Home Mantua Soap Box Derby Hill Improved in Mantua

Soap Box Derby Hill Improved in Mantua


Mantua – This week in Mantua, another paving project is underway, removing the potholes and uneven surface left behind by winter’s freeze and thaw. And while area drivers and their vehicles will appreciate the smooth new surface on High Street in the Village, the project was completed with another set of drivers in mind.

“In the 20 years since the Lions Club first brought the Soap Box Derby to Mantua, businesses and individuals have stepped up to make sure the hill was smooth and safe for Soap Box competitors,” Harold Ullman from the Crestwood Lions Club noted.

Ross Kotkowski noted, “Lakeside Sand and Gravel is proud to have been in the Community since 1954.” He continued, “And we’re proud to give back.” Lakeside donated all the aggregate for the paving project. Cuyahoga Asphalt Materials donated the mixing of the concrete.

Ronyak Paving in Burton provided the equipment and personnel to complete the project at an estimated value of twenty-three thousand dollars. “This is the third time we’ve done this,” Jerrod Ronyak shared. “It’s a great opportunity for us to give back,” he noted, “and to give kids a safe place to race their Derby cars.”
“We’re thankful for their generosity to make the road safe for all kids, especially those racers with special needs,” Mayor Linda Clark noted.

This year for the first time in Mantua, Super Kids – children with special needs – will have the opportunity to race in a specially-designed two-person car. And a few corporate cars are still available to new racers. According to Soap Box Derby organizer Dean Olsen, six kids who never raced before attended an informational meeting, each taking home a ‘corporate’ car to compete in this year’s Derby on Saturday, June 17th.

For more information on the Soap Box Derby or to register your Super Kid, contact Dean Olsen at (330) 351-3035.

Stacy Turner

Anton Albert Photography