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“Soda Shop Angel”


Newton Falls – The Newton Falls High School Drama Department will complete the 2011 season by presenting the comedy “Soda Shop Angel” authored by Shirley McNichol.  The production will be presented on Friday and Saturday, May 6th & 7th at 7:00 p.m. in the high school auditorium.  The cost is $5.00 at the door.

The play takes place in Pa’s soda shop, owned by Pa Harding.  Pa’s daughter, Judy Harding’s life as a 16-year-old isn’t too sweet however. Her dad can’t find the money to fix up the family’s soda shop; her older brother is flunking out of school; and her younger brother has retreated into a fantasy world of comic book superheroes since their mom died. To add to the dilemma, Judy has a major crush on a new student who’s a mysterious loner.

Enter Angela, a bumbling angel-in-training who must earn her halo by helping the Hardings. But when the shop is hit first by a fire and then a flood, is it divine providence or disaster? Salvation or catastrophe? A TV quiz show and hula hooping are all part of the miracle that helps save Judy and her family. Come enjoy all the fun and nostalgia of the ‘50s in this charming play and find out if Angela manages to earn her halo or simply adds to the disaster of Pa’s Soda Shop.

The cast includes:  Donald Slater, Katie Davis, Devon Beckinger, Brad Dubos, Brooke Rogers, Blaire Thompson, Danny Moore, Taylor Phelps, Rachael Rendessy, Chelsea Beaty, Samantha Mitchell, A.J. Naulta, Chelsey Cochran, Andrew Ferguson, Stephanie Baringer, Michelle Miller, Jordan Riffle and Breanna McCrystal.  Stage manager for the production will be Jen Pugh.

Come and join us for an evening of fun and entertainment.


Staff Reporter

Anton Albert Photography