or Benjamin Franklin or Lee deForest (vacuum tubes which made radio & television possible), or George Westinghouse or Thomas Murray or any number of late, lamented electrical engineers scratch their celestial heads and mutter about the state of science education nowadays.  All for naught! 

So I did what any true fan would do, I restored my original antenna set-up (same 3 channels available), baked a pan of pretty yummy-looking dessert and scouted out the best watch party in the neighborhood with no security guards and set off, ice or or ice (There was plenty of that out there on Sunday. Too bad it does not transmit TV signals, I’d be watching everything in HD). And we still have the Full Snow Moon to look forward to.  

Iva Walker